Section I Use of English
Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark[A],[B],[C]or[D]on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points)
Happy people work differently.They’re more productive,more creative,and willing to take greater risks. And new research suggests that happiness might influence1firms work,too.
Companies located in places with happier people invest more,according to a recent research paper.2, firms in happy places spend more on R&D(research and development).That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking3for making investments for the future.
The researchers wanted to know if the4and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would 5the way companies invested.So they compared U.S.cities’average happiness6by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas.
7enough,firms’investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were8.But is it really happiness that’s linked to investment,or could something else about happier cities9why firms there spend more on R&D?To find out,the researchers controlled for various10 that might make firms more likely to invest–like size,industry,and sales–and for indicators that a place was 11to live in,like growth in wages or population.The link between happiness and investment generally 12even after accounting for these things.
The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms,which the authors13to“less codified decision making process”and the possible presence of“younger and less14 managers who are more likely to be influenced by sentiment.”The relationship was15stronger in places where happiness was spread more16.Firms seem to invest more in places where most people are relatively happy,rather than in places with happiness inequality.
17this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view,the authors believe it at least18at that possibility.It’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help19how executives think about the future.“It surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward-thinking and creative and20R&D more than the average,”said one researcher.
2.[A]In return[B]In particular[C]In contrast[D]In conclusion
20.[A]pray for[B]give away[C]send out[D]lean toward
Section II Reading Comprehension
Part A
Read the following four texts.Answer the questions below each text by choosing[A],[B],[C]or[D].Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40points)
It’s true that high-school coding classes aren’t essential for learning computer science in college.Students without experience can catch up after a few introductory courses,said Tom Cortina,the assistant dean at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science.
However,Cortina said,early exposure is beneficial.When younger kids learn computer science,they learn that it’s not just a confusing,endless string of letters and numbers–but a tool to build apps,or create artwork,or test hypotheses.It’s not as hard for them to transform their thought processes as it is for older students.Breaking down problems into bite-sized chunks and using code to solve them becomes normal.Giving more children this training could increase the number of people interested in the field and help fill the jobs gap,Cortina said.
Students also benefit from learning something about coding before they get to college,where introductory computer-science classes are packed to the brim,which can drive the less-experienced or-determined students away.
The Flatiron School,where people pay to learn programming,started as one of the many coding bootcamps that’s become popular for adults looking for a career change.The high-schoolers get the same curriculum,but“we try to gear lessons toward things they’re interested in,”said Victoria Friedman,an instructor.For instance,one of the apps the students are developing suggests movies based on your mood.
The students in the Flatiron class probably won’t drop out of high school and build the next Facebook. Programming languages have a quick turnover,so the“Ruby on Rails”language they learned may not even be relevant by the time they enter the job market.But the skills they learn–how to think logically through a problem and organize the results–apply to any coding language,said Deborah Seehorn,an education consultant for the state of North Carolina.
Indeed,the Flatiron students might not go into IT at all.But creating a future army of coders is not the sole purpose of the classes.These kids are going to be surrounded by computers—in their pockets,i
n their offices,in their homes–for the rest of their lives,The younger they learn how computers think,how to coax the machine into producing what they want–the earlier they learn that they have the power to do that–the better.
21.Cortina holds that early exposure to computer science makes it easier to_____.
[A]complete future job training[B]remodel the way of thinking
[C]formulate logical hypotheses[D]perfect artwork production
22.In delivering lessons for high-schoolers,Flatiron has considered their_____.
[A]experience[B]academic backgrounds
[A]was a give-in to governmental pressure[B]would involve fewer agencies in action
[C]granted less federal regulatory power[D]went against conservation policies
28.It can be learned from Paragraph3that unintentional harm-doers will not be prosecuted if they_____.
[A]agree to pay a sum for compensation[B]volunteer to set up an equally big habitat
[C]offer to support the WAFWA monitoring job[D]promise to raise funds for USFWS operations
29.According to Ashe,the leading role in managing the species is_____.
[A]the federal government[B]the wildlife agencies
[C]the landowners[D]the states
30.Jay Lininger would most likely support_____.
[A]the plan under challenge[B]the win-win rhetoric
[C]environmental groups[D]industry groups
阿克苏人社局招聘信息That everyone's too busy these days is a cliché.But one specific complaint is made especially mournfully: There's never any time to read.
What makes the problem thornier is that the usual time-management techniques don't seem sufficient.The web's full of articles offering tips on making time to read:“Give up TV”or“Carry a book with you at all times.”But in my experience,using such methods to free up the odd30minutes doesn't work.Sit down to read and the flywheel of work-related thoughts keeps spinning--or else you're so exhausted that a challenging book is the last thing you need.The modern mind,Tim Parks,a novelist and critic,writes,“is overwhelmingly inclined toward communication…It is not simply that one is interrupted;it is that one is actually inclined to interruption.”Deep reading requires not just time,but a special kind of time which can't be obtained merely by becoming more efficient.
In fact,“becoming more efficient”is part of the problem.Thinking of time as a resource to be maximized means you approach it instrumentally,judging any given moment as well spent only in so far as it advances progress toward some goal.Immersive reading,by contrast,depends on being willin
g to risk inefficiency, goallessness,even time-wasting.Try to slot it as a to-do list item and you'll manage only goal-focused reading—useful,sometimes,but not the most fulfilling kind.“The future comes at us like empty bottles along an unstoppable and nearly infinite conveyor belt,”writes Gary Eberle in his book Sacred Time,and“we feel a pressure to fill these different-sized bottles(days,hours,minutes)as they pass,for if they get by without being filled,we will have wasted them.”No mind-set could be worse for losing yourself in a book.
So what does work?Perhaps surprisingly,scheduling regular times for reading.You'd think this might fuel the efficiency mind-set,but in fact,Eberle notes,such ritualistic behaviour helps us“step outside time's flow”into “soul time.”You could limit distractions by reading only physical books,or on single-purpose e-readers.“Carry a book with you at all times”can actually work,too—providing you dip in often enough,so that reading becomes the default state from which you temporarily surface to take care of business,before dropping back down.On a really good day,it no longer feels as if you're“making time to read,”but just reading,and making time for everything else.
广州市公务员2022报名考试时间31.The usual time-management techniques don’t work because_____.
[A]what they can offer does not ease the modern mind.
[B]what people often forget is carrying a book with them.
[C]what challenging books demand is repetitive reading.
[D]what deep reading requires cannot be guaranteed.
32.The“empty bottles”metaphor illustrates that people feel a pressure to_____.