    be immune to the disease 对该病有免疫力
    be immune from taxation 免除捐税
    inform sb. of sth. 把某事告知某人
    inform against/on sb. 告发,检举某人
    informed 随时向报告状况
    the inner feelings 内心的感情
    the inner life 精神生活
    on receipt of 一收到就
    be in receipt of 已收到
    make inquiries of sb. about sth. 向某人询问某事
    on the confines of 濒于,差一点儿就
    within the confines of 在(范围)之内
    in consideration of 考虑到,顾及;作为对的酬报
    take into consideration 考虑到,顾及
    consist of 由组成
    consist in 在于
    be consistent with=consist with 与全都
    be a consistent friend to sb. 是某人的忠实朋友
    out of context 脱离上下文
    in the context of 在背景下
    against/from 爱护免遭
    defend doing 为做作辩护
    a blood donation 献血
    make/give a donation 捐赠
    the drift of opinion 舆论的倾向
    catch the drift of an argument 抓住争辩的要点
    on edge 紧急担心
    on the edge of 处于的边缘
    encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓舞某人做某事
    discourage sb. from doing sth. 劝阻某人不要做某事
    be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚
    be engaged to do sth. 被雇用来做某事
    be engaged in doing sth. 忙于做某事,从事于某事
    execute ones duties/office 尽职
    execute a plan 实施方案
    execute a purpose 达到目的
    a wedding reception 结婚喜宴
    a reciprocal reception 答谢酒会
    in faith 的确,的确
    in good faith 真诚,善意
    inside out 里面朝外;彻底地
    inside facts 内幕,隐秘
    labor intensity 劳动强度
    the intensity of the situation 局势紧急
    in the interest(s) of 为了(的利益)
    have no/an interest in 对(没)有爱好
    interfere in 干涉,干预
    interfere with 阻碍,干扰
    interfere in sbs private affairs 干涉某人的私事