注意:  1.所有答案以标在答题卡上的为准。
Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20%)
Directions: Choose the best way to complete each of the following sentences. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on the Answer Sheet. (20×1=20%)
1. The whole holiday was exciting and really ____________, from start to finish.
A. enjoyable
B. frustrating
C. biased
D. frustrated
2. The weather in Britain is _____________ , so it’s hard for travelers to choose what to wear.
A. sunny
B. splendid
C. changeable
D. honorable
3. Our history teacher is a very _______________ person and we admire him very much.
A. stubborn
B. knowledgeable
C. crazy
D. ordinary
4. Don’t get yourself ______________ before bedtime, or you’ll find it hard to fall asleep.
A. related
B. overexcited
C. concentrated
D. separated
5. Don’t let the noise ___________ you. It’s only the wind.
B. afraid
C. behave
D. occur
6. The boy likes to walk on the sand with ____________ feet.
A. evident
B. evidently
C. himself
D. bare
7. Students are going to ____________________ if they cannot get a degree after graduation.
A. be in a fix
B. be in a fixed
C. be in a fixing
D. be in fixes
8._________ John failed the driving test after he had practiced so long?
A. How did
B. How could
C. How come
D. How does
9. The government is taking immediate ___________ on the housing crisis (危机).
A. ambition
B. explanation
C. action
D. explosion
10. We need new computers to replace the _________ ones.
A. expressing
B. expanding
C. experiencing
D. existing
11. His photo is on the _________ of that famous magazine.
A. content
B. booking
C. cover
D. character
12. Some people think black cats and the number 13 are __________.
A. friends
B. unlucky
C. available
D. nutritious
13. I also bought some clothes for the weekend.
A. informal
B. sensitive
C. genius
D. delayed
14.Mrs. Zhang treats her students with __________ love.
A. motherly
B. fatherly
C. brotherly
D. gently
15. A ___________ is a large area of land, usually in a hot region, where there is almost no water, rain, trees, or
A. palace
B. forest
C. lake
D. desert
16. The beautiful scenery in Guilin is sure to ________ your imagination.
A. go behind
B. come beyond
C. go beyond
D. go far
17. I always prefer getting up early, ___________ going to school without having breakfast.
A. rather than
B. r ather not
C. rather when
D. rather then
18. I’m really sorry for being late. I forgot to set my alarm and ________. .
A. oversleep
B. oversleeped
D. oversleeps
19. I set off for a new______ _ in the United States on the first day of the new year.
A. element
B. method
C. tension
D. adventure
河北专接本学校有哪些学校20. My friend and classmate Paul often ____ horse-riding in his spare time.
A. practice
B. practices
C. is practiced
D. is practicing
Part II. Reading Comprehension (30%)
Directions:There are 3 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet.
Passage One
Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.
Dr.Harvey Gates, the noted scientist, might never have discovered the Kamron lizard(蜥蜴)in Blovia, if it had not been for a childhood accident. As a boy, he was determined (下决心) to become a baseball (棒球) player, but when he broke his arm in practice at the age of fourteen and was forced to stay off the playing field for a while, he took notice of the natural world around him and liked what he saw.
After he had recovered from his injury, he caught a squirrel(松鼠)and raised it as a pet. Soon he was bringing home snakes and other creatures from the woods near his school.
In 1962, he entered Blakeford College and majored in biology(生物学). By 1966, he had received his Bachelor(学士)of Science degree, and two years later at Drysdale University, he received his Doctor of
Science degree. It was while he was doing his doctoral studies in South America in 1967 that he discovered and named the Kamron lizard. This animal was different from others of its kind in that it had only four toes (脚趾) on its front feet. In other respects, it was similar to others of the same family. It could change its color and go for long periods without food.
21.Of the four statements (陈述), which one best indicates the author’s idea?
A.Dr.Gates is a scientist who can always attract the public attention to his research.
B.Dr.Gates is a very famous scientist, though he wanted to be a sportsman (运动员) at first.
C. Dr.Gates is a scientist who always carries a notebook with him wherever he goes.
D.Dr.Gates is very popular for his determination to become a baseball player.
22. In the first paragraph of the passage, the phrase “in practice”means“______”.
A.while doing some practical work
B.while studying animals
C.while making up his mind to become a baseball player
D.while playing baseball
23. In the second paragraph,the word“creatures”can best be replaced by “______”.
A. people
B. things
C. animals
D. living things
24. It was ______ that Dr. Gates discovered the Kamron lizard.
A.after he had graduated from Drysdale University
B.right after he had finished his study for the doctor’s degree
C.after he had received his highest degree
D. during the time when he was studying for the doctor’s degree
25. Which of the following is not mentioned as a feature of the Kamron lizard?
A.It possesses four toes on its front feet.
