Experts know that portable devices emit radiation, which affects those wavelengths which aircraft use for navigation and xxmunication.()
【全真测试】A. 阳光 B. 放射线 C. 激光
【四级词义】n. 放射线,放射物,辐射
【猜一猜】① radical ② radiance ③ radiant
【Key】① adj. 放射的,辐射的② n. 发光,光辉③adj. 发热的
什么中级职称最容易考The racial discrimination issue was a political hot potato in the United States in the past.
【全真测试】A. 种族的 B. 饮食的 C. 卫生的
【四级词义】adj. 人种的,种族的
【巧记】race(种族;人种)rac + ial(形容词后缀)
【真题例句】racial pride 种族优越感
Studies over a range of illnesses, from depression to heart disease,reveal that the presence of social support helps people fend off(挡开)illness, and the absence of such support makes poor health more likely.() 【全真测试】A. 顺序 B. 范围 C. 内容
【四级词义】n. 幅度,范围
【词性变化】v.(在某范围内)变动 ages that ranged from two to five. 两岁至五岁年龄段
Most episodes of absent-mindedness—forgetting where you left something or wondering why you just entered a room—are caused by a simple lack of attention.
【全真测试】A. 理解 B. 想知道 C. 感兴趣
【四级词义】v. 想知道,对……感到疑惑
【词性变化】n. 惊奇,奇迹
【例句】the seven wonders of the world 世界七大奇观
Several villages have been isolated by the floods.
【全真测试】A. 使受灾 B. 使隔离 C. 使毁灭
【四级词义】vt. 使隔离,使孤立
【猜一猜】①isolation ②isolationist ③isolative
【Key】① n. 隔绝,孤立,隔离,绝缘,离析② n. 孤立主义者③ adj. 好孤立的,成为孤立的
“The basic issue,” he says, “is that adults who are responsible for issuing licenses fail to recognize how xxplex and skilled a task driving is.”() 【全真测试】A. 问题 B. 要求 C. 原则
【四级词义】n. 问题,争论点
【词性变化】vt.(issuing, issued)(常与to连用)发给
【词义扩展】n. 出版,发行 an issue of a newspaper 一种报纸的发行
Their plea of national poverty rings a little hollow.
【全真测试】A. 堵塞的 B. 空的 C. 坚硬的山东公务员历年考试时间
【四级词义】adj. 空的,中空的
【词性变化】n. 洞,坑
Without adequate markets to absorb materials collected for recycling.()
【全真测试】A. 健全的 B. 足够的 C. 成熟的
【四级词义】adj. 适当地;足够的
He hung his coat on the hook behind the door.
【全真测试】A. 钉子 B. 钩 C. 门闩
【四级词义】n. 钩
【词性变化】vt. 钩住,沉迷,上瘾
This is a novel that hooked me on the very first page. 从第一页起就牢牢吸引我的小说。
She adhered to her plan to leave early.
【全真测试】A. 陈述 B. 坚持 C. 考虑
【四级词义】vi. 坚持,粘附,附着;遵守
【常用词组】adhere to坚持;坚信;忠于20XX年
If the law is passed, wild animals like foxes will be protected under the ban in Britain.()
【全真测试】A. 禁令 B. 规范 C. 法律
【四级词义】n. 禁令
【词性变化】vt. 取缔,禁止 Smoking is banned in school. 在学校禁止吸烟。
The decline in moral standards—which has long concerned social analysts—has at last captured the attention of average Americans.()