Growing Tomatoes
Which of the following is NOT described as necessary for growing tomatoes?
A The temperature of the soil should be around 12℃ before tomatoes are planted.
B You should keep tomato plants inside in case there is danger of frost.
C It is better to support the tomato plants with stakes or a trellis.
D Tomatoes should be planted 1.5 meters away from other plants.
1. Which of the following I NOT mentioned as the basic tenets of cell theory?
A All living things are made up of cells.
B Cells come from other pre-existing cells.
C The basic unit of life is cells.
D Cells have their own life cycle.
2. What is the characteristic of the plasma membrane?
A It blocks anything from entering.
B Substances can pass through it.
C It separates the DNA-containing region from other regions.
D It comes from the pre-existing membrane.
The Revolutionaries
1. According to the lecture, what is the relationship between the American Revolution and the
issue of voting?
A The American Revolution did not affect the voting right for the colonists.
B The American Revolution created a lot of restrictions on voting.
C The American Revolution allowed all the adult white men to vote.
D The American Revolution was partly caused by the demand for the right to vote on one’s own
2. By 1790, who had been newly allowed to vote in New York?
A Taxpayers.
B Property owners.
C Former African slaves.
D African slaves.
Vacuum Tube
1. Who invented the first vacuum tube?
A Thomas Edison.
B John A. Fleming.
C Lee De Forest.
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D Unknown.
2. What is different between a diode and an audion?
A The audion can make current stronger.
B The diode forces current to flow only in one direction.
C The audion forces current to travel only in one direction.
D The diode makes current increased while passing.
Terry Fox
1. Which of the following is true?
A Terry Fox was diagnosed with lung cancer before doing a cross-Canada marathon.
B Terry Fox’s leg had to be cut off because of lung cnacer.
C Terry Fox had run for more than 4 months before being forced to stop running.
D Terry Fox managed to cross Canada, raising money for cancer research.
2. Why will Terry Fox’s image be on 1 dollar coins?
A To commemorate his effort to get 1 dollar from each donor.
四川公务员2023报名时间B To collect all the coins after a certain time to use for cancer research.
C Because it fits to the image of the Royal CanadianMint.
D Because Terry Fox stopped running on the first day of September in 1980.
Student Discount
1. Where can the man get the Metro Pass?
A At CitiBank
B At a metro station
C At the Student Union Building.
D At the Derbyshire Building.
2. Why did the man miss the information on the Metro Pass?
A He did not receive the New Student Packet.
B He di
d not read through the New Student Packet.
C The City Metro did not send an advertisement to him.
D He did not join the student union.
3. Why does the woman say that the Metro Pass is especially good for the man?
A Because he is using the Citibank card.
B Because he lives in the 5-zone area.
C Because he can get a free cup of coffee and doughnuts at the Derbyshire Building.
2023河南普通高中招生平台D Because it is a flat rate and he commutes a long distance.
Childcare on Campus
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1. How many childcare centers are on campus?
A One.
B Two.
C Three.
D Four.
2. Which of the following is NOT included in the philosophy of childcare of the University?
A Parents and staff cooperate with each other to provide safe environment for kids.
B Children can learn through having fun.
C Childcare workers should do the best to create a very caring environment.
D All the workers should hold a three-year degree in child care.
3. According to the conversation, which of the following is NOT true?
A The woman wants daycare from the new semester.
B The woman gave birth to a baby recently.
C The woman’s husband is frequently out of town because of work.
D The woman might need weekend childcare when she has to focus on studying near exam time.
Academic Transcripts
1. Which of the following is NOT described as the characteristic of the verification script?
A It includes enrollment status and degrees.
B It can be used for a student discount.
C The fee can be free if it is for the student loan.
D It ha information on transfer credits.
2. Why does the transcript have green color in it?
A For decoration.
B For security and verification of the university.
C For verification of payment.
D To show which transcript it is.
3. Which of the following is NOT included in the request form for the academic transcript?
A The dates of attending the university.
B The social security number or the student ID number or both.
C The number of copies.
D The credit card number.
At the Dormitory
1. How did the woman figure out that the man is from Sweden?
A Because of his appearance.
B Because of his accent when he speaks English.
C Because he speaks Swedish.
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D Because of his name.
2. Which of the following is permitted?
A Making loud noise after midnight.
B Smoking in the room.
