Task 6
Integrated tasks
•Speaking, 30
•Using points and examples from the lecture, describe the mass migrations of people in the nineteenth century, and explain why these migrations occurred.
Sample answer
•Mass migrations of people occurred in the nineteenth century. Many people moved from Europe to other countries, also from China and Japan to other countries. There were several reasons for the mass migrations. One reason was the new ways of transportation, such as railroad and steamship. Another reason was the people could get free land, for example, in the United states and Canada. Also, the people wanted a better life for their children, so they moved to another country. They worked hard to have a better life and build their new country.
Major difficulties
•Unfamiliar topic and limited vocabulary
•Overflowing information
•Poor summarizing skills
Step 1
Identify the structure of the listening passage
The listening passage
•Although the listening passage usually follows the deductive order, the actual content is always organized uniquely in every passage.
•Try to structure the listening passage into major parts. Give each part a name.
Frequently used structures
– name of a figure
– The first thing he did
– The second thing he did
– Name of a figure
– First feature
– Second feature
•Cause and effect
– Definition of a term or process
– Cause
– Effect
– Example
– Significance
– Definition
– First type/example
– Second type/example
– Significance / cause effect
•Speaking, 30
•Using points and examples from the lecture, describe the mass migrations of people in the nineteenth century, and explain why these migrations occurred.
•Mass migration/definition
•Major movements
– new transportation, banking and capital
–The immigrants’ : composition / historical significance
Step 2
Note taking
The best note comes from structuring the
•Remember in step 1 we talked about how to identify the structure of the listening pas sage? That’s also a way to take notes, and it is a much better way.
Or you can use a fixed format
•Main idea
•The main idea normally lies in the first 1 or 2 sentences. But you may not always need it in your answer.
•Each point is normally the first sentence that is not relevant to the previous context. It may also locate in the middle or the last sentence.
•You don’t have to take down all the details and examples. Just scribble some words to remind yourself.
•Speaking, 30
•Using points and examples from the lecture, describe the mass migrations of people in the nineteenth century, and explain why these migrations occurred.
22考研分数线•Mass migration/definition
•Major movements
•Causes: new transportation, banking and capital
•The immigrants’ : composition / historical significance •Speaking, 31
•Using points and examples from the talk, describe the duties of different types of managers in large hotels.
•Main idea
•Main idea: the functions of hotel managers
•P1:_top executive, general managers___
–Details: direct work of department managers
–Examples: house, personnel, food and beverage managers
–Details: skilled in leadership and financial decision making
–Examples: decide budget cut, spend on ads, remodeling …
–Details: in large hotels, control money
–Examples: manage accounting and payroll departments, improve efficiency
–Details: expert on interpreting financial statements, report to general managers
•P3:___sales managers________
–Details: contact customers, know selling points, need courses on business, marketing, advertising, in addition to hotel management
Structure the content
•Managers in hotels: definition
•General managers: responsibilities/ qualities
•The controller: responsibilities / qualities
•Sales managers: responsibilities / qualities
Step 3
•  A summary is a shortened passage, which retains the essential information of the original. It is a fairly brief restatement --- in your own words ---of the contents of a passage.
•Note: you simply report back what the writer has said, without making value judgments.
– To paraphrase means to completely and correctly express other people’s ideas in your own words.
•To paraphrase doesn’t always mean to shorten the phrase.•E.g.
– Prevention is better than cure.
–(It is better to prevent something unpleasant from
happening than trying to put it right afterwards.)
– Use synonyms or synonymous phrases
•He had a good command of English.
•(He spoke English well.)
– Further simplify the structure of simple sentences
•My brother has an appreciation of modern art.
•(My brother appreciates modern art.)
国家司法考试登录入口– Turn complex sentences into simple sentences
•He received a welcome that was as cold as ice.
•(He received a cold welcome.)
– Combine the sentences
•Hurry up. If you don’t, you’ll miss the train.
•(Hurry up or you’ll miss the train.)
Step 4
Organize your answer
The format of your response
•Main idea:
•First point:
– Details and examples
•Second point:准考证号码查询
– Details and examples
•Third point: