1. Celebrate Farming with LEAF Open Farm Sunday 2023
How many people have passed your farm, seen your pigs and wondered what happens behind the farm gate? There is a genuine interest across society to learn about where food comes from, what the work farmers do and how the countryside is managed.
Whether you host an event for 20 people or 200, the day is really rewarding, a great way to involve your local community and is hugely positive PR for British farming. A simple self-guided farm walk is all you need to offer, and LEAF has lots of free resources and top tips available to help with your planning, including:
● bow to manage your visitor numbers with the ticketing system
● planning and messaging for a farm walk
● creative activity ideas
● risk assessment templates (样板)
● creating a hand-washing station (needed if you have livestock)
Cooperate with a local farmer, run your own event, or offer to help someone who is taking part this year and play your part in promoting British farming.
Following registration, you will receive a handbook with guidance on how to organize a safe and engaging event. There is also a team of LEAF Open Farm Sunday ambassadors who are at the end of an email or phone to answer your questions.
To find out more, visit:
1. Who may go to LEAF Open Farm Sunday 2023?
2. What does L.EAF offer?
A.A self-guided farm walk.
B.Tips for planning farm activities.
C.Paid resources.
D.Hand washing stations.
3. How can visitors get the handbook?
A.Cooperate with a local farmer.
B.Promote British farming.
C.Offer guidance on how to organize events.
D.Register for LEAF.
2. To be honest. I’ve been missing the online shopping experience in China since I moved to the US four years ago. So when I noticed Shein becoming mainstream in the US over the past few years, I though, Great! I finally have a Taohao replacement! So I went on my first Shein journey in August 2022.
But somewhere along the way, I started questioning why I enjoy this particular kind of shopping, and also what it means for an e-commerce platform to offer endless deals.
To be fair, there are Shein purchases that I’ve really enjoyed, like a $2 nylon watchband that feels better than my original Apple Watch band. I also think people should be able to c
hoose quantity and price over quality, because the idea of demanding that people only buy premium products feels unrealistic.
But as it turns out, I’ve finally started to see through the illusion (错觉) of Shein-like platforms. To get these occasional incredible deals, you are encouraged to shop much more than is necessary or even reasonable. This illusion has worked for a long time and for a lot of people, including me! But it’s become harder and harder to ignore the environmental consequences of my purchases, and the ways in which platforms trick people into buying more and more.
And I don’t think I’m the only one experiencing that awakening. Broadly speaking, I think society is slowly but surely shifting toward recognizing the climate impact of mass-produced cheap goods. While these conversations have yet to happen as widely and furiously in China, companies like Taobao and Shein will inevitably have to answer the question of whether their business model is sustainable for everyone—or only for themselves. So where are they beading from here? There’s certainly a lot of soul-searching for the industry to do.
And I’m doing some soul-searching of my own.
1. Why does the author mention a “$2 nylon watchband”?
A.To compare it with her original band.
B.To persuade readers to buy it.
C.To show her satisfaction with Shein.
D.To show its cheapness.
2. What does the underlined word “premium” mean in the third paragraph?
3. What do the customers tend to do with the illusion of Shein-like platforms?
A.They get incredible products on sale.
B.They often buy much more than what they need.
C.They ignore the environmental impacts.
D.They are tricked into buying more and more reasonable products.
4. What is a consequence of endless deals in e-commerce platforms?
A.Environmental harm.
B.Price reduction.
C.Energy shortage.
D.Worldwide starvation.
3. The memory of elephants is the stuff of lore (传说), and now it seems they can recall the smell of a relative even after a decade apart.
When Franziska Hörner at the University of Wuppertal in Germany and her colleagues heard about planned reunions between two mother-daughter pairs at zoos in Germany, the took advantage of the chance to test the elephants’ memories. One pair had been separated for two years, while the other had spent 12 years apart.