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An Interpretation of Philip ’s Trauma
in Of Human Bondage
Abstract:Of Human Bondage is a semi-autobiographical novel of William Somerset Maugham.The trauma theory is applied to analyze the protagonist Philip.The traumatic experiences of Philip like the early death of parents,being bullied at school and being abandoned by Mildred have left negative influen
ces on his personality.However,he tries to recover from the traumas by making new friends and establishing new relationships with females.Finally,the traumas are alleviated and Philip starts a new
Keywords:Maugham;Of Human Bondage ;trauma theory
William Somerset Maugham is a British playwright and
novelist.Of Human Bondage ,written in 1915,is a semi -autobiographical novel of him.The novel tells the first thirty-year story of Philip Carey.It reflects the pain,confusion,disappointment,frustration and exploration of a young man
and the process to get rid of varieties of bondages.This paper will analyze the protagonist from the perspective of trauma.
Deriving from the Greek word “traumat ”,“trauma ”
means “wound ”.Freud once pointed out “psychological
trauma occurs too suddenly and unexpectedly,which is
different from the physical trauma ...it imposes itself again in
the dream and repetitive actions of the survivors.”(1975:38)Lenore Terr,a child psychiatrist who did the first longitudinal study of traumatized children wrote,“psychic trauma occurs when a sudden,unexpected,overwhelming intense emotional blow or a series of blows assaults the person from outside.Traumatic events are external,but they quickly become
incorporated into the mind.”(1990:8)Cathy Caruth defined trauma as “an overwhelming experience of sudden or catastrophic events in which the response occurs in the often
delayed,uncontrolled,repetitive appearance of hallucinations
and other intrusive phenomena.”(1996:11)Van der Kolk noted “those children deprived of intervention or treatment of early abusesymptoms will likely suffer from behavioral,
emotional,and cognitive disturbancesfor the rest of their lives ”(2005:406).Zhong Miao said,“Trauma has some
influences on someone ’s psychological quality,personality and
behavioral habit.A child who has traumatic experience will
have problems and difficulties in interpersonal relationships.”(2017:325)Another paper written by Sun Yue and Zhang Dangang pointed out that “There are many causes of trauma,such as family environment,bulling at school.And a child with traumatic experiences will be taciturn,sensitive and
overcautious even depressive.”(2017:14)As for the recovery from trauma,Judith Herman said “the core experiences of psychological trauma are disempowerment and disconnection
from others.Recovery,therefore,is based upon empowerment of the survivor and restoration of relationships.”(1992:133)
2.Traumatic Experiences
According to the trauma theory,there are some factors that can cause trauma,such as family accident,bullying in school and unpleasant emotional experiences,etc.And the traumatic experiences of Philip caused by these three factors will be focused on in this paper.
2.1The Early Death of Parents
This novel begins with the description of the critical condition of Philip’s mother when he is nine years old.And Philip’s father died six months ago.So Philip hardly feels father’s love and has no impression of his father.After the death of his mother,he cannot accept it,as Maugham describes that“It was not true that he would never see her again.It was not true simply because it was impossible.”(1991:10)And we can learn that maternal love can bring him the sense of security and warmth.It is noted in the novel that “He tried to make himself smaller still as he cuddled against his mother.”(1991:1)According to the influence of trauma,it is said that“trauma will influence the hallucination,dream, thoughts and behaviors of the victims.”(2011:117)And we can find that after growing up,he always thinks back to his mother’s hug when he is frustrated.A child with a happy family will not dream about mother or her warm hug so frequently.It suggests that the loss of his parents is a kind of trauma which influences him.
2.2Being Bullied at School
In the novel,there are four direct description of Philip’s being bullied at school.For example,one night,a boy named Singer put forward to look at Philip’s club-foot.Of course, Philip refused.Singer,then“seized his arm”(Maugham,1991: 44)and“Philip gave a sob and gasp.The boy wrenched his arm again.”(1991:44)Finally Philip was forced to compromise and showed his foot to him.Philip dreamed about his mother’s warm hug that evening.Just as what is introduced,trauma will influence someone’s dream.We can see that Philip is so sad that he longs for the protection of his mother.Certainly,we can learn from the novel that Philip is bullied a lot at school, asit is written that“For the rest of the term he tormented Philip cruelly”.(1991:48)
According to trauma theory,“being bullied is one kind of causes of trauma and the children who is being bullied will have long-term mental trauma.”(2017:14)For Philip,this makes him cowardly and stay alone because trauma will influence someone’s behaviors.
