一、 LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE(总题数:26,分数:52.00)
1.PART III LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGEThere are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words, phrases or statements marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. Choose one word, phrase or statement that best completes the sentence.(分数:2.00)
2.All you do now is _______ the housework before your mom arrives home.
 A.having finished
& have finished
3.If there were no polysemy, Chinese _______ much easier to learn.
 A.will be
&uld have been
 C.would be 
 D.would have been
4.Is this novel _______ Mr. Zhang referred to last week?
 D.the one 
解析:解析:此题容易误认为应填入关系代词引导定语从句,从而误选A或C。这句话还原为陈述语气为:This novel is ______ Mr.Zhang referred to last week.可见句中缺少了先行词,因此答案是D。注意Mr.Zhang referred to是省略了关系代词的定语从句,修饰the one。
5.I went to Paris in 2008, which was the only occasion when I _______ the journey in exactly three days.
 A.was able to make 
 B.must make
&uld make
 D.must have made
解析:解析:could和be able to的区别。could指“一般的能力”,通常不表示某人在某一场合设法做了某事。be able to专用于具体场合,尤其指“具有能力完成某件有难度的事情”,因此A是正确答案。本句是陈述过去事实,B中must多指现在或将来的情况,一般不用来表示过去必须做某事,据此排除。D中must have done sth.表示对过去行为的推测、猜想,不一定是事实,与句意不符。
6.Please _______from smoking until the airplane is airborne.
解析:解析:在飞机降落前请勿吸烟。A.resist表示“忍住,顶住”时,一般直接接名词或动名词,例如:He could hardly resist laughing.他实在忍不住要笑。B.prevent可用于prevent sb.from doing sth.结构,表示“阻止某人做某事”,例如:We were prevented by heavy smog from seeing anything.浓雾使我们看不到任何东西。C.refrain为不及物动词,一般与介词from搭配,表示“忍住不做……”,“抑制住不……”,着重表示“节制”。为正确选项。例如:He refrained from commenting.他忍住没有妄加评论。D.restrain也可表示“克制,抑制……不……”,但一般用于restrain sb.from doing sth.结构,例如:He
had to be restrained from hitting the man.他得克制住自己不去打那个人。注:airborne意为“在飞行中,空降的”,该句意为在飞行过程中不能吸烟,这里用refrain from doing结构合适,选C。
7.The Copenhagen conference is looking to agree on a(n) _______ that will be built on the current Kyoto Protocol.
8.On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be _______ towards them.
解析:解析:在路上,驾驶汽车的人应该留意骑自行车的人并为他们着想。A.considering是consider的现在分词 B.considerable"相当大的,重要的”C.considerate"“体贴的,为他人考虑的” D.considered是consider的过去分词
9.It seems somewhat_______ to expect her to many a man who she barely knows about for money.
为什么说普通家庭不要考军校 D.unique
解析:解析:指望她为了钱嫁给一个她几乎不了解的人,这似乎有些荒唐。A.eccentric指人、行为、举止等古怪的,怪癖的,超出常规的,例如:This strikes me as a most eccentric response.在我看来,这是最为古怪的回应。B.queer更强调反常的、奇怪的,隐含有所修饰的事物值得怀疑或存在问题的意思,例如:I heard some queer footsteps.我听到某种可疑的脚步声。C.absurd指事情荒谬的,荒唐的,甚至是可笑的(如本题),例如:She found the whole concept faintly absurd.她觉得整个观念有些滑稽
青年大第季第十一季第十七期答案可笑。 D.unique指唯一的,独特的,独一无二的,例如:The tranquil beauty of the village scenery is unique.这乡村景的宁静是绝无仅有的。
10.Mary became _______ homesick, so she fled from her home in L.A. to her hometown in Austria.
解析:解析:玛丽越来越想家,所以她从洛杉矶的家逃回了自己在奥地利的故乡。A.“completely”完整地,完全地” B.sincerely“真挚地。真诚地”C.absolutely“绝对地,完全地” D.increasingly“日益增加地,渐渐地”注:become一词提示玛丽想家是一个渐进的过程,排除A选C。
11.The TV station has hired more than 65 people to get its Washington,D.C.operation _______.
 A.off the ground 
& the ground
 C.below ground
 D.above ground
解析:解析:这家电视台聘请了超过65名员工,使位于美国首都华盛顿的演播室展开运作。A.get off the ground“(计划、经商点子等)开始有进展”。B.on the ground“在现场(尤指战争现场)”。C.below ground“在地下,去世的”。D.above ground“在地上,在世”。
12.As the road was blocked by a rock, the travelers had to _______ up a rocky slope on then-way back.
解析:解析:由于道路被岩石挡住了,返回的时候旅行者不得不爬上了陡峭的山坡。A.run“跑”明显不合适,在slope上很难进行。B.crawl“爬,爬行”,虽然也是爬,但它是手肘、膝盖落地的地面上慢慢爬行。C.scramble“快速攀爬,攀登”,符合句意。D.hurry“匆忙,赶紧”,和句意无关。注:根据句意,应一个和陡峭的山坡(rocky slope)搭配的动词,而且是往上(up)爬,C最合适。
13.We had a good time there, and the food was plentiful and very_______.2023江苏省公务员省考
解析:解析:我们在那里玩得很开心,食物很充足,也很有益健康。A.conducive“有益于” B.helpful“乐于助人的”C.wholesome“有益健康的” D.appreciative“赞赏的”
14.On Christmas Eve, our tree was decorated with shining_______, such as colored lights and glass balls.
解析:解析:圣诞节前夕,我们的圣诞树被用闪闪发光的小饰物,比如彩灯和玻璃球.装饰起来。A.luxuries“奢侈(品),豪华” B.exhibits“展览品,陈列品”C.complements“补充物,补足物” D.ornaments“装饰,装饰品”
15.Environment is to us what water is to fish—on no _______ can we live without it!
解析:解析:环境对于我们来说就好像水对于鱼儿一样——我们绝对没法脱离它而生存!注:on no account是固定表达,表示“绝不”。
16."This idea is no more creative than that one." The sentence means that