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第一部分: 听力(共20小题,满分 30 分)
1. What’s the 初级会计职称成绩possible公务员考试年龄限制多少岁 relationship between the speakers?
A. Couple.                B. Classmates.                C. Neighbors.
2. Why does the woman call the man?
  A. To make an apology.    B. To report an event.            C. To arrange a meeting.
3. What has the man probably lost?
  A. His passport.            B. His sunglasses.            C. His key.
4. Which game does the woman often play now?
A. Zoo Tycoon.            B. Final Fantasy.                C. Need for Speed.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Why the match has been put off.               
B. Where the match will be played.                               
C. Who can attend the match.
6. What makes the man change 海盐县人事人才网his appointment?
A. An expected visitor.               
B. His urgent problem at work.           
C. The traffic due to the bad weather.
7. When will the man meet Dr. Martin?
A. On Wednesday.                B. On Thursday.                C. On Friday.农行招聘
8. What has Jessica Edwards been busy doing recently?
  A. Opening her own café.       
B. Working in a restaurant.   
C. Taking a cookery course.
9. How does the man feel about his job?
A. He’s upset.                    B. He’s regretful.                C. He’s pleased.
10. How often does the magazine Parents’ Time come out now?
  A. Once a week.                B. Twice a month.            C. Once a month.
11. What did people think of the magazine at first?
  A. It was amusing.                B. It was traditional.            C. It was modern.
12. What publishing experience did the man have?
  A. He wrote numerous articles.
  B. He transformed a magazine.
  C. He started a student magazine.
13. What will the man be in charge of?
A. Reading the messages.        B. Making a shortlist.            C. Counting the votes.
河北专接本考试管理系统14. How will students vote?
A. They will vote in class.       
B. They can text a message.   
C. They have to vote online.
15. Who will collect the votes?
  A. Lisa.                        B. Wendy.                    C. John.
16. How many popular clubs do the speakers decide to choose?
  A. Three.                        B. Five.                        C. Ten.
17. Why did the speaker and his friend abandon their boat?
  A. Because of a waterfall.   
B. Because of their poor health.           
  C. Because of the hot weather.
18. What sign of human activity did the speaker find at first?
  A. A village.    B. A path.                C. A table.       
19. When did the speaker get to the camp?
  A. On the fifth day.        B. On the sixth day.            C. On the seventh day.
20. What did the speaker do to thank the host?
  A. He left some money.       
B. He offered cooking equipment.
  C. He provided some food.
第二部分:  阅读理解(共2节,满分50分)
第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项。(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
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    Best Time to Visit: May to September
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