“My Story of Chinese Hanzi”is an international competition, hosted by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and organized by People’s Daily Online.
The entire competition consists of preliminary rounds(预赛),semi-finals,and finals.
The first two rounds of the competition will be held online.Contestants will answer the questions and provide one-minute videos in the preliminary rounds.The second-round contestants will produce videos featuring a virtual talent show.Votes will be cast by fans online, and the top ten selected winners will move onto the finals, which will be held offline in late August.
Each finalist will deliver a seven-minute speech focusing on the theme of "Ren", a fundamental value long cherished in Chinese culture.
International students in China, including ethnic Chinese who are at least third-generation immigrants;
Foreigners working in China whose native language is not Chinese and whose parents’ native language is not Chinese;
Other non-native speakers of Chinese(including full-time students and community members)who are non-Chinese citizens.
There is no age limit for contestants.
Preliminary rounds—The top 30 contestants will receive participation awards and be eligible to enter into the semi-finals.
Semi-finals—The contest organizing committee will upload the videos of the winners of the
preliminary rounds onto the People's Daily Online website, organize online voting, and then select ten winners after completion of online voting and scoring by the judges.
Finals—Upon finishing up the speech competition, various awards will be announced after the scoring is carried out by the judges, with the scores comparing competitors' Chinese language speaking abilities, expressiveness, the core message behind their stories, and how their stories promote exchanges between different civilizations.
To take part in the contest, please scan the QR code and complete the questionnaire.
CPAFFC reserves all rights for final explanation.
1.Who decide the winners to move onto the finals?
A.Committee members.    B.Online Fans.
C.International judges.    D.Non-Chinese citizens.
2.What determine the qualification for the competition?
A.Occupation and gender.    B.Education and age.
C.Native language and nationality.    D.The stories selected.
3.What can we learn about the competition?
A.It will be held online throughout.
B.Fluency will be weighed most by judges.
C.The scores will be given by the audience.
D.People can attend by scanning the QR code.
Have you ever spent half an hour searching the Internet which, as you find out afterwards, lasted three hours, or opened a book shortly after breakfast and a little while later noticed that the room was getting darker?
石家庄招聘2022Most people can remember experiencing such a state. Your mind wasn't wandering; you w
ere totally focused and concentrated on that activity, to such an extent that you were not even aware of yourself. Psychologists call these fully absorbing experiences flow states, which were discovered and named by a world-famous psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. His celebrated book Flow: The Psychology of Happiness became an instant best-seller, making its way to the top self-help classics.
The state of flow happens under very specific conditions-when we encounter a challenge that is testing for our skills, and yet our skills and capacities are such that it is just about possible to meet this challenge. So both the challenge and the skills are at high levels, stretching us almost to the limit. If challenges exceed skills, one can become anxious. If skills exceed challenges, we usually become bored. Neither of these two cases result in flow.
What is also interesting in flow is the almost total absence of emotions during the actual process. One seems to be almost beyond experiencing emotions, most likely because the awareness of self is not present. Mihaly himself is also very much aware of the potential ne
gative impact of the flow. One philosopher once describes his own experience of flow: “When I get totally involved in the conversation, I am not aware of myself, the world around or the passage of time. Sometimes, I may become addictive to that existence, unwilling to cope with other daily routines of life, like forgetting dinner, and saying goodbye to my children.”
4.What is the purpose of Paragraph 1?
A.To offer a general background of the topic.    B.To make an overall outline for the passage.
C.To introduce the topic of the passage.    D.To clarify the definition of the topic.