The strict prohibition of the copying of materials in the examinations of the Shandong provincial services is a very serious political issue。 The recruitment examination for the establishment is an important means of selecting talent, and the presentation is essential for the fair and just treatment of candidates as an important part of the overall quality of the candidates。 To allow the copying of materials would necessarily seriously undermine the fairness and fairness of the examination。 To that end, the Shandong provincial authorities should specify whether the materials could be copied and establish strict monitoring mechanisms to ensure fair and impartial examinations。
Legally, copying is illegal。 Under the Penal Code, organized copying of works or papers
of others constitutes an offence against copyright。 In the recruitment examination, copying is not only illegal but also unethical。 Persons recruited for the establishment must have good professional ethics and qualities。 If the recruitment examination allowed for copying, it would have a negative impact on the unit and cast doubt on the fairness and fairness of the selection process。
The presence of raids should be strictly prohibited in recruitment examinations for the Shandong provincial services。 The rules on examinations should be clearly defined in the prohibition of raids and a monitoring mechanism should be put in place to deal with them seriously。 In addition to strengthening the monitoring of the examinations, reporting channels should be established to encourage parties to monitor and report incidents of raid
s。 They should also strengthen their professional ethics education for candidates, improve their quality and self—discipline, and avoid copycating。 Only in that way would it be possible to ensure that recruitment examinations were fair and fair and that genuine talent was selected。