正月十五已过,全国高校陆续开学。今天普特君就给大家推荐一篇和学习有关的演讲。今天的演讲者叫斯科特·杨(Scott Young),他来自加拿大,是美国MIT(麻省理工学院)计算机科学专业的学生。
So if you’ve been watching the news lately, you have probably seen photographs like this. Students protesting because their government is cutting subsidies to education. And the big part of the reason for this, both the government cutting subsidies and the student ou
山东教师资格认定指导中心tcry is that getting a college education just doesn’t cost what it used to.
怎么报考社工证So if you graduated more than 2 decades ago, you might be surprised to know that it now costs students over 2.5x as much as it did for you, and that’s in real dollars for any economists in the audience here.
And it’s not an easy problem. On one hand the cost is becoming harder for both students and governments to bear. But in the other hand employers are demanding an educated workforce. They want employees with complex analytical skills. The world now runs out of what we dig out of people’s brains not just what we dig out of the ground. So, that’s the problem.
Now what’s the fix? Well, let me be completely honest with you. I have no idea.
But what I do want to suggest is that maybe we’ve been looking in the wrong place. We’ve been expecting change to come from schools and governments, but what if the change came from us.
I’d like to share my story and suggest that maybe an education doesn’t need to be expensive and what’s more, maybe we can learn better without it.
So in my case I was lucky. When I got accepted to college, I managed to narrow down my choice in major to two choices: Business and computer science. I was really interested in both. With one you get to build companies, with the other you get to build technologies. And these two are not mutually exclusive. After all Bill Gates was a hacker before he built an empire.
But in my school I could only major in one. So I did what any freshman would do, and did a careful rational cost-benefit analysis.
So business it was, and after graduating I have no regrets. I learned a lot and I had a great time.安徽省2022年教师招聘考试公告
But after finishing my education, I had this longing for the path not taken. I really wanted to learn computer science. But going back to school didn’t appeal to me, four more years of my life, acceptance boards, tuition bills, I didn’t want to postpone my life and rack up debt, just to pursue a curiosity. I wanted the education, not the school.
但是在结束了我的大学教育之后,我一直对自己没有选的那条路心怀渴望。我真的很想学计算机科学。但是,回学校读书对我来说没有什么吸引力; 我不想再花4年时间,不想再应付一次招生委员会,不想再交学费,不想仅仅为了满足好奇心就推迟我的人生并背一大笔债。我想要的是教育,而不是学校。
And then I remembered that Universities like MIT, Stanford and Harvard, had a habit of putting up classes online for free. I’ve done a few of these before and then a thought occurred to me. If you could learn a class, why not an entire degree.
So that was the beginning of an experiment. Would it be possible to get an MIT education in computer science without ever going to MIT? So it’s an intriguing idea, but already you can probably notice some of the complexities and objections this might raise. So going to MIT is a lot more than just what you learn in the classroom.
So how can you possibly hope to replicate something which is such a multifaceted experience? So I like to think college is a lot like eating at a five star restaurant. You’re never paying for just the food. You get the wait staff, elegant decor, the fancy french wines. You’re paying for a complex and multifaceted experience.