    阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)
    A. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试是国际考试。
    B. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试只有一部分。
    C. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试的时间是2个小时。
    D. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试只有选择题。
    答案:C. 辽宁成人本科英语学位考试的时间是2个小时。
    A. 听力(Listening)
    B. 口语(Speaking)
    C. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)
    D. 写作(Writing)
    答案:A. 听力(Listening)、C. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)、D. 写作(Writing)
    听力理解(Listening Comprehension)
    问题:What is the girl's favorite subject?
    A. Math
    B. English
    C. Science
    答案:B. English
    问题:Where is the woman going this weekend?
    A. The park
    B. The beach
    C. The museum
    答案:A. The park
    回答:The lady is trying on clothes in a clothing store at the shopping mall.
    问题:What is your favorite hobby?
    回答:My favorite hobby is drawing.
    答案:My Favorite Season
    My favorite season is summer. In summer, the weather is warm and sunny. I can go swimming in the pool and play at the beach. I also love to have picnics with my family in the park. During summer, I like to wear shorts, t-shirts, and sandals because it's very hot outside. I enjoy eating ice cream and popsicles to cool down. Summer is the best season because I can have a lot of fun and enjoy the sunshine!
    The Big Grown-Up English Test
    Today my mom took a really big test for grown-ups who want to go to university. It's called the Liaoning Adult Undergraduate English Proficiency Test. I'm just a kid, but my mom let me look at some of the questions and answers after she was done. It was pretty confusing since it was all in English, but I'll try my best to explain what I could understand!
    The test had four main sections - listening, reading, writing, and translation. For the listening part, you had to listen to recordings of people talking and answer questions about what they said. The recordings were about all kinds of everyday topics like shopping, travel, news, and school life. I listened to one recording about a boy telling his mom about his field trip to the zoo. He talked about seeing lions, elephants, and his favorite - the funny monkeys! The questions asked things like what animals did he see and what did he like best.
    The reading section had longer passages to read, kind of like stories in my reading books at school but way harder. The topics were about science, culture, careers, and more grown-up stuff. One passage was about the history of computers, which I thought was pretty cool. It talked about the first big clunky computers from a long time ago and how they've gotten so much smaller and smarter over time. The questions asked you to find details from the passages and make inferences about what the main ideas were.
    For the writing task, you had to write a short essay of around 200 words. The prompt my mom got was to describe her favorite teacher and explain why she looks up to that person. I tried imagining what I would write - I'd probably talk about my third grade teacher Mr. Roberts and how he always makes math fun with his silly jokes and games. I wonder what kind of awesome teacher my mom wrote about? The graders had to evaluate if the essays were well-organized, had good vocabulary and grammar, and fully answered the prompt.
    The last section was translation, where you had to translate sentences back and forth between Chinese and English. Translation seems super hard to me! You have to understan
d every little word and phrase in one language, then accurately express the same meaning in the other language. No wonder my mom had to study so much to prepare. Some of the Chinese-to-English ones were about daily life, like "I'm going to the supermarket to buy some vegetables for dinner." And the English-to-Chinese ones used vocab about current events, technology, education, and more challenging topics.
    Once my mom finished all four sections, she got her score right away. She passed and was really excited and relieved! Apparently a lot of grown-ups have to take this test if they want to get a bachelor's degree as an adult student. From the little bit I saw, it seemed crazy difficult testing their English listening, reading, writing, AND translation abilities at a university level. I'll probably just stick to my regular elementary rush to take the big grown-up test anytime soon!