
2022高考英语二轮完形填空入口练习(2)及答案2022高考英语完型填空(政治经济文化类)  If you studied pictures that ancient people left on rock walls and you tried to determine their meaning, you would not detect interest in romance am...

2024-07-14 29 0


大学英语B4一、交际英语1.- How many students went to the hockey game?- ______A.None of them go to the hockey game.B.They seldom go to the hockey game.C.They usually went to the hockey game.D.All of them went to...

2024-07-02 37 0


2015江苏高考英语答案2015年高考英语真题试卷(上海卷)一.完型填空1.(2015·上海)Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given wor...

2024-06-24 24 0


(2022年)黑龙江省黑河市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.—Would you like to come to see a film with me tonight?—I'd love to, ______ I didn't finish my homework yet()A.an...

2024-06-24 32 0

英语四级考试练习题及答案(答案) (1)

英语四级考试练习题及答案英语四级考哪些(满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分)1. The new examination syllabus for English majors will _____ next week.A. come off B. come out C. come on D. come down2. Department of Ag...

2024-06-21 28 0


2019年考研英语二完型新航道The 2019 English II Cloze Test for the Postgraduate Entrance Examination (New Oriental)。The cloze test is an essential part of the English II section in the Postgraduate Entrance Examin...

2024-05-25 33 0

英语四级考试练习题及答案(答案) (6)

英语四级考试练习题及答案(满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分)1. The research team decided to use an underwater ______ saw to cut the ship into sections before lifting it up.A. electric B. electrical C. elec...

2024-05-18 15 0


2022年对口单独招生统一考试英语试卷(满分120分,考试时间90分钟)一、选择题:(本题共20小题,每小题3分,共60分.)1.My grandfather is in hospital______from a heart vering2.Actually it was not until midnigh...

2024-05-18 17 0


2021年考研《英语一》真题(文字版)第 1 页:完型填空第 2 页:阅读理解第 4 页:翻译第 5 页:作文    Section 1 Use of English  Directious:  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark...

2024-04-23 17 0


2023年考研英语真题及答案解析    2023考研英语二真题及答案解析 2022年考研英语二真题答案  完型填空真题   Section I Use of English   Directions:   Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered...

2024-04-19 15 0



2024-04-18 13 0


2018年考研英语完形填空答题技巧   2018年考研英语完形答题技巧  1、常作为正确选项出现的词汇: however、although、 yet、because、but、by、 capacity、however、of、moreover、offer、only if、that、which、against、any、 apparent、as if、 available、freque...

2024-04-18 15 0


(2021年)广东省广州市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.He stopped last week and feels much better now()A.smoking B. smoke D.being smoked 2.He studies so...

2024-04-08 18 0


【2023年】广东省肇庆市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.Many people in Africa seem to be of the American way of life: driving everywhere()A.envious B.hopeful C.pleased D...

2024-04-08 14 0


21.Buy two CDs and get 高考试题2013    completely free.    A.other    B.the other    C.another    D.all22.She came in for      coffee and...

2024-04-08 12 0


(2022年)吉林省白山市-统招专升本英语测试卷(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.You are allowed to have just half an hour, after _____ you are supposed to submit your exam paper()A.what B.whic...

2024-03-25 25 0


2022年江苏省苏州市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.—Tell me something about your adventure last year.—We lost our way in the forest and _____ made matters worse was _...

2024-03-25 10 0


8:50---9:00试音时间  9:00---9:10播放考场指令,发放作文考卷   9:10取下耳机,开始作文考试   9:35发放含有快速阅读的试题册(但9:40才允许开始做)   9:40---9:55做快速阅读   9:55---10:00收答题卡一(即作文和快速阅读)   9:55---10:00重新戴上耳机,试音寻台,准备听...

2024-03-19 13 0


专业英语四级完型填空、语法与词汇-32(总分100,考试时间90分钟)PART Ⅲ CLOZEMany students find the experience of attending university lectures to be a confusing and frustrating experience. The lecturer speaks for one or two hours...

2024-03-17 16 0


湖南省邵阳市2021年中考英语试题学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________一、单项选择1.—I hear Chang’e -5 brought some samples from the Moon to the Earth last year. —Yes. It makes ________ proud.A.we ...

2024-02-29 13 0


2021考研英语二完型填空真题及答案解析Directions:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)It's not difficult to set targets for staff....

2024-02-19 11 0


2021届绵阳涪城区一诊完型填空:AWith the spread of the coronavirus around the world, I haven't taken a trip for a long time. But I still remember my last trip. I planned it very ____21___. I went online to look up...

2024-02-19 16 0


2021年考研《英语二》完型填空答案  Section I Use of English  Directions:  Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points...

2024-02-19 11 0


2023年海南省海口市-统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(10题)1.I find it hard to imagine a time when() problems will be there B.there will be no problems C....

2024-02-04 15 0
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