例:How much is the shirt?
1.Where will the speakers go first?
A.To a hotel.
B.To a cafe.
C.To a park.
2.What could the man be now?
A.A receptionist.
B.An architect.
C.A student.
3.How will the man probably go downtown?
A.By car.
B.By bus.
C.By subway.
4.What kind of person is Jim?
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A.A movie.
B.An experiment.
C.A drug.
6.What will the woman do in the new year?
A.Lose weight.
B.Join a gym.
C.Learn cooking.
7.Who will the man contact?
8.What does the man think of the room?
A.It’s fully equipped.
B.It’s comfortably furnished.
C.It’s nicely decorated.
9.What does the man complain about?
A.The bed.
B.The shower.
C.The view.
10.Who do the speakers enjoy buying presents for?
A.Their cousins.
B.Their parents.
C.People of their age.
11.What does the man usually buy for his father?
B.Concert tickets.
12.What's the probable relationship between the speakers?
B.Father and daughter.
13.When does the“Family Welcome”event start?
14.What is the film about this time?
15.Where is the Latin American music performed at4?
A.In the central library.
B.In the City Museum.
C.In the theater.
16.Why does the woman make the call?
A.To ask for information.
B.To confirm a reservation.
C.To complain about the parking.
17.What is the speaker talking about?
A.A hobby.
B.A studio.
C.A course.
18.Who introduced the speaker to filming?
A.Her friend’s father.
B.A camera operator.
C.Her parents.
19.When were the extra sessions?
A.In May.
B.In September.
C.In December.
20.What was unavailable in the course?
Guided Tours in the British Museum
Around the world in70minutes tour
Explore some of the most famous objects on display at the Museum.See the details of the characterful Lewis Chessmen,surprise yourself at the ancient texts on the world-famous Rosetta Stone and get closer to more highlights from the collection.
Price:£14(Adults and children aged12+)
Life and death in ancient Egypt
Discover how people lived and died in ancient Egypt,and explore their hopes for the afterlife.From statues and models of daily life to wall paintings,investigate what tombs and burial goods tell us about the lives of ancient Egyptians.
Price:£33;£30(students,disabled visitors);£16.50(Ages5—15years);Free for under5s
An introduction to China
Gain an insight into the development of Chinese history and culture from5000BC to the present day. Appreciate the exhibits featuring Tang dynasty tomb figures and Ming dynasty blue-and-white porcelain.
Price:£33;£30(students,disabled visitors);£16.50(Ages5—15years);Free for under5s
An introduction to ancient Greece
石家庄招聘2022Start from the rise of the Greek city states to the empire of Alexander the Great.Enjoy some of the highlights of the collection,including sculptures from the Parthenon and the Mausoleum of Halikamassos,regarded as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Price:£33;£30(students,disabled visitors);£16.50(Ages5—15years);Free for under5s
1.When can you see the Rosetta Stone?
2.What can people do in the tour of Life and death in ancient Egypt?
A.Explore ancient tombs and burial goods.
B.Witness the development of the country.
C.Visit most famous galleries of the country.
D.Appreciate sculptures from the Parthenon.
3.How much should a couple with a child aged6pay for An introduction to China?
Bob Shahmardi was4years old when he developed a severe disease.Success rates with the disease w
ere relatively low at that time,but his family was lucky to live in a community that was helpful when they didn’t have many resources and it was at that time that Make-A-Wish stepped in.Through that organization,the Shahmardi family got to enjoy a trip to Walt Disney World Resort in Florida.The then4-year-old hugged a character actor as
part of a wish granted to him and his family by the organization.“It wasn’t just going on a trip.It was more about how we got through that hard time.It was fun for me,but it was lifeline for my parents.”said Bob.
30years later,Bob and his wife,Jill Welch,decided to turn their wedding into a fundraiser for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.Their wedding guests financed two wishes for local children,more being planned. Many donated generously to the cause,spending more,perhaps,than they might have if it was just to buy the couple a wedding gift like fine china or a kitchen appliance.Bob said their wedding donation to the Make-A-Wish Foundation isn’t going to be“one and done”.The two plan on continuing to contribute going forward.
Gloria Crockett,president and chief executive officer of the organization,said she felt it amazing to have someone who benefited come back to pay it forward to other kids looking for wishes.
Contrary to popular belief,Gloria stressed that wishes aren’t given to critically ill children as a“last wish”,but are given as a part of the treatment process.The organization granted at least165wishes last year.This year Gloria hopes to grant somewhere between199and299wishes,depending on funding.
4.Which of the following helped Bob realize his wish?
A.The hospital.
C.The community.
D.Disney World.
5.What made Bob’s wedding special?
A.Collecting money for local kids.
B.Receiving expensive gifts.
C.The attendance of officials.
D.The number of the guests.
6.What does the underlined part“one and done”in Paragraph2mean?
7.What did Gloria think of the wish given to Bob?
A.It was a fun experience.
B.It was a lifeline.
C.It was a certain treatment.
D.It was a last wish.
In Spain,children and their families are riding bikes to school together in large groups.The program is called “bicibús”or bike bus.In Barcelona,the program started recently with only five children and grew quickly to hundreds of riders.
This fall,children in the Eixample area of Barcelona have a new way to get to school on Fridays—they ride their bikes.In September,a group of five children began biking to school with their parents on Fridays.Soon the group grew to150or more.The bike bus begins around8:25every Friday morning.The path it will follow is always posted ahead of time,so everyone knows where to join.
Instead of riding in bike lanes(道)or on sidewalks,the bicibús takes over the entire street.The commute(通
勤)of these bikers takes about25minutes.And with the ever-growing cycling and skating kids taking part in this bike bus culture,the local police are helping stop traffic by riding in front of the bicibús and behind it.This further makes the parents happy that the additional security means their children will travel safely to school.
With music playing and bike bells ringing,the bicibús feels like a party.“The best part of the bicibús is that we ride along and pick up my friends and we ride together,”nine-year-old Maria Pitarch says.
Some parents have made the bicibús the way they get to work on Friday.Parents are hoping that the bicibús will help change ideas about how people can get around in the city.They want the city to create wider,kid-friendly bike lanes that are separate from car traffic.They point out that the bicibús also helps cut down on pollution.
Recently,pictures and videos of the Eixample bicibús got a lot of attention on the social media site.Many people pointed out what a simple idea it is,and how easy it is to get started.Already some other areas in Barcelona are also organizing bike buses.
8.What can we learn about the bicibús?
A.It has a flexible schedule.
B.Its route is made known in advance.
C.It takes over the whole sidewalks.
D.Its safety is a concern for parents.
9.Why does the author mention Maria Pitarch in the fourth paragraph?
A.To introduce more about the bike bus.
B.To encourage readers to join the bike bus.
C.To acknowledge the performance of the kids.
D.To show the enjoyment kids get from the program.
10.What do the parents expect the local government to do?
A.Cut down on pollution.
B.Focus on traffic problems.
C.Build safer bike lanes for kids.
D.Promote the bicibús program.
11.What is the public’s attitude toward the bus bike?
When someone damages their backbone,the injury can leave them paralyzed(瘫痪).Now,scientists have given three paralyzed men the ability to walk again,thanks to an implanted device.
The human backbone,or spine,doesn’t just help us stand up straight.Inside is the spinal cord,which carries important information between the head and the lower part of the body.This information moves around as bursts of electricity traveling between the brain and the other parts of the body.When the spinal cord is hurt,this pathway gets damaged and they can’t move their legs.