遵义市红花岗区 2022 年中考第二次模拟考试
第一节 听力选择 (共 15 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共计 22.5 分)
片),并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听两遍)
1. The three Chinese astronauts came back from the space safely.
2. He always gets good grades in the exams.
3. Everyone thinks that Beijing Winter Olympic games are fascinating.
4. An elephant weighs a lot heavier than a panda.
5. The Zunyi Conference Site is very famous.
B、小对话理解 请听小对话及问题,从 ABC 中选择正确的答案,并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡
6. M: Which would you like to drink, coffee or tea?
W: Neither, I prefer some juice.
Q: What does the woman want?
7. W: What nice weather! We should go cycling instead of watching TV at home.
M: I prefer to go fishing.
Q: What is the man probably going to do?
8. W: There are many clubs in our school. Which clubs have you joined?
M: I only joined the chess club.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
9. M: Zhong Shan Road police station, can I help you?
W: Oh, yes, please. It’s my daughter. She got lost this morning.
Q: Who is the woman calling?
10. W: Hurry up, Tom, the concert will begin at six forty.
M: Oh, don’t worry, we still have twenty minutes left.
Q: What time is it now?
C、长对话理解 请听长对话,根据其内容,从 ABC 中选择能回答所给问题的最佳答案,
并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。(听三遍)
M: Excuse me, can I borrow something about the works of Mark Twain.
W: Just a moment, Sorry to keep you waiting. What did you say?
M: Professor Wang asked us to read some books by Mark Twain. Could you help me?
W: Sure. Mark A famous American writer. Which book do you want to read?
M: Tom Sawyer.
英语听力材料 1页(共 5页)
W: Let me check, sorry, I don’t think we’ve got that book here. But we have Huckleberry
Finn, and Life on the Mississippi. Would you like to have a look?
M: I’ll take Huckleberry Finn. How long can I keep it?
W: Two weeks.
M: Thanks. By the way, I’m having some problems with my new subject Chemistry.
W: Why not ask your teacher for help?
M: She福建事业单位成绩查询 is too busy. There are always students around her.
W: Don’t worry. I’ll find a book on Chemistry learning for you.
M: That’s really kind of you. Thanks a lot.
W:新高考三天考试科目安排 You're welcome.
英语听力材料 2页(共 5页)
第二节 听力填空(共 5 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共计 7.5 分)
D、短文理解 请听短文,根据其内容填写表格,并将正确答案用黑墨水笔或黑签字笔填写
Max and Lisa are both from France. They want to take a trip across China from
Beijing to Yunan Province by bike.
Max works as a doctor to help animals, and his wife, Lisa, is a primary school
teacher. The two like telling their travel stories on some APPs, like WeChat and Facebook.
“We ride bikes because it is exciting for us to talk with interesting people we meet on the
way. It is also a healthy way. We can exercise at the same time. And it’s a cheaper way of
traveling than using cars or motorcycles,” they say.
A reporter asks them why they like to visit China. Their answer is that because
大几可以考研究生China has a long history and is becoming stronger and stronger in the world. 山西成考报名入口“We know
China is friendly to other countries around the world. We want to make friends with
Chinese people. We love the country,” they say.
1 5
6 10 C B A A C
21—25 B A D C B
31—35 E D C B G
41—45 B B C B A
11—15 C B B C C
26—30 A A D C A
36—40 C D B D C
46—50 C F A E B
第一部分 第二节 听力填空(每小题 1.5 分,共计 7.5 分)
16. bike 17. doctor 18. excited 19. exercise
20. friendly
评分说明:大小写错误扣 0.5 分;
第三部分 第二节 任务型阅读(每小题 2 分,共计 20 分)
51. protect 52. mascot 53. Lions 54. brave
55. strength
评分说明:大小写错误扣 0.5 分;
56. art
57. 3/Three.
58. He spent his whole life drawing bamboo.
英语听力材料 3页(共 5页)
59. I would rather eat without meat than live without bamboo.(答案不唯一)
I would eat without meat rather than live without bamboo.
I安徽省考面试分差大吗 prefer to eat without meat rather than live without bamboo.
I prefer eating without meat to living without bamboo.
Better eat without meat than live without bamboo.
60. 竹子一直在中国食物中 扮演着一个重要角。(答案不唯一)
评分说明:1)61、62 回答问题不完整或表达中有个别错误,酌情扣分。
2)64、65 每小题各有 4 个得分点,每点 0.5 分。
第四部分 第三节 短文填空(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)
61. after
62. a
63. fiftieth
68. but
64. to show
65. feet
70. our
66. carefully
67. followed
69. happiness
评分说明:大小写错误扣 0.5
第三部分 第四节 短文改错(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分)
Do you want to become an astronaut? If your answer is “Yes”, what should you do to prepare^ it? First,