I. 在每组单词中,有一个单词的下划线部分与其他单词的划线部分读音不同,出该单词(10分)
1. A. camera            B. waste            C. hatch            D. matter   
2. A. perhaps            B. harvest        C. Fahrenheit    D. forehead
3. A. shouted            B. closed        C. proved        D. damaged
4. A. association        B. profession    C. suggestion    D. version
5. A. society            B. piece            C. field            D. receive
6. A. younger            B. anger        C. stronger        D. singer
7. A. character        B. moustache    C. stomach        D. school
8. A. births            B. paths        C. baths        D. mouths
9. A. always            B. salt            C. chalk        D. also
10. A. ghost            B. exposure        C. comb        D. tomb
II. 词汇与结构(20分)
11. Only when they _______ the importance of the plan, will they make up their minds to carry it on.
A. realized            B. will realize            C. have realized        D. will have realize
12. None of the machines ____________ by the time we have to start working,I’m afraid.
A. will be ready  B. will have been ready  C. has been ready  D. is ready
13. To raise the labor ____________ of our factory, the engineers, technicians and workers made a lot of suggestions.
A. effect    B. efficiency    C. resolution      D. influence
14. _________ man must fear when traveling in space is radiation from the sun and Van Allen Belts.
A. What            B. Which            C. How            D. That
15. ____________ Sundays, the elderly couple go to the park for a walk every evening.
A. Except  B. Except for      C. Besides    D. Beside
16. The doctor ____________ is going abroad quite soon.
A. whom the nurse is talking                B. which the nurse is talking to
C. the nurse is talking to him                D. the nurse is talking to
17. ____________ for you help ,we’d never have been able to get over the difficulties.
A. If we had not been        B. If it were not
C. Had it not been            D. Had it not
18. Looking at the cloudy morning sky, the mountain climbers decided to put off the plan ____________ the next weekend.
A. for        B. in        C. on        D. until
19. After several sleepless nights, Mr. Johnson ____________ a perfect solution to the financial problems of his company.
A. came up with      B. put up with    C. kept up with    D. ended up with
20.____________ more than 100 elements are known to us, only 25 of them are common and important.
A. Although        B. If            C. Because        D. Since
21.That is one of those remarks ____________ to start argument.
A. that is intended    B. that are intended    C. which intend  D. which intended
22.There was plenty of time then. So we ____________.
A. must not hurry          B. should not hurry
C. needn’t have hurried    D. couldn’t have hurried
23.The lady recently found a brother who was thought ____________ ten years before.
A. being killed B. have been killed C. to be killed D. to have been killed
24.I asked him to ____________ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.
A. spend    B. spare    C. stay    D. take
25.We’d better plant some trees on the ____________ hillside.
A. bare        B. empty        C. hollow    D. blank
26.My bother is looking forward to __________a trip to Shanghai next month.
A. make        B. making        C. have made        D. having made
27.The police found that George had still another __________of income.
A. means        B. base            C. origin            D. source
28.Tom is a good son of the family, honest, diligent, and ____________
A. works very hard  B. he also works very hard   
河北专接本学校有哪些学校C. hard-working      D. hard works
29.Only if you lend me a hand ____________
A.I will succeed B. I can succeed C. do I have to succeed D. can I succeed
30.We all left the police station, ____________ that Tom was innocent.
A. convince  B. convinced  C. to convince    D. having convinced
III. 在下列各句的四组划线部分中出错误的一组(10分)
31. Man a million years ago was a little more than an animal; but early man was
superior than the animals in that he had a large brain and an upright body.
      B                  C                            D
32. The food often looked and tasted differently after it was treated  by  older
        A                      B              C      D
methods of food preservation.
33.The quality of service in the hospital has been greatly improved in spite the
        A                       B        C
fact that there are not enough doctors and nurses.
34.With modern industry being developed more and more waste is produced and
    A                      B            C
many of this waste is harmful.
35.We are doubtful that the new bridge is not strong enough for many vehicles to
          A    B                                          C