Ⅰ.单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。1.(1分)The________of this game is to let students know the importance of pulling together.
A.prize B.progress C.practice D.purpose
2.(1分)﹣﹣﹣My school ID card is on the desk.What about________?
﹣﹣﹣It's in my schoolbag.()
A.his B.hers C.yours D.mine
3.(1分)These photos________the doctors'unusual working experiences.()A.record B.receive C.remember D.realize
4.(1分)My mother gets up________five o'clock every morning to cook breakfast for me.
A.on B.at C.in D.for
5.(1分)I don't understand my teacher's great love________I become a teacher myself.()A.if B.until C.since D.though
6.(1分)After the exam,my parents will meet me________at the school gate.()A.in person B.in common C.in public D.in silence 7.(1分)﹣﹣﹣You are going to get much exercise.Are you________that?
﹣﹣﹣Of course.I promise to keep it.()
A.proud of B.thirsty for
C.sure about D.interested in
8.(1分)Sit down,please.You________be tired after standing for so long.()A.could B.can C.must D.might
9.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Sam,let's________these old things.I don't need them anymore.
﹣﹣﹣No.We can try to put them to good use.()
葫芦岛教师招聘A.pull down B.fix up C.hand out D.throw away 10.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Lily,can you get my dictionary?
﹣﹣﹣Wait a minute,Lucy.I________clothes.()
A.washed B.am washing
C.will wash D.have washed
11.(1分)In order to protect his eyes,he________uses electronic products.()A.always B.often C.usually D.seldom 12.(1分)The boy is so________that he makes few mistakes in English grammar.()A.strict B.careful C.active D.patient
13.(1分)We can leave two hours earlier if the work________.()A.completes B.completed
C.is completed D.was completed
14.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Can you tell me________Beijing?
A.how often you go to
B.how soon you'll go to
C.how long you have been in
D.how many times you have been to
15.(1分)﹣﹣﹣Don't be noisy in the school library.
A.Sorry,I won't B.No problem
C.It doesn't matter D.You're welcome
16.(5分)A:Hi,Zhang Rui,(1)
B:I'll return to my hometown.
A:How long haven't you returned home?
B:For almost three years.
B:Yes.It used to be old,but now many new buildings have appeared.
A:What are you going to be after you return home?
B:(3)I want to be a teacher there.
B:I want to help the kids achieve their dreams.
A:(5)I hope your hometown will be better and better.
B:Thank you.
A.It takes time.
B.You are so great!
C.What is your hometown like?
D.Why do you want to be a teacher?
E.Has your hometown changed a lot?
F.What will you do after leaving school?
G.The government set up a new primary school.
17.(10分)Most polar(北极)bears could disappear by the end of the century because of global (全球)warming,scientists say.
According to a study in Nature Climate(气候)Change,the number of most polar bears will(1)rapidly by2080.There are two reasons.One is that the sea ice is melting(融化).Polar bears catch seals(海豹)to eat on the ice.(2)ice,they have to stay on land.But there is no(3)food on land t
o support so many bears.The animals could die from hunger.The other reason is that mother bears may not be fat enough to(4)milk for their babies,so some bears could stop having babies.
Polar bears are(5)land animals that eat meat on the planet.They help control other kinds of animals.Losing them would break the balance of their living place.
The Arctic(北冰洋)is the(6)to about25,000polar bears.Arctic sea ice usually melts in spring and summer,then grows in winter.But now,the(7)is taking longer to grow back.Scientists say the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planets.
The study also shows(8)it is possible to slow Arctic melting.Greenhouse gas (温室气体)could lead to climate change.In order to avoid creating greenhouse gas,the world should try to stop burning coal and riding in cars.
Saving the bears is(9)us.Holland,one of the writers of the study,says,"I believe there is hope,but humans need to act(10)to make that hope come true." Let's take action to protect our earth and save polar bears.
(1)A.develop    B.fall    C.increase    D.improve
(2)A.Through    B.Across    C.Without    D.Except
(3)A.enough    B.good    C.sweet    D.delicious
(4)A.protect    B.process    C.prepare    D.produce
(5)A.the largest    B.the loveliest    C.the simplest    D.the luckiest
(6)A.room    B.family    C.house    D.home
(7)A.sea    B.ice    C.plant    D.animal
(8)A.if    B.when    C.that    D.whether
(9)A.up to    B.hard on    C.good with    D.thankful to
(10)A.widely    B.clearly    C.quickly    D.quietly
18.(5分)Spending almost a full day in the car with a70﹣year﹣old woman could be boring.However,for a15﹣year﹣old girl,it was a great memory for many reasons.During the trip,we discussed anything we had wondered about in life.And I learned a lot I had never expected to.
I learned that we shouldn't take ourselves seriously and that not everyone has to get"old and boring".She is probably one of the coolest,funniest and most down﹣to﹣earth people I've ever met.In boring moments(时刻),she never fails to tell one of her famous jokes.But when you need a shoulder to cry on,she is there to comfort you.She taught me that"Laughter is the best medicine".
She never brings her phone,and she is okay with it.That hasn't stopped her from shopping and talking with her family online.She doesn't take pictures of everything she sees.
From now on,I plan on accepting the fact that I don't need to stay connected with social media(社交媒体)all the time.Even though I don't use a mobile phone,I can also be better at communicating with people.
There are so many things you can learn from someone older and wiser than you.You don't need to ask for advice,just slow down and enjoy the conversation.You'll be surprised at how amazing it is.
(1)The writer spent a full day with.
A.a bus driver
B.a young girl
C.an old woman
D.a woman guide
(2)We can know from the second paragraph.
A.the writer learned nothing
B.the old woman often cries
C.everyone gets"old and boring"
D.the old woman likes telling jokes
(3)The underlined word "comfort"in the passage means .
(4)The writer thinks .
A.the old woman is the coolest
B.she needs to ask the old for advice
C.she must stop using a mobile phone
D.we can learn from older and wiser people (5)The best title of the passage is "".
A.The Best Medicine
B.A Boring Trip
C.Learning Along the Way
D.Life without a Mobile Phone 19.(5分)
Meiqi Guangdong
Many of my classmates are losing weight so they can look more beautiful.There is nothing wrong with being beautiful ,but it is not wise to lose weight by dieting (节食)unhealthily.Every year ,many people become sick because of dieting ,it is bad for their
health and even costs them their own lives.In fact ,life is the most important thing.Exercise more and eat less.This could be the best way to lose weight.
Zixuan Wuhan
These days ,many of us have idols (偶像).They are mostly pop stars.It's good to like someone with great qualities (品质).But sometimes some fans are too crazy.For example ,they might spend too much time watching their idols'shows.They also buy expensive gifts for their idols.But their own lives might be pretty hard.Some
young fans might pay so much attention to their idols that their grades get worse.Some even give up classes to see their idols.Fans should love their idols in a healthy way.
I often see people wearing hanfu on the street.Some might think they are strange ,but I don't think so.Everyone has the right to make a choice.Some people enjoy fashion (时尚),while others like tradition.In fact ,when I sometimes see girls wearing hanfu in my