(2022·上海中考模拟)We may think today that Donald Trump invented the term, but “fake news” has been around for a while. In the early 19th century, small regional and local papers made their product known and i___1___ their sales with a lot of made-up news articles. The Central Park Zoo Escape, reported on November 9, 1874, is one such event.
The front page of the New York Herald that day reported that v___2___ animals had escaped from the Central Park Zoo. A rhino had fallen into a sewer(下水道)and a lion had been seen walking slowly through a church. The article said that, while the police and National Guard were doing what they could, twenty-seven people had already died and many others had been injured. Readers were scared and armed men were seen in the streets, preparing to p___3___ their loved ones and property by battling the wild animals of the zoo. In their upset, they clearly hadn’t read to the end of the article: the l___4___ line stated that ‘the whole story given above is a pure lie’!
But why was it done? The article was the creation of a reporter named Joseph Clarke. Working alongside his editor, Clarke wanted to highlight the dangerous conditions at the zoo by showing the readers what could happen, not what a___5___ had. They had no idea of the fear it would cause. The pa
per never apologized for the upset to New Yorkers. I___6___, they ran a short statement requesting that safety conditions at the zoo should be improved.
The l___7___ to learn? Always read right to the end!
The whole story given above is not a pure lie!
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words:
Halloween has become a lot more than candy, costumes and decorations. It is big business. A____8____ to the International Retail Association, Halloween is the s____9____ most important holiday for retailers.
Take a drive down any street or take a walk through most stores in the US on the days before October 31st, you'll see the images of Halloween everywhere you look. Houses across the country are d____10____ with witches, spider webs, skeletons, pumpkins and other s____11____ of Halloween.
Supermarkets, drugstores, costume shops and many other stores are full of candy and costumes. Busi
ness has been excellent at many stores for several weeks. The Retail Association says candy is the best-selling Halloween p____12____. Halloween is the No. 1 candy selling season. It is f____13____ by Christmas, Easter, and Valentine's Day.
Americans will eat 950 million dollars in candy this Halloween! The other best-sellers for the Halloween season are costumes, masks, make-up and home decorations. Dick Perry is the owner of a candy store in Canton, Ohio. He said it is c____14____ for adults to come into his store and spend 200 dollars or more on candy.
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words
Everyone knows animals are our friends. So we should be friendly to them. But some people kill the rare animals, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on in order to get money. It will cause these animals to disappear soon.
Perhaps the most famous rare animal is panda. Twenty years ago it was nearly extinct (灭绝的). Now, its n______15______ are growing again. It is even a symbol for wildlife conservation (保存,保护). But
many other species have not been as l______16______ as the panda. Some are already extinct. Today, many more are in serious danger. This is because man hurts them and d_____17_____ their habitat. Is it too late to save wildlife?
A serious habitat problem arises (出现) because of pollution or o______18______ new lands. Habitats take many years to grow again. When the wild animals lose their homes, the natural balance is also changed. If one animal, bird, or insect d______19______, all the others suffer, too.
This is what is happening in the forests of South America. Africa and Asia. Habitats and animals are disappearing in Europe, too. Since 1947 in Britain, for example, 50% of the woods, low wet land, and 95% of meadows have disappeared. And what has taken the place of these green, natural places? Houses, farms, cities, streets, roads, and factories. Because of this (and pollution too) several British species are dying.
Then, what is the s_____20_____ ? There is only one way to save wild animals and wild habitats – conservation. This means man should protect animals in danger by establishing law, opening more national parks, building fewer new roads, planting more forests, and cutting pollution. If not, many wild animals will soon have just one habitat—the zoo!\ If everyone is involved in the p______21______ of wild life, we’re sure man will be a good friend of animals rather than their enemy.
Fill in the blanks with proper words. The first letter is given.
One Sunday, Nick went skiing at Sugar-loaf Mountain in Maine. In the early afternoon, when he was planning to go home, a fierce snowstorm swept into the area. Unable to see far, he a __22__ turned off the path. Before he knew it, Nick was lost, all alone! He didn’t have food, water, a phone, or other supplies. He was getting colder by the minute.
Nick had no idea where he was. He thought about all the survival s__23__ he had watched on TV. It was time to put what he had learned to use. He decided to stop skiing. There was a better chance of someone finding him if he stayed put (留下原地). The first thing he did was to find s__24__ from the freezing wind and snow. If he didn’t, his body temperature would get very low, w__25__ could quickly kill him.
Using his skis, Nick built a snow cave. He got in. Then he piled branches on top of himself to stay as warm as he c__26__. By that evening, Nick was really hungry and he ate snow and drank water from a nearby stream so that his body wouldn’t l__27__ too much water.
The next day, Nick went out to look for help, but he couldn’t find a__28__ to give him a hand. He knew that if he went too far, he might not be able to find his way back to the cave. He followed his tracks and returned to the snow cave, because w__29__ shelter, he could die that night. On Tuesday, Nick went out to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher found him. After two days of being lost in the snow, Nick was saved.
Nick might not have s__30__ this snowstorm had it not been for TV. He had often watched Bear Grylls’ survival show “Man vs. Wild”. That’s w___31___ he learned the tips that saved his life. In each episode of “Man vs. Wild”, Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out.
Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words
Hamams, or bath houses, are a traditional part of Turkish (土耳其的) culture. They represent an important piece of Turkey's long history and serve as a window into the past. However, these bath houses are quickly d__32__ because of the changing habits of the Turkish people.
Hamams hold a strong place in the history of Turkey and many date back hundreds of years. Tradition
ally, all kinds of people went 10 hamams because Islam has strict laws for cleanliness. Believers must w__33__themselves regularly, especially before their daily prayers (祷告): As most people in Turkey didn't have running water in their homes, the Hamam was the perfect place to get clean, r__34__ and catch up with friends.
