        摘要: 在现代,人力资源发展的理论和技术日趋成熟,公共卫生人力资源的发展更是被列为国际优先议程,国际发达国家已经将公共卫生人力资源发展列为战略性和常规性工作内容。我国公共卫生人力资源发展的研究明显滞后,在一定程度上影响了公共卫生工作的总体开展。本文就我国公共卫生人力资源的现状作出一些探讨。
        Abstract In modern times, theory and technology of human resource development is matures, the development of public health human resources is listed as an international priority agenda. The international developed countries have taken the human resources development of public health as strategic and routine work content. But in China, this research has lagged behind, which affected the overall conduct of public health work to a certain extent. In this paper, the status of human resources of public health in China is discussed.
        关键词: 公共卫生人力资源;公共卫生人力资源管理
        Key words public health human resources; management of public health human resources