一、 选择题
1. You can’t imagine what great trouble I had ____ his address.
  A. to find      B. of finding      C. finding                  D. about finding
2. Excuse me, I have no ___ on me. Can you ____ the note of 100 yuan?
A. changes; changes  B. changes; change  C. change; change  D. changed; changed
3. When _______ this medicine, it is a good idea to avoid_______ alcohol.
A. taking; drinking    B. taken; drinking        C. taking; to drink        D. taken; to drink
考查非谓语动词。第一个空考查状语从句的省略,这里省略了隐藏的主语石家庄招聘2022you,主语和take之间是主谓关系,所以用taking。第二个空考查avoid doing sth.(避免做某事)这个固定短语。
4. —Do you know where I can get someone ______ my skirt?
  —You can have your skirt ______ at Main Street Cleaners.
A. to shorten; shorten                    B. to shorten; shortened
C. shortened; shortened        D. shortened; to shorten
5. Every boy and every girl in our school _____ to join one or two clubs according to their hobbies.
A. are encouraged    B. encourage      C. is encouraged    D. is encouraging
6. —Did you have a wonderful time at the ball last night?
      —____! I’ve never had a more wonderful time all my life.
A. You bet              B. No problem          C. By no means        D. Got it
7. The news _______ Obama Michelle will not meet Xi’s wife, Peng Liyuan, disappoints many people.
A. which    B. what      C. that      D. /
8. His father told me that he ______ for the United States three days ______. 
A. has left; ago              B. had left; ago        C. left; ago              D. had left; before
9. Julia was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, _________ this was a memory she especially treasured.
A. as              B. if              C. because of          D. where
10. My brother left home five years ago. I ______ nothing from him up to now.
    A. hear        B. heard        C. have heard          D. had heard
11. Hard as the girl study, ________ did she get high marks in every English examination.
    A. sometimes      B. certainly      C. seldom        D. once
12. ----Is that the small town you often refer to?
----Right, just the one ______ you know I used to work for years.
A. which        B. where        C. that         D. what
13. An awful accident ____, however, occur the other day.
  A. does            B. did            C. has to          D. had to
14. He left ________any of his friends _________ him _________.
A. with; seeing; of                B. without; seeing; off   
C. without; see; / D. with; see; out
15. It’s helpful to put children in a situation ________they can see themselves differently.
Athat        Bwhen        Cwhich          Dwhere
16. He got up late and hurried to the office, _____ the breakfast untouched.
A. left                        B. having left          C. leaving                  D. to leave
二、 完型填空
17. Choose what you want to do, and don’t stop until getting there. You can ___21___ beyond your wildest dreams.
My goal for myself last year was to ___22___ a half marathon (马拉松). I was inspired by th
e runners in the world, seeing them run a half then ___23___ a full marathon, seeing my parents-in-law’s ___24___ as they told me about their upcoming marathon. I knew I wanted to do a half.
I completed my first 10k last April. Feeling happy, I ___25___ to take the next step and sign up for the Hampton’s Half in September. As the marathon drew near, I became more ___26___. I just didn’t think that I was ___27___ to be a runner, I had never been ___28___ at running. Why suddenly could I do it now? 13.1 miles was further than anything I ever dreamed of. Unexpectedly, a month before the ___29___ I hurt my hamstring (脚筋) seriously one rainy night. ___30___, I felt somehow relieved. Now I had a good ___31___ not to run. I didn’t have to feel ___32___ when I couldn’t finish, because I could simply explain that I had hurt myself and could no longer ___33___. It was like a weight had been ___34___ from my shoulders.
My attitude finally changed I believe that I can do anything, and my body is ___35___ to do amazing things. I signed up for the DC Cherry Blossom 10 miler with some friends, and wit
h all of them  ___36___ me, I couldn’t draw back. Unfortunately, while training hard, I was again ___37___, I hurt my knee in an accident and couldn’t ran for months. The thought of using it as an excuse that I couldn’t run came across my ___38___ but I threw it away after a couple of minutes. On that exciting day I ___39___ it to the finishing line, though not a good result. The ___40___ distance I’ve ever run, one I had never thought possible.