001. Raymond and Howell proposed job cuts following a two-year decline in sales ______.
(a) figures
(b) actions
(c) employers
(d) information
002. In the past three years, our marketing manager ______ to Europe, Australia, Brazil and Thailand.
(a) had gone
(b) has been
(c) gone
(d) went
003. ______ moving to a northern climate, be sure to properly winterize your automobile.
(a) gives
(b) given
(c) giving
(d) is giving
004. An increase in a nation's rate of savings ultimately ______ to lower interest rates for business and consumer loans.
(a) lead
(b) leads
(c) leader
(d) leading
005. We need to get ______ paperwork from him before the end of the fiscal year.
(a) him
(b) himself
(c) he
(d) his
006. Any information ______ about the revised holiday work schedule can be obtained from Ms. Zeldenrust in Human Resources.
(a) volunteered
(b) needed
(c) donated
(d) called
007. Ever since the drivers' strike started, citywide buses have been ______ running thirty minutes to one hour late.
(a) finally
(b) constantly
(c) concurrently
(d) very
008. More than 6.55 million workers are ______ in the manufacturing industry, according to government data.
(a) employed
(b) employer
(c) employing
(d) employment
009. Fair Oaks Transit trains were back on schedule Monday after a mudslide disrupted last Friday morning's ______.
(a) section
(b) commute
(c) tracking
(d) beginning
010. Sam's Steakhouse is ______ better than famous national chains with larger advertising budgets.
(a) argue
(b) arguing
(c) argument
(d) arguably
011. _____ Daily Dogs targets its advertising campaign to pet owners, it could be headed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.
(a) Until
(b) Unless
(c) Whereas
(d) Except
012. Mocha Monkeys Coffee ______ very quickly because of its cheap prices and unique
(a) expands
(b) are expanding
(c) is expanding
(d) to expand
013. Notice: The meeting ______ for today has been postponed until Thursday at 4 P.M.
(a) scheduled
(b) happening
(c) important
(d) open
014. The new computer chips will ______ be delayed because the hurricane on the East Coast has disrupted air traffic.
(a) probability
(b) probably
(c) probable
(d) probe
015. We would like to thank the Elog Foundation for its generous ______ to our charity fundraiser.
(a) donor
(b) donate
(c) donated
(d) donation
016. After carefully ______ the bid packages from each vendor, we have decided to award the contract to Thomas Cullen.
(a) considered
(b) considering
(c) considerate
(d) consideration
017. Economists predict a ______ in housing prices due to the recent reduction in unemployment.
(a) development
(b) growth
(c) rise
(d) lift
018. Changes in American eating ______ over the last twenty years are blamed for a variety of health problems.
(a) meals
(b) habits
(c) dishes
(d) restaurants潍坊市人社局网站
019. The Holden Complex ______ has vacancies despite its high rent, inconvenient location and large annual maintenance fee.
(a) unusually
(b) rarely
(c) frequently
(d) assuredly
020. Be informed that this medication is for temporary relief of symptoms, and is not intended ______ your annual immunization shot.
(a) replaced
(b) replace
(c) to replace
(d) replacing
021. The Healthcare community was shocked ______ Ricardo Peter's resignation after only one year as president of Healthcorps.
(a) in
(b) up
(c) of
新疆下半年事业单位考试(d) by
022. Alanis bought renter's insurance to ______ her personal belongings while living in an apartment.
(a) protect
(b) protector
(c) protection
(d) protective
023. The personnel department requires that all ______ be interviewed at least three times before a hiring decision is made.
(a) applications
(b) applicants
(c) appliances
(d) applicator
024. During office remodeling there will be ______ interruptions to ADSL, copier and fax machine service临沂考试网.
(a) usual
(b) often
(c) frequent
(d) little
025. Kindly ______ your colleagues to tip the waitress at least 15 percent.
(a) remind
(b) remember
(c) order
(d) command
026. It is probably safe to say that of all the board members, Mr. Cain has the most ______.
(a) result
(b) effect
(c) influence
(d) conclusion
027. Sales of new homes this month are down 2% from last month, ______ 6% from a year ago.
(a) too
(b) and
(c) as well
(d) along with
028. Since Dawson Creek Fashion was late getting its new styles on the market, there was not ______ opportunity to meet pre-Christmas sales projections.