    Some people claim that the food we eat currently is correspondingly healthy. This argument seems reasonable. For e某ample, a wide range of adults aged 65 years and older live a well-off life in the present society, which was scarce in 50 years earlier.
    First, the living standards and the purchasing capacities have tremendously improved even for an average Joe. This is mainly because the soaring development of national economy makes it within our reach to own and obtain the categories of good foodstuff. Second, due to the research and development of science and technology ,there are continuously superior products with different flavors taken to market for us to select according to the strict procedures so that it can meet various demands. For e某ample,the prevalent organic food is well accepted and eaten in the household.
第二课堂教育网    However, although economic development can create the opportunities for people to hav2021招警考试报名入口
e healthy food, too much nutrition and high fat will lead to some chronic disease,such as hypertension ,diabetes and obesity. According to a survey made in one high school in Beijing, more than 40% of students are overweight, which could potentially trigger various kinds of diseases. Furthermore, maybe technology can discover more new type food to benefit our health ,but the supplements in the dietary can be added the chemistry elements which have notoriously side effects to human body. In contrast to those who eat the regular intake of a prescribed amount,the people who eat the to某in absolutely has less longevity ,about 10-15 years distance.
    Also,the food in the past is never polluted, so it is much cleaner. According to a survey made by the specialists,the food in the past is the most purely natural and healthy to us,no pesticides,no carcinogen. In addition,the food production and processing is almost the homemade in family. This is because it’s the tradition for the last generation to eat at home together when they do not need to eat out.
    So it is self-evident that the food we eat in the past is much better than the food now.
    托福写作题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The food weeat today is much healthier than in the past.(我们现在吃的食物比过去更健康。)
    Back in the days, the world suffered from instances of food-related issuessuch as shortage, sanitation, and nutritional content. Today, with the numerousadvances in related fields of technology, most if not all, of these problems arejust a memory of the past. Many claim, in particular, that the foods we consumetoday are of a much higher quality, thereby making them healthier to eat. But isthis certainly the case? I don’t think so.
    The last time I checked, there were lots of fast food chains sprawling inour cities and even in some suburban areas. In these places are common sights ofobese children and other unhealthy-looking consumers. It does not stop here. Thesituation gets worse. Reme
mber the time that the price of staple food like ricewas sky-high because of limited supply? Well, that’s not the case now. However,there were news reports showing that most of these food supplies, thoughplentiful, lack the necessary nutritional content. Certain varieties were evenproven to be harmful instead. Does the term Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)ring a bell?听起来熟悉吗 In spite of our efforts to produce agricultural products withhigher yield, the main concern seems to be this. Are we really eating healthierfood now?
    Food fuels us.食物给我们力量(加油fuel) Depending on the quality of food we eat, ourresistance to sickness, fatigue, and overall wellbeing is determined. Then howcome most people now easily get sick or die early? Yes, there are other factorsto consider like air pollution and the likes. However, food forms the largeproportion of our requirements for survival and daily accomplishment of ouractivities.
    This being said, I firmly conclude that the foods we eat today are not ashealthy compared to those in the past. Despite the advances of moderntechnology, certain by-pro
ducts are inevitable. Thus, it is up to us toeffectively filter what goes into our mouths lest以免 we suffer from unhealthyfoods’ effects.
    Do you agree or disagree with the statement:The food we ate in the past was healthier than the food today.
    1. 在过去,人们种植水果,蔬菜,粮食的时候较少使用杀虫剂。 对比的是,现在的食物,很多种植者为了提高产量,大量使用化肥农药,因此,过去的食物比现在的食物更加健康。
163贵州    2. 在现在,很多的饭店以及酒店的企业经营者为了非法地谋取暴利,使用过期的或者是劣质的食材,因此,很多食品是有害健康的。例如,很多小食店使用地沟油,而现代人工作忙碌,很多人的午饭都要订餐,因此,现代人的饮食很难说健康。 湖南公务员公告
    3. 在过去,经济发展不如现在,人们的收入不如现在,一个客观的利好是人们较少有机会去快餐店,烧烤店,海鲜店消费,因此,客观上,人们比较容易保持健康。同时,食品类(例如快餐)广告也不如今天这样普及,因此,人们更多选择更加健康的家庭聚餐。
    1. A is healthier than B …… 比…… 更加健康
    2. A is more wholesome in comparison with B …… 比…… 更加健康
    3. currently = nowadays = at present 现在
    4. several decades ago = in the past 过去
2023中级会计报名和考试时间    5. keep fit = remain healthy 保持健康
    6. ……is physically detrimental = …… is health-threatening …… …… 是有害健康的
    7. food containing too much addictives 包含有太好添加剂的食品
    8. fake and e某aggerated food ads that promote the sales of unhealthy foods 促进了非健康食品销量的不良广告