1. ___________!  There’s a train coming.
  A. Look out        B. Look around     C. Look forward      中公教育最怕什么投诉D. Look on
2. The murderer was brought in, with his hands _________ behind his back.
河南教资考试  A. being tied      B. having tied     C. to be tied          D. tied
3. She heard a terrible noise, ___________ brought her heart into her mouth.
  A. it            B. which         C. this            D. that
安徽人社厅4. Some children usually behave in their own way _____ they do not get along well with their
      classmates and there are often disagreements between them. 
        A. even though    B. on condition that    C. so that    D. unless
5. Secondary and higher education _____ available to all high school graduates in this
      country so far.
        A. have made    B. were made themselves  C. have been made    D. were made it
6. The mother believes that John’s stupid, but it’s different _____ of Mary; she’s just lazy.
        A. in spite    B. in the case    C. in the course    D. in case
7. I learned to __________ a bicycle as a small boy.
  A. drive          B. ride            C. operate          D. run
8. _________, I went to the railway station to see my friend off.
  A. After eating quickly my dinner                B. After my quickly eating dinner
  C. After eating my dinner quickly                D. After eating my quickly dinner
9. Whoever does wrong to his country or to the people deserves _____.
        A. to punish            B. to be punished
        C. to punishment        D. of being punished
10. After Christmas, _____ clothes on sale in that shop attracted quite a few housewives.
        A. a variety of      B. a number of    C. the number of    D. the great deal of
11. About how many elements _____ make up most of the substances we meet in everyday
life  A. it is which    B. what it is        C. is it that        D. it is that
12浙江公务员报名网. The government was believed to be considering _____ a law _____ it a crime to import any kind of weapon.
        A. to pass …. to making                B. to be passing …. to make
        C. passing … made                D. passing …. making.
13. Dewitt Wallance founded the Reader’s Digest as a pocket-sized, non-fiction magazine
        _____ to inform and entertain.
        A. was intended    B. intending    C. to intend    D. intended
14. We __________ each other the best of luck in the examination.
  A. hoped        B. wanted         C. expected        D. wished
15. Will you ________ me a favor, please
  A. give      B. make              C. do          D. doing
16. The image of a devoted and noble angel in white _____ heals the wounded and rescues
      the dying is making a comeback _____ the nation faces a crisis.
        A. that…because    B. who…when    C. which…that    D. what…as