2022--2023学年第一学期八年级期末考试    英语试题
本试卷共 120 分,考试时间为 100 分钟,共 8 页。
一、听力(25 分)
I.听句子,选择最佳答语。(5 分)
1. A. Once a week.
B. After dinner.
C. In the afternoon.
2. A. I don't like him.
B. I don't mind them.
C. I like game shows.
3. A. I think Tina was.
B. Tina did very well.
C. Tina is much better.
4. A. I go to the park.
B. I'm going to see a film.
C. I went to the beach.
5. A. I'm an engineer.
B. I want to be a pilot.
C. I will practice more.
II. 听简短对话和对话后的问题,选择最佳答案。(5 分)
6. A. Two.
B. Three.
C. Four.
7. A. Robots.
B. Mothers.
C. Fathers.
8. A. Go to the movies.
B. Go to the doctor.
C. Go shopping.
9. A. On the playground.
B. At the train station.
C. At the bus stop.
10. A. There’ll be no schools .
B. He won’t go to school.
C. He won’t study.
A    B    C
D    E    F

11.    12.   

听第一段对话, 回答第 16-17 小题,听第二段对话,回答第 18-20 小题。
16.What will Peter be in fiveyears?
A.Ateacher.    B.Anengineer.    C. Asinger.
17.Where will he live?
A.In Beijing.    B.In London.    C. In NewYork.
18.What is Tina’s new term’s resolution?
A.StudyChinese.    B.LearnEnglish.    C. Read morebooks.
19.How often is she going to dothat?
A. Onceaweek.    B. Twiceaweek.    C. Everymorning.
20.Why is Tony going to do moresports?
A.Keephealthy.    B. Helikessports.    C. It’s interesting.
V.听短文, 选择最佳答案。(5 分)
21.What time did Grace get up this morning?
A.Six o'clock.    B. Halfpastsix.    C. Seveno'clock.
22.How did Grace go to school this morning?
A.Bybike.    B.On foot.    C. Bybus.
23.What did Grace pick on his way toschool?
A.Abag.    B.Awatch.    C. Awallet.
24.Who came to his class and thankedhim?
A.Theowner.    B.Theheadmaster.    C. Thepoliceman.
25.Why did Grace feelhappy?
A. Hehelpedothers.    B. He enjoyedthelesson.    C. The owner thankedhim.
二、基础知识(初级人力资源师报考需要什么条件15 分)
VI.单项选择(15 分)
26I wantedto be    engineer in the pastbut now to be a doctor is mydream.
Aa    Ban    Cthe    D/
27.Jeffismuch    than his brother.He usually makes fewer mistakes in hishomework.
Acareful        Bmorecareful    Cmostcareful    Dthe most careful 28    do you have dance lessons—Once aweek.
AHowmany    BHowmuch    CHowlong    DHow often
292022国考面试时间在几月I made agiftby        and gave it to Mr.Yang on Teachers' Day. Ayourself    Byou    Cmyself    Dme
30.Zhang Guimei is a great teacher. She always tries her best to help girlsgetan    forfree.