(2021·河南省南阳市·模拟题)Mrs.Green's husband is a businessman.One afternoon he went to the airport and wanted to1 ______ the 350 flight to London for an important meeting.2 ______ he telephoned Mrs.Green at 5 o'clock and told her that he was3 ______ at the airport.She was very4 ______ .
"What happened to you" asked Mrs.Green.
"Well, "said Mr.Green "5 ______ was going fine.I got my ticket and checked in my luggage(行李)at the desk.I waited in line at the6 ______ with other passengers.I walked across the runway to the 7 ______ .Just then,I noticed my8国家公务员考试报名系统 ______ Jack Scott,who was a plane engineer.You know.I hadn't 9 ______ him for so long.I was so10 ______ that I shouted to him.And an)( 11 ______ caught me."
"Why did he catch you"
"I don't know." said Mr.Green. "12 ______ he heard my shout,he ran towards me and c
aught me."
"13 ______ did you shout to your friend"
"All I said was Hi,Jack'.You know that that's the14 ______ way we say hello to our friends."
"But you don't know Hijack' also15 ______ taking control of a plane by force(劫机). "
1. A. book    B. find    C. catch    D. solve
2. A. Again    B. Also    C. However    D. Instead
3. A. still    B. only    C. yet    D. even
4. A. relaxed    B. proud    C. surprised    D. happy
5. A. something    B. anything    C. nothing    D. everything
6. A. shop    B. gate    C. window    D. wall
7. A. bus    B. train    C. plane    D. subway
8. A. student    B. doctor    C. neighbor    D. friend
9. A. noticed    B. seen    C. missed    D. known
10. A. sad    B. crazy    C. excited    D. bored
11. A. teacher    B. policeman    C. artist    D. scientist
12. A. So long as    B. As far as    C. As soon as    D. As a result
13. A. What    B. When    C. Where    D. Why
山东省自学考试准考证打印入口14. A. easy    B. usual    C. funny    D. hard
15. A. enjoys    B. advises    C. regrets    D. means
16.(2021·河南省南阳市·模拟题)AAre there any activities to do after class in our school,Liu Jing
BYes,we can join many clubs.
AWhich club are you in
BThe English Club.
A:( 1 ______
BWe do many things,such as watching English films,listening to English songs and reading English stories.
A:(2 ______ .
BThat's right.I have improved my listening and speaking skills.I have got to know a lot about the world through reading as well.
AExcellent!3 ______
BThere are twenty students.
A:(4 ______
BWe go there once a week.
A:(5 ______
BOf course.Welcome!
Science Facts
Enjoy our fun science facts for kids.Learn interesting earth facts,amazing chemistry facts,cool space facts,funny facts about animal and more.
Animal Facts P1-10 Physics Fact P44-50
Human Body Facts P11-22 Weather Facts P51-65
Technology Facts P23-30 Space Facts P66-77
Food Fact P31-43 Sound Facts P78-89
Fact 1
Researchers have found the key to communicating with your cat.They say cats will appear friendlier to human who use eye-narrowing facial expressions.
Fact 2
Sharks might have the healthiest teeth among all animals.Sharks have a fluoride coating on their teeth,and it keeps the teeth from becoming bad.That's why most of our toothpaste has fluoride in it.
Fact 3
Earwax is made by the body to protect the ears.It prevents dirty things from getting farther into the ear.Earwax normally comes out of your ear naturally so it's not a good idea to try to take it out yourself unless it is causing health problems.
Fact 4
When you play back the voice messages that you record,you might find that they sound different from your speaking voice.That is because when we speak,we hear our own voice through our bones in ears,while our recorded voice passes through the air instead.
eye-narrowing 眯起眼睛的
shark 鲨鱼
fluoride 氟化物
toothpaste 牙膏
earwax 耳垢
四川人事网登录bone 骨头
17.What do Fact 1 and Fact 2 have in common ______
A. They talk about friendly animals.
B. They mention humans' influence.
C. They both belongs to Animal Facts
D. They explain physics knowledge.
18.On which page may we read about Fact 3 ______
A. P15.    B. P35.    C. P63.    D. P87.
19.What does our own voice we hear travel through when we're speaking ______
A. The air.    B. The teeth.
C. The earwax.    D. The bones in ears.
20.Which of the following is right about the text ______
A. I understand now why most toothpaste has fluoride.
B. What a great surprise!Cats can narrow their eyes.
C. It helps me realize the importance of communication.
D. What a great book!I've learned some ways to protect sharks.
21.Where is the text most probably from ______
A. A guidebook.    B. A science book.
C. A film review.    D. A shopping poster.
A farmer had some puppies to sell.He put up a sign beside his door.Just then,he felt a gentle pull at his left trouser leg.He looked down into the eyes of a little boy
"Sir," the boy said, "I want to buy one of your puppies."
"Well," said the farmer, "these puppies come from fine parents and cost a great deal of money."
The boy dropped his head for a moment.Then he pulled out a handful of coins from his pocket and said, "I've got thirty-nine cents.Is that enough to take a look"
The farmer smiled and whistled.Out of the doghouse came Little Dolly,who ran towards them quickly and was followed by four other little ones.One puppy was falling far behind the others. "I want that one," the little boy said,pointing at the limping puppy.
The farmer knelt down beside the boy and said, "No,you don't want that puppy.He will never be able to run or play with you like the other puppies." To his surprise,the little boy r
olled up his right trouser leg to show a brace.Looking up at the farmer,he said, "You see,sir.I don't run so well myself,and the little puppy will need someone who understands it."
With tears in his eyes,the farmer picked up the little puppy and handed it to the little boy.
"How much do I have to pay天津省考公务员职位表" asked the boy.
"Just take it, " answered the farmer. "There's no charge for love."