1. 给出了本文中关于梯形模糊数排序的第一种方法——端点法,该方法是基于文献[40]中关于区间数满意度的方法而提出的。利用此方法进行排序时,我们只需知道三角形或者梯形模糊数的端点(即隶属度为0的点和隶属度为1的点),就可以写出它们相应的隶属函数并进行排序。此方法的优点在于对两个梯形模糊数A和B而言,既可以求出A优于B 的程度,又可以求出B优于A的程度,进而对于多个模糊数之间的排序只需通过两两之间的比较便可实现。
杭州电子科技大学2. 提出了梯形模糊数排序的本文中第二种方法——拟均值和模糊度相结合的方法。在本方法中,首先引入了一个新的排序指标——拟均值,它是在模糊数已有特征——均值的基础上提出的,这使得我们对模糊数的认识更加全面。之后又考虑到模糊度对排序结果的影响,进而综合考虑这两个指标而给出了新的排序方法,文中还给出了许多实例分析并将本文所提出的排序方法同其它一些排序方法进行了比较,从而可以看出新方法的确有一定的优越性。
3. 定义了一种特殊的模糊2cell
4. 文章最后介绍了博弈论中的占优战略和重复剔除的占优战略,并将模糊数的排序理论与此部分知识相结合,给出了模糊数的排序理论在博弈论中的应用。
关键词:模糊数,四棱锥形模糊数,模糊n cell
Since the fuzzy set theory had been proposed as a new subject, it quickly developed into three branches of fuzzy mathematics: fuzzy analytic, fuzzy topology and fuzzy algebra. The fuzzy number theory which is one of the most basic and most important part of the fuzzy analytic become a hot research topic, in particular the problem of ranking fuzzy numbers catch widespread attention by scholars. From the definition and properties of fuzzy set, we know that the order for fuzzy numbers is not the total order but the partial order under the lattice structure, so ranking fuzzy numbers becomes one of both important and difficult tasks in fuzzy decision-making. In recent years, many scholars have focused on research in this area and achieved encouraging results. In this dissertation, we propose two new methods for ranking fuzzy numbers based on the results of the predecessors: endpoint method and the mean by quasi-mean and fuzzy degree; then define a new fuzzy 2-cell number—pyramid fuzzy number, discuss its features and give the ranking method about it; finally we apply fuzzy numbers to game theory. The main works of this paper are as follows:
(1) The first method in this paper for ranking trapezoidal fuzzy numbers is introduced —Endpoint method, this method is based on the satisfaction degree about interval number by paper [40]. When using this method, the only condition need to know is the special points (the points which membership
degrees are 0 or 1) about triangular fuzzy numbers or trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, then we can easily get their membership function and ranking them. The advantage of this method is that for two fuzzy numbers, we can get in which degree A is prior to B and B is prior to A at the same time, then the order for multiple fuzzy numbers can be obtained between pair wise comparison.
(2) Propose the second method in this paper for ranking fuzzy numbers which using both quasi-mean and fuzzy degree. In this method, firstly we introduce a new index—quasi-mean, it is proposed by the mean of fuzzy number, and this make us have a more comprehensive understanding about fuzzy number. Then we take into account the influence of fuzzy degree, and give the new method by comprehensive considering these two indexes. Finally many examples
are given and compared with other existing methods, and from the results we can see the new method is indeed preferable.
(3) We define a special fuzzy 2-cell number—four-pyramid fuzzy number, then analyze the relationship between it and a 2-dimensional fuzzy vector whose components are both triangular fuzzy numbers, and prove that they can represent each other uniquely. After that we give the ranking algorithm about it, this provides a convenient for the use of fuzzy 2-cell numbers in the engineering field.
(4) Finally we introduce the dominant strategy and dominant-strategy equilibrium in the game theory, combine them with fuzzy number theories and give the application of raking fuzzy numbers in this field.
Keywords: Fuzzy numbers, Four-pyramid fuzzy number, Fuzzy n-cell number, Ranking, the Game Theory
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1.1 模糊数学概述
1965年美国加利福尼亚大学著名的控制论专家扎德(Zadeh)教授在杂志《Information and Control》上发表了一篇开创性论文“Fuzzy Sets”[2],引入了隶属函数的概念,并成功地运用数学方法描述了模糊现象,这标志着模糊数学的诞生。
由于模糊数学具有经典数学无法替代的优点,因此一经产生便显示出了强大的生命力。1974年,英国学者E.H.Mamdani 首次利用模糊语言进行对系统的描述,实现了蒸气发动机的模糊控制;1980年,位于丹麦哥本哈根的史密斯水泥公司首次利用模糊系统实现了对水泥窑炉的控制。1983年,日本第一套模糊控制药剂投放装置在秋田市净化水厂投入运行。1988年日立公司使日本仙台市的地铁实现了模糊控制。随后,日本人用模糊技术生产了几百种“智能”产品。产品领域从摄像机、洗衣机、微波炉和电视机到汽车变速器、计算机磁盘驱动器和机械手。
1.2 模糊数的产生与现状回顾
模糊数是定义在n维欧氏空间n R上的一种特殊的模糊集合,在现实生活中有着广泛的用途和深刻的背景,同时也是实数和区间数概念的推广。前面曾提到模糊数学是由三大分支构成的,模糊数便属于模糊分析学研究的一个重要领域,并受到了国内外学者的普遍关