人文英语3 •单元自测8 (10分)
2.- Did you enjoy your college life? -
A. Yes, it was rich and colorful.
B. No, it is interesting.
C. I like my college very much.
解析:本题考核一般疑问句的答语用法。第一说话人询问对方是否喜欢其校园生活,回答时首先要表达yes或者no,接下来可以进一步表述自己的看法。选项B 虽然有no,但是前后内容矛盾。选项C不符合一般疑问句答语的模式。所以答案是Ao
3.- I often feel lonely when T engage in my online
learning.  - I join the online course community.
A. How do you solve this problem?
B. How do you think about it?
C. How often do you engage in online learning?
4.the regular classes, you can also attend many different seminars and take part in many extracurricular activities.
A. Except for
B. Including
C. Apart from
“除了”这个意思的词汇很多,但是含义不同,except和except for表示“除… …外”,含有不包括之意;besides和apart from表示“除了........ ,还有... ”,实际上表示两者都包含。因此选C。
5. The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our
lives, and requires us to learn  every day just to stay current in the workplace.
A.something new
B. new something
C. everything
译文:技术的发展加快了我们的生活节奏,同时要求我们每天学点新的东西, 从而使得我们在工作中不会落伍。解析:something 表示“某物”,与句意相符; 形容词修饰不定代词something 、nothing 时,
要置于其后。everything 表示"每 一个事物”,不符合句意。因此选A 。
6. T hope you are making  for continuous education in your life.
A. room
B. vacancy
C. place
译文:我希望你在为你的继续教育做准备。解析:make room for 意为“为… …留出空间”,符合句意;vacancy 意为“空缺",make vacancy 意为“使空置”; place 意为“地方”,make place for 意为"让位于"。
Lifelong Learning&Distance EducationThe term u lifelong learning" is very popular nowadays. It describes the need for people to continue their education and training throughout their and more important for everyone because
career choices in changing economies. It a crucial response to the challenges of economy. Currently, most universities
have reacted to the era of lifelong
learning by adding new programs and services for adults who seek to combine employment with part-time study. Special arrangements have been developed for these students but the core activity of the university, providing teaching to full-time young undergraduates, often lives. Lifelong learning is more people are now facing different is believed lifelong learning is the global knowledge
goes on much as before. Lifelong learning is both formal and nonforma 1; and the boundaries between face-to-face teaching and distance education are increasingly blurred. By making learning possible anytime and anywhere, distance education is a powerful tool for supporting lifelong learning. Technology-based teaching is creating new educational systems that anyone from anywhere can access. The key challenge for universities is to evolve from a teacher-centered model of education to student-centered model. The challenge for governments is that they have
to develop new funding approaches and new quality assessment procedures.
The term "lifelong learning" describes the need for people to continue their education and training in a certain period of their
lives. 1
The challenges of the global knowledge economy bring the needs for
lifelong learning. 2
Lifelong learning is non-formal. 3
The universities should make the classroom student-centered. 4
To develop a new quality assessment system is a challenge for the government. 5
(4) A. TB.F
(5)A. TB.F
人文英语3 •单元自测8 (10分)
2.- The advancement of technology has boosted the pace of our lives, and requires us to learn something new every day. - I have chosen the online program at OU.
A. Because
B. Now that
C. That is the reason why
解析:本题考核"进一步说明”的交际用法。第一个说话者并未提问,所以不需要冋答原因之类内容,第二个说话者是在表述自己的观点,That is the reason why是一个同位语从句的常用句式,往往用来进一步解释,在这里表示第二个说话者同意第一个人的观点,并进一步加以解释。所以答案是C。
3.- Did you enjoy your college life? -
A. Yes,it was rich and colorful.
B. No,it is interesting.
C. T like my college very much.
解析:本题考核一般疑问句的答语用法。第一说话人询问对方是否喜欢其校园生活,回答时首先要表达yes或者no,接下来可以进一步表述自己的看法。选项B 虽然有no,但是前后内容矛盾。选项C不符合一般疑问句答语的模式。所以答案是A。
4.By making learning possible anytime and anywhere, distance education is a powerful tool  supporting lifelong learning.
A. to
B. for
C. with
5.Mr. Wang,  , is coming up to us.
A. slowly
B. our new teacher
C. he is our new teacher