第一部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分 60分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给ABCD 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
Jose Adolfo is a banker from Peru. He encourages children to save money and offers his customers cash for recycling plastic wastes. But the remarkable thing is that he is still a child himself. By the age of 7, he decided to create a bank for children. He was motivated b
y seeing his classmates skipping lunch because they had spent the little money they had on sweets or football
cards. What drove him even more was the poverty he saw among children.
With the support of a local company, the 14-year-old founded the Bartselana student bank which now has more than 2,000 customers between the ages of 10 and 18. Children can withdraw () money from several cashpoints of the bank. They can also monitor their balances online. What makes it different from traditional banks is that it sets savings goals for children. They have to reach those goals in order to withdraw their money.
The student bank really took off when he came up with the “Recycle Plan”, a new way for the
children to earn money by collecting recyclable plastic or paper waste. Students can bring recyclable plastic bottles, used school books and old newspapers to the schools an
d put them into the collecting boxes. The recycling is weighed and the money goes to their bank accounts.
The bank recycles 4.4 tons of material a month and has collecting boxes in seven schools in
Arequipa. More are on a waiting list. Increasingly the model is in demand in the rest of Peru and abroad.
His efforts have been noticed by Perus environment ministry. “Hes making an amazing change
in financial (理财的) education that perhaps many adults could not come up with, said the Perus environment minister, Lucia Ruiz. Hes achieving a double goal because hes not just designing a financial opportunity for children and teenagers but also helping to reduce waste in the country.”
1.Why did Jose create a bank for children?
A. To help poor children. B. To provide free lunch.
C. To offer outdoor activities. D. To improve school condition.
2.What is special about the student bank ?
1 页 共 6
A. It makes saving goals. B. It monitors the balance.
C. It has several cashpoints. D. It serves customers online.
3.According to paragraph 4, students can earn money by _______ .
A. using less plastic bottles B. using old school books
C. collecting plastic wastes D. cleaning collecting boxes
4.What can we know about the “Recycle Plan” ?
A. Its typical. B. It打印会计准考证的网址s successful.
C. Its risky. D. Its well-organized .
5.According to Lucia Ruiz, why is Joses job meaningful?
A.He gave money to poor children.
B.He taught children how to spend money.
C.He helped adults receive financial education.
D.He contributed to financial education and recycling.
Like many inventions, language translators were imagined by writers long before they became real. In Hugo Gernsbacks 1911 novel A Romance of the Year 2660, characters use a video telephone that can translate from one language to another. A language translator also appears in Murray Leinsters 1945 First Contact. In that story, humans and creatures from another planet made a translation device together after asking for contact
with one another. The idea of the language translator didnt become truly popular, however, until the universal translator” appeared in the 1970 Star Trek series, which delighted television viewers at that time. That device was universal in the sense that it could translate any language that it came across.
The first real language translator was demonstrated (展示) by国考报名截止日期 engineers from IBM company and
Georgetown University in 1954. Their machine could only translate Russian sentences into English.
Language translators have come a long way since then. Today, online translations can be accessed easily at no cost to users. With translation apps, users sometimes dont even have to look things up. All they need to do is point their cellphones camera at some writing, and a translation immediately appears. If users want to tr雅思考试内容和题型anslate something being said aloud, they just turn on their phones microphone. All of these features save time and effort.
Translation apps on2022年初级会计报名入口 phones make foreign travel much easier than before. They are invaluable and
convenient when it comes to communicating with taxi drivers or hotel waiters who dont speak a travelers native language. But these apps are far from perfect. Sometimes a translation makes no sense, forcing the user to guess what the translation means. At other times, the user might not know that the translation has failed until he or she shows it to a native speaker.