Part IWriting(30 minutes)
Directions:for this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay based on the picture below.
You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then comment on this kind of modern life.You should write at least l20 words but no more than l80words
Part lI Listening Comprehension(30 minutes)
Section A
Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.At the end ofeach conversation,one or more questions will be asked about what Was said.Both theconversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After each question there will bea pause.During the pause,you must read thefour choices marked A.,B),C)and D).and decide which is the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer
Sheet l with a single line through the centre.
1.A.He is pleased to sit on the committee.
B.He iS willing to offer the woman a hand.
C.He will tell the woman his decision later.
D.He would like to become a club member.
2.A.Their planned trip to Vancouver is obviously overpriced.
B.They should borrow a guide book instead of buying one.
C.The guide books in the library have the latest information.
D.The library Can help order guide books about Vancouver.
3.A.He regrets having taken the history course.
B.He finds little interest in the history books.
C.He has trouble finishing his reading assignments.
D.He has difficulty writing the weekly book report.
4.A.The man had better choose another restaurant.
B.The new restaurant is a perfect place for dating.
C.The new restaurant caught her fancy immediately.
D.The man has good taste in choosing the restaurant.
5.A.He has been looking forward to spring.
B.He has been waiting for the winter sale.
C.He will clean the woman,s boots for spring.
D.He will help the woman put things away.
6.A.At a tailor’s.中国实权最大的官职
B.At Bob’s home.
C.In a clothes store.
D.In a theatre.
7.A.His guests favor Tibetan drinks.
B.His water is quite extraordinary.
C.Mineral water is good for health.
D.Plain water will serve the purpose.
8.A.Report the result of a discussion.
B.Raise some environmental issues.
C.Submit an important document.
D.Revise an environmental report.
Questions 9 t0 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
9.A.They pollute the soil used to cover them.
B.They are harmful to nearby neighborhoods.
C.The rubbish in them takes long to dissolve.
D.The gas they emit is extremely poisonous.
10.A.Growing population.
B.Packaging materials.
23考研国家线最新预测C.Changed eating habits.
D.Lower production cost.
11.A.By saving energy.
B.By using less aluminum.
C.By reducing poisonous wastes.
D.By making the most of materials.
12.A.We are running out of natural resources soon.
B.Only combined efforts can make a difference.
C.The waste problem will eventually hurt all of us.
D.All of us can actually benefit from recyclin9.2023年初级会计师报名
卫生资格考试报名条件Questions l3 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
14.A.To get information on one—way tickets to Canada.
B.To inquire about the price of“Super Saver”seats.
C.To get advice on how to fly as cheaply as possible.
D.To inquire about the shortest route to drive home.
15.A.Join a tourist group.
B.Choose a major airline.
C.Avoid trips in public holidays.
D.Book tickets as early as possible.
Section B
Directions:/n this section,you will hear 3 short passages.At the end of each passage,you will hearsome questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After youhear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A.,B),C.and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet l with a single linethrough the centre.