第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
1.Agatha didn’t tell me ______ she would pick up her son from school.
A.which    B.when
C.where    D.what
2.British scientists have produced _____ they believe is the world’s smallest Christmas card.
A.which    B.who    C.that    D.what
3._______ those past years, we couldn’t help feeling sorry for our parents who never had a rest all the year round.
A.Looking back upon    B.Looking around    C.Looking out    D.Looking up
4.—You ought to have made an apology to Tom yesterday evening.
—Yes, I know I __      __.
A.ought to have    B.have to    C.should    D.must have
5.––Did you have to do much for the dinner party?
––Helen ________ everything by the time I got home.
A.finished    B.was finishing    C.would finish    D.had finished
6.House prices are usually much higher ________ there are subway stations around.
A.where    B.unless    C.while    D.though
7.A proposal was put forward at the meeting __________ the new cement plant shouldn’t be built near the school.
A.when    B.where
C.that    D.which
8.We have already discussed this plan _____, so next we should spare no effort to carry it out.
A.at length    B.at random    C.at ease    D.at best
9.—How about his design?
—Well, to tell the truth, it is ______ but satisfactory. So you’ll have to try your best to better it.
A.something    B.anything
C.everything    D.nothing
10.Since we can do nothing about it, we _________ as well consult Mr. Smith about the matter.
A.can    B.must
C.need    D.may
11.--- Why didn’t you help the little boy?
-- Oh, he had struggled to his feet ______ I could run over and offered any help.
A.before    B.after
C.when    D.since
12.Not until the bus disappeared in the distance ________ her school bag was gone.
A.Tina had found    B.had Tina found
C.did Tina find    D.Tina found
13.We have strong ________ for believing that the newly-invented material is not only popular but also a monument to the eco-friendly lifestyle.
A.grounds    B.reasons    C.causes    D.purposes
14.Efforts will be made to______ new teaching models to exploit the students’ potential.
A.accelerate    B.innovate
C.differentiate    D.compile
15.It is obvious to the students _____________they should get well prepared for their future.
A.as    B.that
C.which    D.whether
16.Raising the incomes of the poor is likely to be ineffective in a wealthy society, ________ accompanied by other measures.
A.once    B.when    C.if    D.unless
17.Thanks for your useful advice; otherwise I ______ such rapid progress.
A.didn’t make    B.couldn’t have made
C.hadn’t made    D.shouldn’t have made
18.What actually ______ the accident has not yet been determined.
A.brought out    B.brought on    C.brought about    D.brought up
19.Helen said that she would bring me Justin Bieber's latest CD the next day, but she       .
A.wouldn't    B.didn't
C.hadn' t    D.hasn't
20.I shook hands and ________ greetings with the manager, who I impressed a lot.
A.conveyed    B.swapped    C.exchanged    D.switched
第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
21.(6分)Grasse has always been associated with smell. In the Middle Ages it smelt particularly unpleasant due to its leather tanning (制革) industry. The nobles only rarely visited the pretty and charming town to pick up their handmade leather gloves. In spite of their grand lands in the surrounding countryside? Grasse was certainly a necessary evil with no self-respecting nobles owning buildings there.
Molinard, a Grasse tanner (制革工人) himself, created the first Grasse perfume. Word spread like wildfire amongst the nobles about the designer perfumed gloves. Molinard offered a pair of his gloves to Catherine de Medici (the Queen), who gave plenty of praise to her Grasse perfumed gloves; she almost assured (确保) Grasse’s reputation as the perfume capital of the world. Thanks to Catherine de Medici, Grasse merchants were encouraged to grow the perfume plants that tanners needed to supply perfumed leather to the nobles.
Grasse has four perfume factories as well as a perfume school and a perfume museum. Fragonard’s perfume museum is situated on the first floor of its perfume fa
ctory and displays an amazing private collection of perfume bottles, presentation boxes, documents and equipment that tells the history of perfume making from its earliest beginnings to the present day. The perfume museum is open every day, Sundays and public holidays included.