学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________
1.()his last word, he got into a taxi and disappeared in no time
A.Finishing B.Finished C.Having finished D.To finish 
2.The reason why he failed the exam was he was too careless()
A.because B.that C.for D.because of 
3.We insisted that he badly wounded and that a doctor for at once()
A.should be; should be sent 
B.was; be sent 
C.were; should be sent 
D.was; must be sent 
4.Proper_____can ease people’s relationship and make their conversation more pleasant()
A.insults B.speeches ises 
5.Harvey finished ______ his research paper, but he needed to check it before submitting it to the professor()
A.to pe 
6.Nearly three years of high school had gone by he finally realized the importance of studying hard()
A.until B.while C.before D.so that 
7.man realized that the brain controls our thinking()
A.It was not until the 18th century that 
B.It was the 18th century since 
C.Not until the 18th century did 
D.It was until the 18th century which 
8.Jane had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first()
A.intention B.attempt C.purpose D.desire 
9.The committee members meet()every Saturday and Sunday mornings
10._____on the grassland, I watched the clouds and listened to the singing of the birds()
A.Lying B.Laying C.Lied D.Laid 
A.silently B.impatiently C.gladly D.worriedly 池州人事考试
A.attractive B.vel D.unkind 
A.ality D.fact 
A.toward B.for C. 
A.out B.over C. 
A.silly B.difficult C.familiar D.serious 
A.recently B.lately C.iginally 
A.parties B.untries D.ages 
A.Unfortunately B.Unlikely C.Unconsciously D.Especially 
浙江卫生人才网A.bride B.cattle C.wealth D.children 
21.As long as we take a down-to-earth attitude to doing whatever we do, we are sure to gain something from what we have done
23.Leftover women(剩女) often refer to those who remain single at the age of 30 or above. In the cities, a growing number of well educated and professional females join the ranks of leftover women, so most of them have a booming income. Though some leftover women claimed that I am happy being single, the phenomenon of leftover women began to widely attract social attention and became a social problem. In order to solve this problem, some local governments in China have started to organize matchmaking events, where unmarried young women are expected to meet their Mr. Rights
24.________ bad news it is! We must try our best to help them out of the difficulty()
25.As a new graduate, he doesn’t know _________ it takes to start a business here()
26.The most important is not()you do, but()you do it
27.We are advised, while reading, not necessarily to ______ every new word in a dictionary but try to guess their meanings in the sentences()
A.look up B.give off C.look for D.pick up 
山西教师招聘202228.We are sometimesof selfishness in our lives()
A.dy C.guilty D.sorry 
副主任护师报考条件【精析】B分析句子结构可知,空处引导一个表语从句,且从句成分完整。当主语是reason时,常用that引导表语从句,而不用because。for:因为,由于,引导原因状语从句;because of:因为,为介词短语,其后常跟名词或代词。另外,也可将The reason why…is/was that…视为固定句型,意为……的原因是……。故选B