B.It can live a long while without eating.
C.It may go for weeks without drinking.
D.It is capable of changing colors.
Passage Two
Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.
Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school.
Parents are concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of viole
nce in many of these shows also worries them. Studies indicate that when children are exposed to violence, they may become aggressive(好斗的) or insecure(没有安全感). Parents are also concerned about the commercials(广告) that their children see on television. Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have any commercials at all because young minds are not mature (成熟) enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers.
Educational television has no commercials and has programs for children that many parents approve of (赞成). The most famous of these is Sesame Street (芝麻街), which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet(字母)and numbers. It also flies to (朝向) teach children useful things about the world in which they live.
Even though most parents and educators give Sesame Street and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television every day turns children into bored(无聊的) and passive(被动的)consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers(探索者) of it.
26.Which of the following statements is NOT based on the passage?
A.Parents are worried about the influence from television on their children.
B. Television has much influence on children.
C. Both parents and their children like watching educational television all the time.
D.Some critics think that television is no good for children.
27.In what ways do children suffer from television?
A.They will surely become the victims of social violence.
B. They spend hours watching television instead of doing school work and talking to friends.
C. The programs make the children lose interest in the world.
D. The programs make the children spend too much of their parents’ money.
28.Parents would not like their children to see commercials because ______.
A.they think that their children are not old enough to handle advertising
Bmercials teach children alphabet and numbers
Cmercials help to sell products
D.they don’t like comm ercials
29.Educational television is widely appreciated(喜欢,赞成) because _______.
A.it does have the same commercials as others
B.it offers programs for both children and their parents
C. many parents like the programs it offers for their children
D.children cannot learn useful things from TV programs
30.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?
A.Watching Too Much Television May NOT Be Harmful to Young Minds
B.Television Is More Harmful than Educational
C.Television’s Influenc e on Children
D. More Education Television
Passage Three
Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.
People bury(埋) treasure to stop other people from taking it. They choose a quiet place, dig a deep hole and bury the treasure in it. Then they make a map of where the treasure is or write down other clues(线索)that will help them or someone else to find it again.
In Britain a few years ago, a writer wrote about some treasure that he had buried. He put clues in the story to help readers find it. Thousands of people hunted for the treasure. They dug holes all over Britain, hoping to find it.
One of the most popular adventure stories ever written is Robert Louis Stephenson's Treasured Island(金银岛), an exciting story about a young boy, Jim Hawkins, who is captured by pirates and later finds some buried treasure.
Then there is the true story about a man who had to travel overseas for a year. He did not trust banks, so he buried his life savings in a park. Then he went away. On his return, he went straight to the park. But the park was no longer there. In its place there was a huge building.
And then there was the man who buried his savings, all in bank notes(存单), in a waterproof(防水的) bag. When he dug it up years later, there was nothing left. Worms and insects had eaten the bag and everything in it.
And of course, these are stories about people who bury things and either forget where they have buried them
or lose the map.
Although it is true that people sometimes lose their money because a bank fails, banks are still the safest place to keep our savings and treasures.
31. People who bury treasure usually_______.
A.do not trust banks
B.have a little money
C.want to live in a quiet place
32.The writer in Britain _______.
B.started a nationwide treasure hunt
C.had lost his treasure and wanted people to help him find it
D.caused trouble because people dug holes everywhere
33.Treasure Island _______.
A.is a story about pirates(海盗)
B.is about the adventures(冒险) of Jim Hawkins
C.is the most popular story ever written
D.is a well-known fairy tale(童话)
34.The man who buried his money in a park _______.
A.thought his money was safer there than in a bank
< his life savings back again
D.stayed away longer than he expected
35 . From these stories we understand that _______.
A.we cannot trust banks
B.we should not trust anyone
C.a waterproof bag is not proof against worms and insects
D.insects eat anything
Part III. Translation (20%)
Section A
Directions: For this part, you need to translate the following sentences into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet.
36. 她的声音很轻,我几乎听不见。(low)
37. 她面临着一次艰难的选择:要不要接受这个工作机会。(be faced with)
38. 这本小说的主题是一个中国妇女和一个美国男子的婚姻。(theme of the novel)
Section B
Directions: For this part, you need to translate the following sentences into Chinese. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet.
39. He met his old friend in the street yesterday.
40. I was overjoyed and proud of myself for winning the first prize.
Part IV. Writing (30%)
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief introduction and then express your views on the topic:My Weekend Life.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.