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方+裂缝夯实+主动防护网+被动防护网+拦石墙+锚杆”相结合的综合治理方案。 关键词:震裂山体勘查评价治理设计
吉林地震局Study On Exploration, Evaluation And Control Design Of
Shattering Mountains in "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake
Introduction of the author: Zhangying, male, was born in October, 1983 whose tutor was Professor Xuqiang . He graduated from Chengdu University of Technology in Geotechnical Engineering major and was granted the Master Degree in June, 2009.
After the "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake, there developed more than 1700 shattering mountains which are "crack not slip" or "pine not move" in the earthquake-disaster area. It caused great harm of people's lives and property in the earthquake-disaster area. This paper identified the development and distribution regularity of shattering mountains, analysised genetic mechanism, influencing factors and characteristic of shattering mountains, classified different types of shattering mountain by some comprehensive means such as site investigation, analogical research, analysis and calculation indoor and so on, and combining the example of the method of exploration, evaluation and control design in Shiziliang. Finally, this paper initial established a set of method of exploration, evaluation and control design which is suitable for shattering mountains.
(1) After the Wenchuan earthquake, there added more than 9000 geological hazard spots in Sichuan disaster area which directly threatened living environment and there were more than 1700 shattering mountains. Geological hazards which caused by earthquake distributed along the earthquake fault zone and river water in space and were zonal or linear. There is an obvious hanging wall effect. The less the disk from the earthquake fault of geological hazards, the higher the density of the development of geological hazards, in particular in the part of the transition and turning point of the terrain by the slowly decreasing steep, thin ridges, solitary ridge or mountains part which is multiaspect facing empty. The development of geological hazards in hard rock layer is more than in the soft rock layer. There usually occurs collapse hazards in hard rock layer and landslides in the soft rock layer mainly.
(2) Many shattering mountains in "5.12" Wenchuan earthquake developed in the ridge parts of a long strip. The shattering area were large and the shattering cracks were
wide. Shattering mountains were impacted by the soil lithology, geomorphological conditions, geological, hydrological, earthquake ground motion and other factors. A shattering mountain often dev
eloped a number of hazards potential point and performed different forms such as collapses, slip blocks, debris flow and so on. At the same time, after the mountains were shattered, the cracks were hidden and mostly threatened the post-hazard reconstruction. Author divided shattering mountains into hard rock shattering mountains, soft rock shattering mountains and loose deposits shattering mountains according to the formation lithology which shattering mountains developed in. and author divided shattering mountains hazards into potential collapses, potential slip blocks, potential debris flow according to type of hazard in shattering mountains.
(3) According to characteristics of the different types which shattering mountains developed, this paper proposed detailed method of exploration, evaluation and control design by induction and summarization according to each type of hazard, with combining of geo-hazards in the past.
(4) This paper carried out detailed survey of Shiziliang shattering mountains in Qingchuan. Through reasonable exploration program, this paper identified the overall characteristics of development of the distribution, deformation, structure of the slope, space form and material composition of geological hazards in Shiziliang shattering mountains in Qingchuan, at the same time, carried out slope stability analysis of three potential slip blocks and eleven dangerous rock body which developed in Shiziliang shattering mountains in Qingchuan. Based on the study, author proposed the control design which was
"Clearance + Filling Joint + Active protention net + Passive protention net + Retaining wall + Bolt"
Keywords:  Shattering Mountains, Exploration, Evaluation , Control design