2.3Betrayal and Abandonment by Mildred
Two researchers Zhang Shanhong and Lu Xiaoli state that“Being frustrated in love is a kind of emotional trauma, which means one experiences the emotional pain because another one ends the rel
ationship.”(2018:241)When Philip is abandoned by Mildred for the first time,he is so painful that “he was pale and weary.”(Maugham,1991:358)From this description,we can see that Philip suffers the emotional pain after this relationship ends.
When Philip meets Mildred again,he takes in her,looks after her and supports her life for she has no money.However, Mildred abandons Philip again.It is described in the novel that“Something seemed to give way in his heart;it really felt to him as though something were breaking,and he felt strangely weak.”(1997:434)We can conclude that Philip has suffered from the emotional trauma due to Mildred several times and he is extremely painful and anguished every time.
3.Influences of Trauma
According to the trauma theory,“traumatic experiences have some negative influences on someone’s development, especially psychological quality,personality and behavioral habit.”(2017:325)This part will focus on the impacts of Philip’s traumatic experiences on his personality and interpersonal relationship.
3.1Repressed Personality—Inferiority and Sensitivity
In the novel,Philip’s inferiority and sensitivity come from
his club-foot.When people look at or speak of his club-foot, he will feel ashamed and try to hide it.There is a depiction that“Philip instinctively tried to withdraw it from sight.He hid it behind the one which was whole.”(Maugham,1991:39) His mother died and no one will careand protect him.Liu Aifang says that“if children grow up without maternal love, they will be more and more repressed with age.”(2004:147)As for his father,he is almost absent in Philip’s growth.Sun Yuansheng points out that“the absence of father means a phenomenon that a child lacks father’s love because of parental separation or divorce and the death of one part.”(2014:4)Chen Xiaoping and Zhang Haizhong analyze the influences of fathers’absence in children’s growth and conclude that“the teenager whose father is absent in his growth will have emotional disorder,with the defects such as anxiety,inferiority complex,sensitivity and low self-control.”(2008:101)So the death of his father is a great loss for Philip in that the paternal love for son represents duty,manliness, and individualism.
The death of his parents leaves Philip some emotional and psychological shadows,makes him feel the hardship of life and deepens his inferiority and sensitivity.
3.2Interpersonal Disorder—Solitude
As it has been described,Philip is often bullied at King’s School.At first Philip struggles against it.But he will be teased and bullied severely.So he has no choice but to be obedient,which is mentioned in the novel:“he could not bear the humiliation apologies,which were wrung from him by pain greater than he could bear.”(Maugham,1991:48) Because of being bullied and the lack of physical strength to fight off anyone who bullies him,Philip has to compromise with them and gradually becomes more and more cowardly and solitary.Du Jie states that“after being humiliated and excluded,children will have emotional disorder,such as depression,solitude and even mental dissociation.”(2017:16)Philip always holds the view that he can be less bullied,so long as he stays away from his classmates.The living environment at school makes Philip stay alone.
3.3Personality Distortion—Loss of Self and Reason The betrayal and abandonment from Mildred makes Philip lose himself and his reason.Once he says to her,“I was so dreadfully in love with you.I did everything I could to make you care for me.”(Maugham,1991:388)Zhang Shanhong and Lu Xiaoli conclude that“emotional trauma will cause psychological problems and influence victims’cognition, emotion,mentality and behaviors.”(2018:241)For instance, after Mildred is abandoned,Philip spends money supporting her life and takes good care of her kid.Normally,it is impossible for a man to endure
such a great humiliation. Therefore,we can see that trauma has influenced Philip’s behaviors and cognition.He thinks Mildred will stay with him if he spends money on her.
4.Recovery from Trauma
“The basic way to recover from trauma is the recovery of the victims’ability and the establishment of the new relationship with others.”(1992:133)For Philip,he tries to establish new relationships with new people to cure his trauma.
