Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.
Global warming is a trend toward warmer conditions around the world. Part of the warming is natural; we have experienced a 20,000-year-long warming as the last ice age ended and the ice__36___away,However , we have already reached temperatures that are in __37__with other minimum-ice periods, so continued warming is likely not natural. We are __38__to    a predicted worldwide in increase in temperatures__39__betweem 1℃and 6℃over the next 100 years. The warming will be more__40__in some areas, less in other, and some places may even cool off. Likewise, the __41__of this warming will be very different depending on where you are-coastal areas must worry about rising sea levels, while Siberia and northern Canada may become more habitable(宜居的)and __42__for humans than these areas are now.
The fact remains, however, that it will likely get warmer, on __43__, everywhere. Scientists are in general agreement that the warmer conditions we have been experiencing are at least in part the result of a human-induced global warming trend. Some scientists___44__that the changes we are seeing fall within the range of random(无规律的)variation-some years are cold, others warm, and we have just had an unremarkable string of warm years__45___--but that is becoming an increasingly rare interpretation in the face of continued and increasing warm conditions.
A) appealing
B) average
C) contributing
D) dramatic
E) frequently
F) impact
G) line
H) maintain
I) melted
J) persist
K) ranging
L) recently
M) resolved
N) sensible
O) shock
36. I) melted
37. G) line
本空空前是介词,因此需要名词性成分,且要考虑与空后的with 构成搭配。符合要求的只有line(in line with,与……一致)。意思是我们已经接近“与其他最小冰川期时一致的温度”。
38. C) contributing
前句用完成时表示已经达到的状态,本句we are描述的则是正在发生的过程,需要动词的ing形式,且要考虑与空后的介词to构成搭配。备选的有appealing to(呼吁、上诉)、contributing to(促成、导致),ranging后不直接与介词to构成搭配。意思合理的只有contributing,为“我们正促成世界范围内气温的升高”。
39. K) ranging
本空引领的是temperature的后置定语,需要动词分词。备选的有appealing(呼吁、上诉)、ranging(范围在……)和resolved(决心)。空后的between 1℃and 6 ℃明显是范围区间,因此ranging合乎语义。range between/from A and B为常用搭配。
40. D) dramatic
本空作为表语,且空前有more,提示了本空需要形容词。备选的有appealing(有吸引力的)、dramatic(戏剧性的、突发的)和sensible(明智的)。这里描述的是气候变化的效果,因此dramatic意思更合适,意为“某些地方的气候变化会更加戏剧化”。后半句提到的有些地方可能cool off(变冷)也是暗示气候变化的突发及剧烈。
41. F) impact
空前的the暗示本空需要名词。备选的有average(平均)、impact(影响)和shock(震惊)。impact和shock都能用于与warming构成搭配,但后面提到的different depending on where you are提示了本空应当是一个较为宽泛的概念,故impact更合适,意为“气候变暖的影响因所在地不同而不同”。
42. A) appealing
相近。因此本空需要形容词,备选的有appealing(有吸引力的)和sensible(明智的)。意思上与habitable更能并列、描述本句所说的Siberia and northern Canada的影视appealing,表示“西伯利亚和加拿大北部可能会变得更宜居、更吸引人”。
43. B) average
空前介词on提示了本空需要名词性成分与之构成搭配。备选的有average(平均)和shock(震惊)。这里意思更合理的是average,且on average是固定搭配“平均地”。
44. H) maintain
45. L) recently
本空所在句不缺其它成分,本空需要副词。备选的又frequently(频繁地)和recently(最近)。空前提到科学家认为气候变化无规律,有些年冷、有些年热(some years are cold, others warm)。本空所在的we have just had an unremarkable string of warm years应当是顺着科学家