一、 Listening Comprehension(总题数:12,分数:50.00)
1.Part II Listening Comprehension
2.Section A
 A.Guests can pay without going to the front desk.
 B.Guests can go direct to their rooms. 
 C.Guests can check out any time.
 D.Guests can make room reservations.
解析:解析:录音提到一家连锁酒店打算使用一款应用程序(app)给顾客发送数字钥匙,顾客因此无需办理入住手续,可以绕过前台直接入住房间。B“顾客可以直接入住房间”是这种数字钥匙的主要优点,为答案,其中的go direct对应录音中的go straight。录音没有提及付款、退房和预订房间的相关内容,因此A、C和D不正确。
 A.He will be sent back even if he is unfit to stand trial. 
 B.He will remain in South Africa for medical treatment.
 C.He will stand trial in South Africa once proved fit.
 D.He will return to the U.K. for medical treatment.
解析:解析:新闻开头提到,Shrien Dewani向高级法院提出申诉,希望在适合出庭受审时才被遣返回英国,但他的申诉失败。法官裁决,若最终证明Shrien Dewani不适合受审,只要南非政府保证将他遣返回英国,Shrien Dewani可以被遣返。由此可知,A“尽管他不适合出庭受审也得被遣返”为答案,同时排除C“一旦证明合适就在南非出庭受审”。法庭裁决没有提及的问题,故排除B和D。
 A.Killing his wife in the U.K.
 B.Being involved in a taxi accident.
 C.Hiring a crew of criminals.
 D.Having his wife killed. 
解析:解析:新闻的开头和结尾都提到Dewani的罪行:雇用罪犯杀害妻子,D“让人杀害自己的妻子”为答案。Dewani计划在南非度蜜月时杀害妻子,A错在in the U.K.。Dewani的妻子是在搭乘的士时被杀的,新闻中没有谈及的士事故,B“涉嫌与一起的士事故有关”没有依据。Dewani主要是被控杀人,故排除C“雇用一帮罪犯”。
 A.The school stopped providing school lunch.
 B.Their parents preferred fruit and milk for lunch.
 C.Their parents failed to pay for school lunch. 
 D.They chose to have something different.
解析:解析:新闻提到,犹他州的许多小学生被收走了午餐盘,原因是他们用于支付午餐的账户余额不足(had negative balances);学校没有给这部分孩子提供惯常的午餐,而是给他们发了水果和牛奶。由此可知,C“父母未支付午餐费用”为答案。A“学校停止提供午餐”与新闻不符。B“他们的家长更喜欢水果和牛奶当午餐”和D“他们选择要不一样的东西”都属于无中生有。
 A.They were satisfied.
 B.They were surprised. 
 C.They were angry.
 D.They were sad.
对应录音中的blindsided。A“满意的”与家长的反应截然相反。新闻没有提及家长们很愤怒,排除C。新闻中提到的a lot of tears和pretty upsetting都是孩子的反应,排除D。
 A.This week.
 B.On Tuesday.
 C.On Monday. 
3.Section B
河南公务员网络培训学院登录入口 A.Freshman.
 A.She wanted Dr. Tyler to sign on her schedule card. 
 B.She wanted Dr. Tyler to determine the number and variety of her courses.
 C.She wanted to talk to Dr. Tyler about the modern American novel.
 D.She wanted to explain why she dropped the chemistry course.
解析:解析:见面时的寒暄一过,学生就说出了自己的目的:“我需要您在我这儿的课程卡上签名。”A与此一致,故为答案。选项均以She wanted开头,表明本题问“她”做某事的目的,可能问对话的主旨。
 A.If his seminar on the modern American novel is welcomed.
 B.If he signs his name, Jenny won't work hard as ever.
 C.If Jenny can take two seminars in a semester.
 D.If six courses might be too much for Jenny. 
 B.Modern poetry. 
 D.Introductory economics.
解析:解析:对话中提到,学生所选的6门功课分别是chemistry,calculus,modem American novel,romantic poetry,introductory economics和music。未提及的是选项B,故选B。四项均是功课名称,听录音时须对提到的相关内容做好标记。
 A.He wants to get his money back. 全国会计资格考试网2023
 B.He wants to exchange the sweater for another one.
 C.He wants the clerk to help him read the Chinese instructions.
 D.He wants to see why the color of the sweater changed.
教师节送老师的礼物 A.It is the wrong size.
 B.The fabric is coming apart.
 C.It is stained.
 D.It shrinks a lot. 
 A.The customer didn't follow the instructions. 
 B.The sweater was out of stock.
 C.The man no longer has the store receipt.
 D.The man isn't a VIP.
 A.Because it wasn't shown out.
 B.Because it was printed small. 
 C.Because it was too obvious to notice.