Today, h _35_, the tradition of going to the hamam is dying out for many young people. Now almost everyone has running water in their bathrooms, so they prefer to bathe at home. As a r____36____, Turkish people are not going to hamams as often as they used to. These days, instead of relying on locals, many hamams are trying to attract f__37__tourists
A typical process at a hamam can last well over an hour. Visitors will be welcomed into entrance hall. There they will be able to relax with friends and chat over a cup of tea. They will also be able to change into the Turkish towel, which wraps around the waist like a skirt. When ready, visitors will head into the hot room. There they will lie on the hot floor and be scrubbed clean and massaged by one of the in-house masseurs or masseuses. Men and women always bathe separately (分开地),but their experiences are very s___38___
Although many hamams are in danger of closing, they will always remain a part of Turkish culture. An
experience in one of Istanbul' s famous bath houses should not be missed on any visit to Turkey. It will certainly leave you refreshed, relaxed, and squeaky clean for your next adventure.
(2021·上海·九年级单元测试)I came into a village and I saw a policeman standing outside the post office and reading something carefully. He looked up at the car, w______ into the road, and held up a hand to stop me.
I a______ stopped, but then I realized that the policeman had been reading about me. I supposed the police at the hotel
had worked quickly, and called all the local villages. I drove faster, the policeman jumped out of my way, and I was soon out of the village.
I left the main road as soon as possible and tried a smaller one. It was not easy without a map, and I realized that I had been so s______ to steal the car. It would help the police to find me in any corner of Scotland. If I left it, and went off on foot, they would find me in an hour or two.
I was very hungry. I had eaten n______ since morning. And now, as I drove, I heard a noise in the sky, and there was a plane. I drove as fast as I could down into another town. Suddenly, a car appeared in f
ront of me from a s______ road. There was no time to stop. I did the only thing possible and drove off the road into a fence, hoping to hit something soft beyond. But I was out of good l______. The car went through the fence like a knife through butter, and immediately began to fall. I jumped out and was caught by the branch of a tree, while the car disappeared into a river fifteen metres below.
A hand helped me out of the tree, and a frightened voice asked me if I was badly hurt. The speaker was a young man who was very sorry. I was more p______ than angry, it was a good way for the car to disappear.
(2022·上海·九年级期中)Sometimes we forget that many things we use every day were not always there. They had to be i___46___. Someone had to have an idea. Then they had to do a lot of experiments with the idea until it worked well. Here are few you might like to read about:
In Maine, the northeast of the U. S., winters are long, windy and cold. Every winter, Chester Greenwood's ears got so cold that they turned colors. When he was 15, Chester got ice skates for his birthday. He wanted to go skating. The cold wind and his frozen ears soon sent him running home. The next day, Chester tied a scarf around his ears. It was w___47___, but too uncomfortable. Then he got a GREAT IDEA.
Chester made two oval loops out of wire. He asked his grandmother to sew covers on the ovals Then she connected the ovals with another wire. The ovals fit over his ears. Chester had invented earmuffs! They saved his ears and made him rich. People in Maine found another way to r___48___ Chester. December 21th, the first of winter, is Chester Greenwood Day.
Sometimes inventions happen by chance. As a boy. Thomas Alva Edison was called Al. When he was 12 years old, he got his first j___49___. He sold newspapers and candies on the train. One day on the
job, he bravely s___50___ a boy from
being run over by a train. The boy's father worked a telegraph. Al asked how to run a telegraph. Not only did Al learn the telegraph, but he made a better one. It was one of his earliest GREAT IDEAS
Edison's new telegraph made a lot of money. Later,he became the first person to o___51___and run an invention business. He was good at that,too. We could thank Thomas Edison every day. He had many,many GREAT IDEAS such as bulbs,movie cameras,and batteries. Edison is the one who invented more things than a___52___else in the world.
So,who knows?You might invent something some day!
(2022·上海·九年级单元测试)The human brain's power could compete with any machine. And now a group of scientists from across Europe are trying to build one using the world's most p___53___ computer.
Our brains have 100 billion neurons Each one performs billions of ‘calculations’ second s___54___ to a desktop computer.
So the brain computer will need to be able to do a billion calculations.
Finding a way to power the supercomputer will be one of the Scientists' major challenges. They hope to c___55___ it within 12 years.
Group leader, Professor Henry Markram, said, “The billions of interconnected neurons make it hard for us to truly understand how the brain works. Simulating it will make it much e___56___ allowing us to operate and measure any aspect of the brain.”
The brain will be built in facility in Germany. It will have thousands of 3D images, so scientists can “fly” around different areas and w___57___ how they communicate with each other.
If the “brain” works, it will help scientists understand brain diseases such as Parkinson's, and know more about how we think and make d___58___.
There are concerns about the consequences of the computers which can think for themselves. But Professor Markram said “This is one of the t___59___ great challengers for humans. We need to understand earth, space and the brain. We need to understand what makes us human.”
(2021·上海·模拟预测)We often think it certain that our parents are always there for us, but this is not true for "left-behind" children. They h____60____ ever see their parents because their parents work in cities, leaving them behind in the countryside to be cared for by their grandparents.
As in August, China had 6.97 million left-behind children, about one-third of all rural children. With Spring Festival arriving, the government is calling on parents working outside to r____61____ home and celebrate the new year with their kids. In fact, children living without their parents can face many problems, such as their e____62____ , safety and mental (心理的)health. For example, their grandparents may not be able to help them with their homework or raise them properly.This can cause children to have an u____63____ feeling, according to Workers' Daily.