Test 1.
1. The officer narrowly escaped being killed in the hot battle.
2. We went in and found the room poorly furnished.
3. John stood at the door cet准考证as if he were waiting for someone.
4. Mike was born on the 3rd of July 1950.
5. It is the season when the place is full of flowers.
6. When shall we have t the corrected articles back?
7. Wherever you go, you will meet such kind of person.
8. I heard her singing in her room.
9. He told me that he would come back soon.
10. Whatever you do, you must always serve the people heart and soul.
11. We usually take the children to school in the car.
12. The tall building was built in 1997.
13. Please turn on the TV. We’ll watch the News Program.
14. He can do everything except cook.
15. Columbus discovered America, but he did not explore it.
16. This park is very attractive. at least to small children.
17. Many of the employees in this company are women.
18. All pilots are responsible for their passengers’s safety.
19. I have never flied in an airplane.
20. The moon attracts the earth’s seas towards her.
21. He won our support by persuasion, not by force.
22. What language is spoken in Spain?
23. Who broke the window yesterday?
24. The students have finished their homework already.
25. That dress is very dear. After buying it, I will be broken.
Test 2.
1. The man was seen knocked down and the driver driving away国二成绩查询入口
2. She is often heard to read English aloud in the morning.
3. I got a letter from Patrician this morning, saying she is expecting another baby.
4. You must do the homework as the teacher tells you.
5. He is so sad that he can’t say and words.
6. The audience sitting in the hall felt excited when they watched the show.
7. There is a young lady who wants to see you.
8. There was terrible noise following the burst of light.
9. The murder as brought in, with his hand tied behind his back.
10. Send us a message in case you have any difficulty.
11. She is more active than anyone else in her class.
12. Those books are usually placed on bookshelves.
13. The red coat is as expensive as the blue coat.
公务员笔试查询成绩入口14. Is this book being written by a little girl?
15. This news was very disappointing. And he felt disappointed.
16. Those children are full of dreams and hopes.
17. This is the right answer to the question.
18. He wishes to stay at home rather than to with us.
19. The crops were greatly affected by the flood.
20.We have arranged the meeting for Saturday afternoon.
21. Mary has spent $ 200 on her new clothes.
22. He is brought up by an American family.
23. Can she speak French?
24. I’ll send it to you by E-mail.
25. It took me three weeks to complete this task.
Test 3
1. Nanjing is one of the hottest cities in China.
2. The work is not so easy as we expected.
3. The teachers贵州163网 visiting the USA will come back next week.
4. You had better have your tooth pulled out.
5. Jane has worked there 今年中考成绩怎么查询since May.
6. The boy was given a special prize by the school.
7. Will he go to London next week?
8. Can the job be done 国家公务员准考证入口by Tom?
9. The industry of this area is rapidly expanding.
10. He wore dark glasses to avoid being recognized.
11. The teacher smiles at me. She must feel satisfied with my work.
12. Tom has lived in Hong Kong for eight years.
13. I have eaten two fifths of my oranges.
14. I have washed the dishes this morning.
15. His car broke down on his way home yesterday.
16. Can you persuade him to take part in the activity?
17. He is getting on well in his new job.
18. We usually end a formal letter with Sincerely yours.
19. I am used to getting up early now.
20. The room should be kept wet.
21. The bus stopped to pick up passengers.
22. At last he managed to finish it in time.
23. Mrs. Edward doesn't like to take a bus. We walked there as well.
24. Our leaders have great concern for children.
25. He gets up at six o'clock every morning.
Test 4
1. The police caught the man stealing the books.
2. She is leaving her husband because she cannot put up with his bad temper any longer.
3. The girl called Xiao Hong is my classmate.
4. I saw him crossing the read in a hurry.
5. By whom was the story written?
6. They are leaving for home tomorrow.
7. The book has been left on the desk.