1. Summer Courses 2009
San Diego Seaside College is offering one and two-weelc English summer courses for high school students from all over the world who want to improve their English. Classes are offered at five levels, from basic to advanced. Students will be tested when they arrive and placed in the level appropriate to their language ability. Each class has a maximum of 14 students.
Tuition Fees(学费)
One-week Course (July 26—August 1) : $310
Two-week Course (July 26—August 8 ) : $ 620
The full payment must be received before the beginning of the courses.
We provide housing, including breakfast & dinner, 7 days a week.
Single room : $ 250 per week
Twin room: $160 per person, per week You should reserve your accommodations before May 15 and all the accommodation fees must be paid in full before June 15.
How to Apply
Come to our college this summer and make yourself shine at English.
1. The aim of the courses is to help the high school students_____.
A.learn English
B.attend college
C.visit some high schools
D.travel to other countries
2. What are the tuition fees for the One-week Course?
3. If you want to apply for the course, you should___________.
A.choose a college B.reserve a hotel room
C.check with the teachers D.fill out a form and email it
2. On my recent trip to Sydney with my parents,we visited the Wildlife Park.
The Wildlife Park has lots of different animals. Some are native(当地的)to Australia and can only be found there. There are over 600 animals there,including kangaroos, koalas and crocodiles(鳄鱼).They are kept in their natural environment. I like the Wildlife Park better than a zoo where most of the animals are in cages.
We first spent some time with the kangaroos. We were allowed to touch and feed them. It was very exciting to be so close to them.There were koalas there too. They looked very cuddly(令人想拥抱的). Although we were not allowed to carry them, I got to take a photo with one. It is a wonderful souvenir of my holiday in Sydney.
The Wildlife Park has plenty of freshwater and saltwater crocodiles. Some of them are really big and scary with huge teeth! I did not want to get too close to them.
There was also a bird show. The keepers showed us different species they had. I saw an old parrot which could “talk”. It made a great impression on me.
I enjoyed the trip very much.There was so much to see.
1. Where is the Wildlife Park?
A.In Sydney.
B.In Cairo.
C.In Paris.
D.In Rome.
2. What is a wonderful souvenir of the writer's holiday?
A.A parrot that could talk.
B.A chance to feed a kola.
C.A photo with a kola.
D.Food for the kangaroos.
潇湘高考报名入口登录3. Why didn't the writer want to get very close to the crocodiles?
A.They lived in water.
B.The writer was afraid of them.
C.The writer did not want to feed them.
D.The writer did not like the smell of saltwater.
4. Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The kangaroos are kept in cages in the Wildlife Park.
B.The writer traveled to the Wildlife Park alone.
C.The writer went to see koalas first.
D.The writer watched a bird show.
3. If you’ve ever wondered who decides what sports to be included or left out at the Olympic Games, you’re probably not the only one, because the processes are a little complex and confusing.
It falls to the Executive Board of International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) to suggest which sports will be included and the rest of the IOC then votes according to a long list of standards: How much value the sport would add to the Olympic legacy (遗产); How long the sport has existed; How popular the sport is in the host country; How much it would cost to broadcast the events, and many other things.
Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games saw the inclusion of skateboarding, surfboarding, sport climbing and karate, all of which were selected by the IOC for the first time ever.
So, what contributes to ? sport being left out? Having to limit the Games to a certain number of athletes, as well as scheduling needs can lead to some sports being left off the program, especially if they fall short of the above standards.
There’s perhaps no better example of this than softball and baseball. While both are included at Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, it’s the first time they were included at Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The IOC voted them out from London 2012 Olympic Games. Officials said that neither sport had global attraction.
But it’s not just the IOC that has the say. The host city can also play a role in the decision, and push for a particular sport for the year that it is hosting. For a real-world example, look no further than the 2024 Games to be held in Paris, which will see the inclusion of breakdancing as an Olympic sport for the first time.
