Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、The concert will begin soon. so Christina ________ the other children ________ busy getting everything ready.
A.and; is    B.as well as; are
C.with; are    D.and; are
2、I haven’t got ________ nails(钉子) to repair the chain. I need another two.
A.enough big    B.big enough    C.much bigger
3、It is reported that half of the China’s population __________ working in cities in 2015 to make money.
A.Are    B.is    C.was    D.were
4、If one kind of food is _____________, it is from a country which is not your own.
A.special    B.excellent    C.foreign
5、The teacher asked those boys    too much noise in class.
A.do not make    B.not make    C.not making    D.not to make
6、—Hi,Jim.Is this your bike or(还是)Mary’s?
—It’s mine,not                  .
A.her    B.him    C.his    D.hers
7、________ exciting news! We’ve never had such a long vacation before.
A.How    B.What a    C.What an    D.What
8、—Is she worried about her child all the time?
—Yes, though I have asked her to look on the bright side.
A.be positive    B.be careful    C.be patient
9、        I see Bob, he’s always listening to music.
—Yeah, he’s crazy about it.
A.Whenever    B.Although    C.Since
10、All our dreams can come true, as long as we have the _____ to fight for them.
A.interest    B.opinion    C.praise    D.courage
Ⅱ. 完形填空
11、    Do you know Parkour? It is an art of movement. It is   1  from free running. It is very—  2  in some big cities of China. Many young people do the sport now.
Parkour begins in France.   3  founder is a Frenchmen. When people do the sport, they can   4  everywhere in the city. The people have a special name—"Traceur(酷跑者)".
For those Traceurs, the   5  河北教育考试网报名city is their training place. They run quickly and climb the houses freely. They look cool.   6  do they do that? Because they want to improve themselves. And it is modem. To be a Traceur, the person must have good physical coordination(身体协调性), or he will hurt   7  ? 一What's more, the most important is courage(勇气). He must be brave enough to face the challenge(挑战). He also has to   8  hard. Some people practise Parkour day and night,   9  their performance is wonderful. But Parkour is also a very dangerous   10  Many people get hurt. So next time you do it, please be more careful.
1.A.good    B.different    C.same    D.away
2.A.useless    B.popular    C.nice    D.bad
3.A.Her    B.His    C.Their    D.Its
4.A.work    B.study    C.climb    D.run
5.A.all    B.big    C.whole    D.modem
6.A.Why    B.How    C.What    D.Which
7.A.his    B.her    C.himself    D.herself
8.A.practice    B.swim    C.jump    D.dance
9.A.because    B.so    C.but    D.next
10.A.sport    B.story    C.job    D.power
Ⅲ. 语法填空
12、    This happened a year ago when I went to an old city on holiday .
It was in the afternoon . I could feel the heat of the sun while walking around the city for the 1. (one) time.  Then I decided2.(stop)at a restaurant and eat my late lunch. I sat outside 3.restaurant and ordered my food. I was playing with my phone while waiting for my food.Just then a tall man came near me4.asked if I had spare money. He didn’t look like a beggar( 乞丐 )because he was wearing nice 5.(cloth). I asked him what had happened  .He told me that he just came here for a holiday.When he wanted to buy some water at the bus station,he 6. (find)his wallet and phone were gone.He7. (real)didn’t know what to do.
“You must be hungry .Come and join me for lunch . It’s my treat.”
After having our lunch I gave him some money .He asked my number.”If I have a chance I will visit8. (you)city and pay back,”he said.
“Don’t think like that.It’s my pleasure to help you. You can pay it forward---when someone 9.(need)help,help him or her,”I replied.
He smiled and said goodbye. I smiled,10..
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
I’m a girl, Myra. Racing on the 1,500-meter track(跑道), I’m so tired. I want to stop but a voice repeating in my head, “No one knows what the result will be. Everything is still possible.” Today, I have to fight with myself.
Nine years ago, when I was a 6-year-old girl, my mother took me on a trip. We went to the foot of a high mountain which she told me that we would climb. I have never done this before and the thought of it made me very happy.