Directions:In each of the following groups of words,there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C and D.Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
1.A.cancel    B.unable    C.challenge    D.imagine
2.A.simplify    B.identity    C.safety    D.technology
3.A.partner    B.farmer    C.warn    D.harm
4.A.height    B.receive    C.ceiling    D.receipt
5.A.punished    B.stayed    C.proved    D.begged
II.Situational Dialogues(15points)
Section A
Directions:In this section there are5short dialogues.For each dialogue,there are4choices marked A,B,C and D.You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the dialogue.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
6.Employer:Hi,Peter,I think you did a good job.
A.Thank you.
B.Not good enough.
C.Not at all.
D.Just so-so.
7.Student A:I am sorry I broke your glasses.
Student B:____________
A.It’s OK with me
B.Don’t be sorry.
C.I don’t care.
D.It doesn’t matter.
8.Friend A:How is your brother getting along with his study?
Friend B:____________
A.He leaves for school at7.
B.He’s studying in Paris.
C.He’s doing very well.
D.He likes his school.
9.Colleague A:Jack had an accident yesterday.
Colleague B:____________
A.It’s very kind of you.
B.I’m sorry to hear that.
C.I’m glad to hear it.
D.It doesn’t matter.
10.Tony:Hey,I just want to apologize for what I said the other day.
Tim:____________You know we’re good friends.
A.Don’t worry about it.
B.You should feel sorry.
C.Never apologize.
D.You should not say it.
Section B
Directions:In this section there is a long dialogue with5missing sentences.At the end of the dialogue,there is a list of given choices.You are required to select the ONE that best fits into the dialogue.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Note that there are two additional choices and you may not use any of the choices in the list more than once.
——Good morning,Madam.11
——I’d like to choose a hat which is suitable for my dress.
——I love the color very much.It’s lovely,but it is too small for me.
——13It’s lovely,too.Would you like to try it on?
——All right.Oh.14It’s smaller than the blue one.I want a green hat like that,but it must be my size.
——I’m afraid this is the largest one in the shop.Could you please come here again next week? And we’ll get ready what you want.
——Thank you very much.
A.How about the blue one,Madam?
B.This green one is too small for me as well.
C.How are you?
D.May I help you?
E.What about the green one?
F.With pleasure.
G.I’m flattered.
III.Vocabulary and Structure(20points)
Directions:There are20incomplete sentences in this part.For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
16.The frequency of car accidents____the need of careful driving.
17.Doing____jobs during the summer vacations is beneficial to the students.
18.The lawyer advised him to drop the____,since he stood little chance to win.
19.The____stuck on the envelope says“By Air”.
20.Shanghai is one of the important____and financial centers of the world.
21.____his lecture gives us a much better understanding of low-carbon economy.
A.To have listened to
B.Having listened to
C.Listening to
D.Being listened to
22.It is an exciting experience to work as a volunteer.It’s worth____all my life.
< remember
< be remembered
D.being remembered
23.I suggested that the newcomers should try their best to____themselves to the new environment.
24.More than two thousand residents were reported to be killed or____in Yushu earthquake.
A.being missed
B.having missed
< miss
25.The number of teachers invited fifty,but a number of them____absent for different reasons.
26.Rock music usually____the young people in most countries.
A.applies to
B.appeals to
C.amazes to
D.interests to
27.The harder we try,____it is for us to overcome the difficulties and succeed.
A.the more possibly
B.the most possibly
C.the most possible
D.the more possible
28.Intelligent students can always____good solutions to problems.
A.carry out
Be up with
C.look into
D.catch up with
29.The student was dismissed from the college as she was____of stealing.
30.To get the job started,____I need is your permission.
B.all what
C.all that
31.What matters most____not winning but participating.
< be
32.Energy can never be obtained from nothing,nor____.
A.can it ever be destroyed
B.it can ever be destroyed
C.can it be ever destroyed
D.it can be ever destroyed
33.____poor the living condition is,we must try our best to put up with it.
A.No matter however
B.No matter how
34.Criticism and self-criticism is necessary____it helps us to find and correct our mistakes.
A.by that
B.at that
< that
D.in that
35.Wise people believe only half of what they hear.Wiser ones know____half to believe.
IV.Reading Comprehension(40points)
Directions:There are four passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You are required to choose the ONE that best fits into the statement.Mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.
Questions36-40are based on the following passage
Do you know how to use a mobile phone without being rude to the people around you?
Talking during a performance irritates(激怒)people.If you are expecting an emergency call, sit near the exit doors and set your phone to vibrate(振动).When your mobile phone vibrates,you can leave quietly and let the others enjoy the performance.
Think twice before using mobile phones in elevators,museums,churches or other indoor public places—especially enclosed spaces.Would you want to listen to someone’s conversation in these places?Worse yet,how would you feel if a mobile phone rang suddenly during a funeral? It happens more often than you think.Avoid these embarrassing situations by making sure your mobile phone is switched off.
When eating at a restaurant with friends,don’t place your mobile phone on the table.This conveys the message that your phone calls are more important than those around you.
Mobile phones have sensitive microphones that allow you to speak at the volume you would on a regular phone.This enables you to speak quietly so that others won’t hear the details of your conversation.If you are calling in a noisy area,use your hand to direct your voice into the microphone.
36.What should you do when you need to answer a phone call during a performance?
河北专接本学校有哪些学校A.Call back after the performance.
B.Answer it near the exit door.
C.Talk outside the exit door.
D.Speak in a low voice.
37.The author implies that the use of mobile phones in such places as museums should be________.
38.Putting your mobile phone on a restaurant table may make your friends think________.
39.When you are calling in a noisy area,you are advised to________.
A.use a more sensitive microphone
B.shout loudly into your microphone
< away quietly to continue the phone call
D.use your hand to help speak into the phone
40.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.You should limit your mobile phone calls to personal affairs.