1. What does the second paragraph focus on?
A.The voting process. B.The advantages of IOC.
C.The costs of the Games. D.The selecting standards.
2. Which was added to Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games for the first time?
A.Baseball. B.Breakdancing. C.Skateboarding. D.Softball.
3. Why was baseball left out at London 2012 Olympic Games?
A.It had too many players. B.It had a short history.
C.It was difficult to broadcast. D.It was not popular enough.
4. Who is most unlikely to have a say in selecting the Olympic sports?
A.The athletes. B.The Executive Board of IOC.
C.The host cities. D.International Olympic Committee.
4. Kyle Cassidy and three other members of the Annenberg Running Group were stretching on the grounds of the University of Pennsylvania, waiting for a few latecomers. The Penn colleagues and other community members meet three days a week for a roughly 30-minute jog and an occasional lecture. That's right― during some runs, one of them delivers a talk. Topics range from the brain to Bitcoin.
But on this day last January, it would not be their normal run. The first clue that something was off was the man who sprinted past them. "Running at an amazing pace," Cassidy told Runner's World admiringly. Cassidy discovered why the sprinter was so fleet of fo ot when another man ran by, yelling, “Help! He took my phone and laptop!"
At that, the group did what running clubs do: They ran, trailing the suspect down the streets of Philadelphia until he ducked into a construction site. The runners split up. Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others wandered the neighborhood hoping he had dumped the loot (赃物)in a backyard.
No luck. So they decided to ask residents whether they'd seen the guy. When they knocked on the door of one row house, they were in for a surprise. Unknown to them, he had already emerged from the construction site—and was hiding behind a bush by that very house. As the owner opened the door, the suspect darted out from behind the bush ... and right into the arms of campus police, who'd joined the chase shortly behind the runners.
The members of this running group are not hard-core athletes. But they do understand the benefit of a little exercise. ''Running is typically a useless sport where you turn fat cells into heat," Cassidy told The Philadelphia Inquirer. "But occasionally it can be useful, and here was one of those opportunities."
1. Why do the group members gather together?
A.To do some stretching. B.To have a regular run.
C.To deliver a lecture. D.To cover some topics.
2. What does the underlined word "sprinted" in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.Dashed. B.Pushed.
C.Jumped. D.Escaped.
3. We can infer that the success of the chase is mainly due to____ .
A.the assistance of the runners B.the owner of the row house
C.the campus police on patrol D.the joint efforts of the people
4. Which of the following best describes Cassidy?
A.Athletic and generous. B.Courageous and ambitious.
C.Helpful and humorous. D.Thoughtful and demanding.
5. Question: Recently I heard the news that about 5,000 people die in fires a year, and 80 percent of these deaths occur in house fires. Fires kill more people per year in the United States than all the other natural disasters.    1    Could you help me?
Answer:Don’t worry. In fact, most fires can be avoidable and easily prevented. Here are some tips for preventing a fire in your own home.
◆Dispose of all cigarette butts (烟头). Never leave them out where babies or children can reach them.    2    Keep ashtrays clean and safe by promptly disposing of the ash.
◆Avoid smoking in bed. In case you fall asleep on the couch while watching television, do not smoke while lying on the couch.
◆Keep all lighters safely out of reach of babies and children.
◆Do not overload electrical circuits, and check electrical appliances regularly for loose connections or damaged cords.
◆    3    These would include the kitchen, near the furnace and fireplace, and the garage. Examine the extinguishers (灭火器) yearly for pressure and expiration date (有效期).
◆Install smoke detectors. Make sure that there is a detector on every level of the house. Also, make sure that there is a smoke detector near every bedroom.    4
◆Install a rope ladder or fire escape in selected windows upstairs. Make sure that all family members know how to use the ladder.
◆Come up with an emergency escape plan.    5
A.However, I don’t know how to prevent house fires.
B.Have a designated meeting area outside the home.