重庆市人才招聘网  According to psychologists(心理学家), an emotion is aroused when a man or animal views something as either bad or good. When a person feels like running away from something he thinks will hurt him, we call this emotion fear. if the person wants to remove the danger by attacking it, we call the emotion anger. The emotions of joy and love are aroused when we think something can help us. An emotion does not have to be created by something in the outside world. it can be created by a person's thoughts.
  Everyone has emotions. Many psychologists believe that infants are born without emotions. They believe children learn emotions just as they learn to read and write. A growing child not only learns his emotions but learns how to act in certain situations because of an emotion.
  Psychologists think that there are two types of emotion: positive and negative. Positive emotions include love, liking, joy, delight, and hope. They are aroused by something that appeals to a person. Negative emotions make a person unhappy or dissatisfied. They inclu
de anger, fear,despair, sadness, and disgust. in growing up, a person learns to cope with the negative emotions in order to be happy.
  Emotions may be weak or strong. Some strong emotions are so unpleasant that a person will try any means to escape from them. in order to feel happy, the person may choose unusual ways to avoid the emotion.
  Strong emotions can make it hard to think and to solve problems. They may prevent a person from learning or paying attention to what he is doing. For example, a student taking an examination may be so worried about failing that he cannot think properly. The worry drains valuable mental energy he needs for the examination.
  1. We learn from the passage that an emotion is created by something   .
  A)one thinks bad or good
  B)one feels in danger
  C)one faces in the outside world
  D)one tries to escape from real life
  2. Which of the following is NOT true?
  A)Children learn emotions as they grow up.
  B)Babies are born with emotions.
  C)Emotions fall into two types in general.
  D)People can cope with the negative emotions in life.
  3. The author's purpose of writing this passage is to   .
  A) explain why people have emotions
  B) show how people avoid the negative emotions
  C) explain what people should do before emotions
  D) define and classify people's emotions
  7. We can safely conclude that a student may fail in an exam if     .
  A) he can not think properly
  B) he can't pay attention to it
  C) he can't pay attention to it招聘app
  D) he is not full of energy
  5. As used in the last sentence, the word drains means     .
  A) stops
  B) ties
  C) weakens
  D) flows gradually
  1.A 2.B 3.D 4.B 5.C
  At 18, Ashanthi DeSilva of suburban Cleveland is a living symbol of one of the great intellectual achievements of the 20th century. Born with an extremely rare and usually fatal disorder that left her without a functioning immune system (the “bubble-boy disease,” named after an earlier victim who was kept alive for years in a sterile plastic tent), she was treated beginning in 1990 with a revolutionary new therapy that sought to correct the defect at its very source, in the genes of her white blood cells. It worked. Although her last gene-therapy treatment was in 1992, she is completely healthy with normal immune function, according to one of the doctors who treated her, W. French Anderson of the University of Southern California. Researchers have long dreamed of treating diseases from hemophilia to cancer by replacing mutant genes with normal ones. And the dreaming may continue for decades more. “There will be a gene-based treatment for essentially every disease,” Anderson says, “within 50 years.”
  It's not entirely clear why medicine has been so slow to build on Anderson's early succe
广州考试网上报名ss. The National Institutes of Health budget office estimates it will spend $432 million on gene-therapy research in 2005, and there is no shortage of promising leads. The therapeutic genes are usually delivered through viruses that don't cause human disease. “The virus is sort of like a Trojan horse,” says Ronald Crystal of New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical College. “The cargo is the gene.”
  At the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson Cancer Center, immunologist Carl June recently treated HIV patients with a gene intended to help their cells resist the infection. At Cornell University, researchers are pursuing gene-based therapies for Parkinson's disease and a rare hereditary disorder that destroys children's brain cells. At Stanford University and the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, researchers are trying to figure out how to help patients with hemophilia who today must inject themselves with expensive clotting drugs for life. Animal experiments have shown great promise.