“Listening is more important than talking.”This proverb meansthat listening is something worthwhile to consider when we havecommunication with others.巴彦淖尔市教育局
专升本录取查询系统入口People often focus on their speaking ability, believing thatgood speaking equals good communication. There is some truth inthis statement, but people who hold this opinion ignore a moreimportant fact. God gave people two ears and one mouth, so itrequires us to keep the ratios of listening and speaking by two toone. The ability to speak well is a necessary component tosuccessful communication. The
capability of listening is asimportant as speaking in that listening is the best respect forpeople around us. Listen attentively when others are speaking. Itis the best and the most effective compliment that you can givethem.
To conclude, Listening can prevent interruption or formulate aresponse even before other speakers have finished. Good listenersare often some of the best speakers who can improve the quality ofthe co
mmunication. So listeners should interact with speakers, andrespond promptly.广州人力资源