The number of devices you can talk to is multiplying -- first it was your phone, then your cat, and now you can tell your kitchen appliances what to do. But even without gadgets that understand our spoken commands, research suggests that, as bizarre is it sounds, under certain __26__ people regularly ascribe human traits to everyday objects.
Sometimes we see things as human because we are __27__ In one experiment, people who reported feeling isolated were more likely than others to attribute __28__ to various gadgets. In turn, feeling close to objects can __29__ loneliness. When college students were reminded of a time they had been __30__ in a social setting, they compensated by exaggerating their number of friends- unless they were first given tasks that caused them to interact with their phone as if it had human qualities. According to the
researchers, the participants phones __31__ substituted for real friends.
At other times, we personify products in an effort to understand them. One study found that three in fou
r respondents yelled at their computer. Further, the more their computer gave them problems, the more likely the respondents were to report that it had its own "beliefs and __32__."
So how do people assign trails to an object? In par, we rely on looks. On humans wide faces are __33__ with dominance. Similarly, people rated curs, clocks, and watches with wide faces as more dominant-looking than narrow-faced ones, and preferred them- especially in __34__ situations. An analysis of car sales in Germany found that cars with grilles(护栅) that were upturned like smiles sold best. The purchasers saw this __35__ as increasing a cars friendliness.
A) alleviate
B) apparently
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D) associated
E) circumstances
F) competitive
G) conceded
H) consciousness
I) desires
J) excluded
K) feature
L) lonely
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N) spectacularly O) warrant (26)E江西教师资格证报名
Why More Farmers Are Making The Switch to Grass-Fed Meat and Dairy
A) Though he didnt come from a farming family, from a young age Tim Joseph was fascinated by the idea of living off the land. Reading magazines like The Stockman Grass Farmer and Graze, he
got hooked on the idea of grass-fed agriculture. The idea that all energy and wealth comes from the sun really intrigued him. He thought the shorter the distance between the sun and the end product, t
he higher the profit to the farmer.
B) Joseph wanted to put this theory to the test. In 20XX, he and his wife Laura launched Maple Hill Creamery, an organic, all grass-fed yogurt company in northern New York. He quickly learned what the market has demonstrated: Demand for grass-fed products currently exceeds supply. Grass-fed beef is enjoying a 25-30% annual growth rate. Sales of grass-fed yogurt and kefir(发酵乳饮品), on the other hand, have in the last year increased by over 38%. This is in comparison with a drop of just under 1% in the total yogurt and kefir market, according to natural and organic market research company SPINS. Josephs top priority became getting his hands on enough grass-fed milk to keep customers satisfied, since his own
64-cow herd wasnt going to suffice.
C) His first partnership was with Paul and Phyllis Amburgh, owners of the Dharma Lea farm in New York. The Amburghs, too,