句法多样化专题 (Syntactic Variety)
a) 并列大量名词: n1苏州人事考试院, n2, n3, …, and nn
i. 重庆公务员网站A, B, C, … and other Xs…
ii. X, such [Y] as A, B, C…, …
b) 并列名词性成份: n. + what/how/whether/if… [并列复杂句]
i. what = something that
ii. how = the way/manner in which
c) 并列形容词性成份
i. a1 and a2 + n
ii. a1 + yet/but + a2 + n
iii. a1, a2 + n + that…
iv. a九江市人才网最新招聘1, a2, so a3 that/as to…
d) 并列副词性成份
i. ad1 and ad2
ii. ad1 + yet/but + ad2
iii. ad1, ad2, prep.
iv. ad1, ad2, so ad3 that/as to…
e) 并列动词
i. 并列动词
a) …v1…, v2-ing…, v3-ing…
河南中国人事考试网b) S1 + v1-ing, S2 + v2
ii. 并列句子
a) …, and therefore/thus/consequently/subsequently…
b) 安徽省省考报名时间not only/simply/merely… but also/…as well/even…
c) neither… nor…
d) not that… but that…
f) 并列从句: … that…, and that…[并列复杂句]
i. that引导的宾语从句
ii. that引导的定语从句
iii. that引导的主语从句
2. 重复成分
a) 重复形容词
i. … a. …, so a. that/as to…
b) 重复名词 (同位语结构)
i. … n., n that…
ii. 原样重复
iii. 同义重复
a) 归纳
b) 演绎
3. 从句
a) whether/if/what/how做宾语
b) when/whenever; while + -ing/-ed
c) if/whether + adj.
d) what/how/when/where + to…
4. 倒装
a) 否定词()位于句首
b) 比较句中的第二个句子
c) 虚拟语气条件句中(Had/Were/Should)
d) 表语提前的倒装
i. prep.: Among…
ii. adj. phrase: Equally important is …
iii. -ing phrase: Matching… is  …
iv. as: Obvious as it is, this cause has always been neglected.
5. 分割效果
a) 并列大量名词: n1, n2, n3, …, and nn
v. A, B, C, … and other Xs…
vi. X, such [Y] as A, B, C…, …
History, philosophy, fundamental mathematics/calculus, and other abstract subjects have to be learned from books, or primarily from books.
Some knowledge, such2022年考研国家线分数线是多少 abstract subjects as history, philosophy, fundamental mathematics/calculus, has to be learned from books, or primarily from books.
It is necessary for everyone to read imaginative literature, such as poetry, novels, or mythology.
It is necessary for everyone to read poetry and other types of imaginative literature such
as novels and mythology.
1. 并列
b) 并列名词性成份: n. + what/how/whether/if… [并列复杂句]
i. what = something that
ii. how = the way/manner in which
Most parents educate their children merely by instinct rather than by proper pedagogy, and usually do not care about their relationship with children and how such neglect influences the future development of their children.
Most students are eager to obtain knowledge, but they lack the sense of what is good, or what is necessary and how such a deficiency in the concept of viewing the situation as a whole would mislead them.
1. 并列
c) 并列形容词性成份
i. a1 and a2 + n
ii. a1 + yet/but + a2 + n
iii. a1, a2 + n + that…
iv. a1, a2, so a3 that/as to…
a small town  a small and peaceful town
a good teacher  a good and very impressive teacher
a stupid decision  a stupid and incorrigible decision
simple yet effective method
a direct and simple yet magically effective method
an irrational yet understandable decision
a fair and balance, yet undesirable decision
obvious yet not the most significant reason
expensive yet worthy course
slow yet indispensable process
A weird, entertaining, yet
All adult birds molt their feathers at least once a year, and upon close observation, one can recognize the frayed, ragged appearance of feathers that are nearing the end of their useful life.
Most students can hardly stand for his typically dry and dull lectures that would normally continue at least several quarters without giving any essential information.
The impact that technology has had on our daily life and society in general, is undeniable. It will become even greater as computers get faster, smaller, smarter, and so inexpensive that virtually everyone will be able to own one.
A class led by a lethargic teacher could be extremely dull, dry, and so boring that drives everybody in the class into sleep.
Learning in essence is a process that is time-consuming, painstaking, and so hard that virtually only persistent few can finally have a sense of real achievement.
1. 并列
d) 并列副词性成份
i. ad1 and ad2
ii. ad1 + yet/but + ad2
iii. ad1, ad2, prep.
iv. ad1, ad2, so ad3 that/as to…
A conscientious teacher always prepares his lecture carefully, intelligently, and with the full consideration of all possible aspects concerning the subject.
1. 并列
e) 并列动词
i. 并列动词
a) …v1…, v2-ing…, v3-ing…
ii. 并列句子
b) …, and therefore/thus/consequently/subsequently…
c) not only/simply/merely… but also/…as well/even…
d) neither… nor…
e) not that… but that…
f) 并列从句: … that…, and that…[并列复杂句]
iii. that引导的宾语从句
iv. that引导的定语从句
v. that引导的主语从句
An absent-minded teacher lacks drive to make class intensely focused, often preparing nothing in advance, wandering among random topics, thus wasting and killing times of industrial students.