Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、When I got into the room, Green was talking _________ the phone.
A.on    B.with    C.to    D.in
2、On ________Children's Day,Jack received a prize for being ________honest boy.
A.the;an    B./;an    C./;a    D.the;a
3、      is the bridge?
— It’s about 2 kilometres long.
A.How far    B.How long    C.How wide    D.How deep
4、---QQ and Wechat have changed people’s life in many ways.
--- _____. We can use them to keep in touch and communicate with others more easily.
A.Completely    B.Exactly    C.Probably    D.Possibly
5、My mother often says that _______ / mɪlk / is good for me.
A.make    B.milk    C.like    D.meat
6、These songs are great moving. Their lyrics can ______ girls’ thoughts and feeli
A.express    B.discuss    C.expect    D.imagine
7、--Excuse me, Miss Li. Could you help me to _______these math problems?
--Sure. Show me the problem.
A.work out    B.hand out    C.find out
8、---Oh, I am a big fan of Jay Chou. I’d like to go to his 2019 Guangzhou Concert. Would you like to come with me?
--- Sure. But we need to buy    tickets because my friends Jack and Rose are also his fans.
A.one more    B.more two    C.two more    D.two another
9、—Did you see Tom yesterday?  —No, I         him for a long time.
A.didn’t see    B.hasn’t seen    C.saw    D.haven’t seen
10、- I think I should be allowed to make decisions _________ myself. - But you are not old enough.
A.with    B.up    C.by    D.against
Ⅱ. 完形填空
11、Dear graduates,
It's time to say goodbye to you all. I am sure all of you have finished what the teachers want you to learn and are ready to start your new life.   1  you want to be a senior high school student or not, I believe what you've learned will be the most unforgettable 全国英语四六级准考证查询入口  2  not only for you but also for me.
As one of the teachers in Grade Nine, I am so   3  and satisfied to keep company with you these years and to watch each of you grow day by day. Every corner in ou
r campus(校园) is   4  with our sweet memories. Every student who entered some competitions always tried his best to   5  the prize for his own class. They practiced again and again even if they got hurt, and they never gave up   6  . I hope all of you can take the spirit wherever you are.   7  your dream until you reach the goal.
Besides, use your time well. As everyone knows, “Time and tide wait for no man.” Some things will repeat   8  , but others won't. So use every minute well to do some helpful and meaningful things. Don't just fool around all day and then complain, “If I had   9  time, I would do my best to finish that.” Use your time well, and you can be a very successful person in the future.
At last, all I want to tell you is facing every challenge bravely when you are   10  your way to success.
1.A.Before    B.Until    C.Whether
2.A.memories    B.stories    C.people
3.A.sad    B.proud    C.nervous
喀喇沁旗人事局4.A.remembered    B.cleaned    C.filled
5.A.win    B.make    C.beat
6.A.excitedly    B.happily    C.easily
7.A.Stick to    B.Thanks to    C.Look forward to
8.A.ourselves    B.yourselves    C.themselves
9.A.no    B.little    C.enough
10.A.by    B.on    C.in
Ⅲ. 语法填空
Have you ever watched Shadow Play? It is 1.art which is mixed music and shadow play. The player holds the human characters behind the paper screen and plays a series of stories. The characters are 2.(usual)made of cow skin. When the day becomes dark, the players set 3. the light and paper screen and start their show. Shadow Play 4.(come)in Shanxi during the Western Han Dynastytwo thousand years ago, which is named Daoqing Shadow Play. It was very5./′feɪməs/ in Hebei during Qing Dynasty.
The stage of the Shadow Play is always a table covered6.a large piece of paper. The light was behind the paper screen. As the shadow player moves his fingers, the characters come to life and their looks, dress and movement can be clearly seen from the other7./said/ of the screen. The player is also the lead singer. All the characters are played and voiced by 8.(he).
Playing the characters well is not an easy job. It always takes a player ten to twenty years.
In order to 9./ prəˊtekt/ the traditional Chinese folk art, the Museum of Daoqing Shadow Play has been built in Gansu. Many 10. (art) are trying to spread it to the stage of China, even of the world. It’s also our duty to prevent it form disappearing.《新闻联播》今天直播回放
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
13、A little stream (小溪) ran down from a high mountain through many villages an
d forests. Then it reached a desert, “I went through so many difficulties. I should have no problem crossing the desert,”she thought. As she started, she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand. After many tries, she still failed. “Maybe I can't reach the ocean,'' she said sadly to herself.