C Inviting overnight visitors to the room.
D Having a pot-luck party.
3. Why does the man forewarn the woman about losing her room key? (Click on 2 answers)
A She needs to use it while evacuating the building.
B She has to walk 15 minutes to get a new key.
C Officials might check her room while changing the lock and the key.
D She has to pay a surcharge for a new key.
2012广东高考语文试题及答案Campus Gym
1. How much is the monthly fee?
A $30.
B $35.
C $50.
D $90.
2. Which of the
following is NOT included in the rules and regulations?准考证书打印流程
A You should bring a towel to the weight room.
B You should not wear block-soled shoes in the squash court.
C You should wear shorts and shoes in the weight room.
D You can work out on equipment for the unlimited time even during the peak times.
3. When will the man show up for the fitness assessment?
A At 9am on Thursday.
B At 3 pm on Thursday.
C At 4 pm on Thursday.
D At 5 pm on Thursday.
Anatomy: The Brain
1.Which of the following is NOT included in the three main parts of the brain?
A Cerebrum
B Brainstem.
C Cerebellum.
D Spinal cord.
2.What is the function of the corpus callosum?
A It controls the body movement.
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B It passes messages between two halves of the Cerebrum.
C It passes senory messages to the Cerebellum.
D It is linked with conscious thought and critical thinking.
3.What percentage of the brain does the human being use?
A 10%
B 15%
C 50%
D 100%
American Literature: Mark Twain
1. What is the surprising thing about Mark Twain?
A He was really a famous writer.
B He was a rebel in the Philippines.
C He was the president of the Anti-Imperial League.
D He quite actively protested against the government after the Spanish-American War.
2. According to the lecture, which of the following is NOT true?
A The treaty of Paris put a few countries in hands of the United States.
B Emilio Aguinaldo was fighting for the liberation of the Philppines.
C America opened concentration camps in Cuba.
D Mark Twain died in 1910.
3. Why does the professor mention Hong Kong?
A It was a place where Mark Twain wrote To the American People.
B It was a place where the Anti-Imperical League was organized.
C It was a place where Mark Twain was during the Spanish-American War.
D It was a place where Emilio Aguinaldo was exiled to.
Economics: Bank
1. According to the lecture, where is the word “bank” originally from?
A Italian.
B German.
C English.
D Dutch.
2. What is the Gramm-Leach-BlileyAct?
A A law regulating the illegal actions of the bank.
B A law allowing banks to do the business of investments and insurances.
C A law allowing banks to do the business of investments and insurances.
D A law restricting banks from doing other businesses such as investments and insurance.
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3. Which of the following is mentioned as the downside of the increase in the ways to pay for
goods and services?
A Not saving enough money.
B Spending to excess.
C Bad loans.
D Increase in competition.
Anthropology: Gypsies
1. What was found in a monastery in Greece?
A The metal works of the earliest Gypsies.
B The earliest record about the Byzantine Empire.
C The first record about the Dom.
D The oldest recordings about the Gypsy in
2. What caused Gypsies to expand rapidly at the end of the thirteenth century and the early
fourteenth century?
A Kublai Khan’s death.
B Increasing pressure on Europe.
C Invasion of the Turks.
D Spread of some diseases.
3. What is mentioned as the cause of Gypsies’ changed attitude in the fifteenth century?
A The influence from Egypt.
B The Turkish invasion.
C The environmental influence of the central Europe.
D Their roaming habit.
4. Which of the following countries is NOT mentioned as the country that has recordings about
A Greece.
B Portugal.
C Finland.
D England.
Geology: Soil Survey
1. Which of the following is NOT included in the soil survey?
A Soil map.
深圳人才网B Aerial photographs.
C The chemical make-up of soil.
D The potential usage of soil in building sites.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as nonagricultural purposes of the soil survey?
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A Selecting sites for factories.
B Planning the best way to conserve water resources.
C Predicting the adequacy of using land as farmland.
D Setting up irrigation systems.
1. B 2.D
1. D 2. B
1. B 2.A
1. C 2.A
1. D 2. B 3.D
1. C 2. D 3. B
1. D 2. B 3.D
1. B 2. D 3.B D
1. A 2. D 3. D
1. D 2. B 3.D
1. D 2. C 3.D
1. B 2. C 3. B
1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B
1. D 2.D
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