ns: There are 15 XXX in this n。For each sentence there are four choices marked A。B。C and D。Choose the one that best XXX.
1.XXX _____ XXX his health.
Answer: B
2.The children were _____ at the sight of the circus.
Answer: A
3.The company has decided to _____ the new product next month.
Answer: A
4._____ the heavy rain。the football match continued.
Answer: A
5.He's been working here _____ five years.
Answer: B
6.I'm not sure if I can _____ to the party tonight.
Answer: A
7.The teacher asked the students _____ XXX.
A。XXX finishing
Answer: C
8.The hotel room was so small that there was _____ to put our suitcases.
Answer: A
9.She _____ her phone when she dropped it on the floor.
Answer: A
10.The _____ of the accident is still under XXX.
Answer: C
11.The company has decided to _____ its employees a pay raise.
Answer: A
12.I'm sorry。I didn't catch _____ you said.
Answer: B
13.He _____ a lot of money on clothes every month.
Answer: A
14.XXX _____ the students for their hard work.
Answer: A
15._____ you study hard。you won't pass the exam.
Answer: B
XXX and their children has a strong influence on the character of the children。
XXX can you win the trust and support of your friends。
These apple trees。which I planted three years ago。have not borne any fruit。
Don't remind me of that awful day。I made such a fool of myself。
XXX is quite well now except for a XXX。
She is treated much better than I was.
12.If it had not rained yesterday。they would have finished work on time.
13.They are studying Saturn。the Solar System's second largest。and XXX.
14.I'd like to go with you。however。my hands are full at the moment.
15.XXX office hurriedly。XXX.
16.He had to quit the job because of his ill health.
17.She needs more friends of her own age.
18.In the long run。the training will help you e better at what you do.
Sea levels are expected to rise een 7 and 23 inches by the end of the 21st century。This is due to a n of factors。including the melting of ice caps and glaciers。thermal n of seawater。XXX.
As sea levels rise。XXX infrastructure。homes。XXX that we take n to mitigate the effects of climate change and ce our carbon footprint.
One way to do this is by XXX sources。such as wind and solar power。By cing our dependence on fossil fuels。we can decrease the amount of greenhouse gases we emit into the atmosphere and slow the rate of global warming.