学校:__________ 姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 考号:__________
1.—What did your father say just now? ( ) —He told me not ________ in the street.
A. run
B. runs
C. running
D. to run
答案: D
解析:句意为刚才你爸爸说了什么?他说不要在街上跑。 do sth.的否定式是 tell sb. not to do sth.。故选 D。
2.Welcome to Huaian. Let me ______ you ______ our city. ( )
A. show; from
B. show; around
C. show; for
答案: B
解析:句意:欢迎来到淮安。让我带你参观我们的城市。from 从;for 为;show sb around + 地点,带某人参观某地;根据句意可知 B 选项符合,故选 B。
3.We’re going to ______ a party this Saturday. ( )
A. having
B. has
C. have
答案: C
解析:句意:这个星期六我们将要举行一个聚会。A 动词的现在分词/动名词,B 动词的第三人称单数,C 动词原形,本题是一般将来时,are going to+动词原形,故选 C。
4.When someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again, you must say NO and________. ( )
A. ask for food
B. ask the way
C. ask teachers and parents for help
答案: C
解析:题干句意:当有人一次又一次让你感觉不好或伤害你时,你必须说不并且_____。A. 请求食物;B. 问路;C. 向老师和家长寻求帮助。由题意和常识可知当感觉不好或受到伤害时应当请求老师和家长帮助。故选 C。
5.Shopping online is easy and fast. Now many people like to buy things ________. ( )
A. on the Internet
B. in the supermarket
C. with money
答案: A
解析:句意:网上购物又简单又快捷。现在很多人喜欢在网上买东西。A 在网上,B 在超市,C 用钱。A 符合题意。故选 A。
6.This boy often helps the blind girl. He is very ______. ( )
A. naughty
B. nice
C. shy
答案: B
解析:句意为这个男孩常常帮助这个看不见的女孩,他很善良。A 调皮;B 善良;C 害羞。B 符合题意。故选 B。
7.—Where is Hainan? ( ) —It's in the ______ of China.
A. west
B. north
C. south
答案: C
解析:句意为海南在哪儿?它在中国的南部。A 西方;B 北方;C 南方。这是常识。故选 C。
8.—Where are the girls? ( ) —Look, they _____ over there.
A. run
B. are running
C. ran
答案: B
解析:句意:—女孩们在哪里?—看,他们在那边________。A 跑,动词原形;B 正在跑步;C 跑,动词过去式。根据 Look 可知句子是现在进行时,由 be 动词+现在分词构成,故选 B。
9.Mr Brown ______ me some fruit last Monday. ( )