4.1Study and Friends-making Abroad
When Philip studies medicine in England,he makes friends with Athelny.Athelny helps Philip a lot even if his family is not rich.The Athelnys treat Philip sincerely as a family member,as it writes in the novel,“Mrs.Athelny treated Philip with motherly kindness now that he was in a different position,and he was touched by her anxiety that he should make a good meal.”(Maugham,1991:604)There is a description of his mental activity when the Athelnys treat him warmly,“He never expected people to be kind to him,and when they were it surprised and moved him.”(Maugham, 1991:588)From this description,we can infer that Philip gets warmth and respect from the Athelnys which can never be got from his classmates and his uncle.Herman has pointed out that“Recovery can only take place within th
e context of
relationships;It cannot occur in isolation.”(1992:134)It means that one must get support and help from others in order to cure his trauma.For Philip,he receives help and support from the Athelnys when he is in trouble,and then,they enjoy a closer relationship.
4.2Attempt to Establish New Relationships with Females 4.2.1Short-term Romance with Norah
Philip gets in with Norah after Mildred abandons him. Norah often expresses her compassion and love to him. Meanwhile,Philip enjoys himself in Norah’s sympathy.As it is mentioned that“it was very pleasant to receive such charming sympathy.”(Maugham,1991:367)It indicates that Norah’s love comforts Philip a lot and alleviates his emotional trauma.During that time,he sometimes compares Mildred with her.And he disgusts Mildred under the influence of Norah’s charming sympathy,concern and love.It is depicted that“he was filled with loathing foe Mildred.”(Maugham, 1991:371)Besides,there is a description that“There was in Norah a maternal instinct which received satisfaction in her love for Philip;she wanted someone to pet,and scold,and make a fuss of.”(Maugham,1991:369)Philip,of course, enjoys being taken care of by Norah.To a certain extent, Norah’s love satisfies Philip’s longing
for motherly love after the death of his mother.
4.2.2Settled Love with Sally
Sally is one of Athelny’s daughters.One evening,Philip has sex with Sally.After a while,Sally tells Philip that maybe she is pregnant when he is planning to travel to Spain.And finally,he decides to give up his travel and to marry Sally, because he realizes that what he really wants is“a wife and a home and love.”(Maugham,1991:711)
From my point of view,Philip decides to marry Sally for three reasons.First of all,Sally treats him so well that he doesn’t have the heart to abandon her.There is a depiction that“She had trusted and been kind to him.He simply could not do a thing which,not with standing all his reason.”(Maugham,1991:707)Secondly,according Herman,after the victim recovers from a trauma,“the survivor’s view of life may be tragic,he or she might have a clear sense of what is important and what is not.”(1992:213)Philip has suffered too much pain caused by Mildred and he wants to have a warm family and a gentle wife.Thirdly,Sally is a girl who has the maternal instinct and she can satisfy Philip’s desire for love from a woman just like his mother.And there are several descriptions of Sally’s maternity,such as“she had the same instinctive desire to mother him as she had with regard to her brothers and sisters.”(Maugham,1991:699)
Of Human Bondage is a novel that readers can analyze from many different perspectives.This paper analyzes the trauma of the protagonist Philip.The author describes the traumatic experiences of Philip,the influences of these experiences and his attempts to recover from the trauma.It is obvious that the trauma has adverse and far-reaching impact on him.And it can be concluded that the new relationships have some effects on recovery.
In the novel,there are three aspects of Philip’s traumatic experiences.The early death of his parents deepens his sensitivity and inferiority.Sure enough,the experience of being bullied at school makes Philip like solitude.In addition, the trauma caused by Mildred has the most negative impact on him.It makes Philip lose reason and treats her without self-esteem.
When it comes to the recovery from trauma,Philip attempts to establish relationships with new friends and girlfriends.Philip’s friendship with Athelny alleviate the trauma of being bullied at school.He becomes more willing to make friends rather than stay alone and he gets respect and care from the Athelnys.The relationships with Norah and Sally comfort Philip’s broken heart.In addition,the loss of maternal love can be made up a little because these two women both have the maternal instinct to loo
k after him. From what has been analyzed above,this thesis is developed from the perspective of trauma.However,because
of the limitation of knowledge and information,the current research is still defective.Trauma theory is a new and popular theory that is increasingly widely used in studying literary works,which is worth studying further.
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