关键词:光伏发电量预测气象因子  BP神经网络模块化
With the development of society, large consumption of traditional energy makes people face the problem of non-renewable energy depletion and serious environmental pollution in industrial development and daily life. As a predominant energy,solar energy has been paid attention to and will be a potential one new energy.With the increase of the capacity of PV system, forecast the generating capacity of PV systems in the next few days accurately has an important meaning to ensure the stable operation of electric grid and large-scale development of PV system. And the roof of city’s construction is unemployed. if the PV system are installed on these idle roof, it will bring much benefits to the city. This paper presents a prediction of the PV system model using the historical meteorological information and historical generation, BP neural network which has the ability of nonlinear mapping is used to establish the model. The original data is provided by photovoltaic micro-grid Laboratory of Hangzhou Dianzi University, which includes the historical meteorological information and the corresponding amount of the photovoltaic power generation. Because the original data is limited, this paper modularize the project .According to the fact of the season ,the first model is divided into four sub-models which are named spring, summer, autumn and winter , and then divided each season into three sub-models named sunny day, cloudy day and the rainy day, these twelve sub models combines the project. Take the point data and meteorological data of October, 2010 as an example, the PV power generations which were measured on the day before the prediction and the temperature and th
e amount of PV power generations which were measured on the predicted day are the input data , the ANN will be trained, and the trained model will be tested and predicted, also the prediction will be
estimated. The results show that the model has a high prediction accuracy, It has a good reference to the calculation of power generation. Finally, according to Hangzhou Dianzi University, find the data of the roof area of Xiasha campus's buildings, extended to the case that all roof of the campus are installed with solar panels, predict total power generation capacity.
Keywords: the forecasting of PV system  meteorological factor  BP neural network
1.绪论 (2)
1.1课题研究背景及意义 (2)
1.2 光伏发电系统发电量预测方法综述 (3)
1.2.1 原理预测法 (3)
1.2.2 统计预测方法 (4)
1.2.3 智能预测方法 (5)
1.2.4 不确定理论预测方法 (7)
1.3 国内外光伏发电量预测的研究动态 (8)
1.4 本文主要内容及章节安排 (10)
2.光伏发电系统概要 (11)
2.1 太阳能电池发电原理 (11)
2.2 光伏发电系统的组成 (12)
2.3太阳能电池随环境变化的输出特性 (13)
3.BP神经网络基本原理 (16)
3.1 BP神经网络的结构 (17)
3.2 BP神经网络的学习算法 (18)
3.3 BP神经网络的设计 (21)
3.4 BP网络的限制与不足 (23)
4.基于BP神经网络的光伏发电量预测模型设计 (25)
4.1影响光伏发电量的环境因素 (25)
4.1.1 辐照强度对光伏系统发电功率的影响 (25)
4.1.2 日气象类型对光伏系统发电功率的影响 (26)
4.1.3 温度对光伏系统发电功率的影响 (28)
4.1.4 季节对光伏阵列发电量的影响 (29)
4.2 预测模型设计 (29)
4.2.1 输入层节点的确定 (30)
4.2.2 隐含层节点的确定 (30)
4.2.3 输出层节点的确定 (31)
4.2.4 预测模型的训练与评估 (32)
4.3 预测结果分析 (34)
4.3.1 晴天模型预测结果分析 (34)
4.3.2 云天模型预测结果分析 (38)
4.3.3 雨天模型预测结果分析 (41)
4.3.4 预测分析总结 (44)
4.4 结合杭州电子科技大学全校实际可利用建筑楼屋顶面积进行
评估 (45)
5.结论 (499)
致谢 (51)
参考文献 (53)
附录 (56)