专业:电子科学与技术    学生姓名:吴坚    指导教师:马骏
本系统考虑到电子密码锁成本及体积因素,在设计电子密码锁部分时,以PIC12C509A单片机为核心,AT24C02 Flash RAM, HT7027电压检测芯片及专用驱动芯片等构成外围电路;电子钥匙只有一片AT24C02和一片3.3V钮扣电池,用户卡里只有一片AT24C02。用户卡生成器数量不多,而且不是面向用户,所以设计时使用AT89C52单片机为核心,由多个数码管,按
硬件电路制作使用Protel DXP设计制做PCB板。然后分别将电子锁和用户卡生成器焊接调试,进行性能和功能测试。
【关键词】 电子密码锁  PIC12C509A  AT89C52  AT24C02  Protel DXP
Inspirations of Jack Kerouac
专业:英语    学生姓名:陈鹤    指导教师:徐红
【Abstract】 Many things have been said and written about the American writer Jack Kerouac. He had been regarded as the inventor of avant-garde American writing, a religious zealot, a corrupter of American values, this century’s Shakespeare, and a drunken ra mbler. In many ways he is all these things and not any of them, what we do know is that no other writer in the mid nineteenth century had more influence over the shaping of popular American culture. This is not what Kerouac set out to accomplish, but what eventually was the outcome of his writings. Despite his deep protest against the movement
s in culture that his writing started, he will forever be remembered as the father to this new era of American literature.
Jack Kerouac led a life of impulsiveness that was illustrated in the spontaneous language of his literary works and emulated by the Beat Generation, a generation of counter-culture youth that sought to challenge the standards of society and effectively left an example for future activist movements in America.
Throughout his short but brilliant life, there are some very important factors that not only shaped Kerouac’s works and writing style, but also largely influenced his character and life. Those factors include the friendship with his peer writers, Neal Cassady, Allen Ginsburg, William Burroughs, and Gary Snyder, to name just a few, each of whom either inspired or encouraged him in the creating of his works and the forming of his writing style. Among them, the single biggest influence was Neal Cassady. Neal’s life and persona have a direct influence on Kerouac’s writing by giving up more traditional writing styles for a free flowing spontaneous style that made him famous.  Kerouac’s first and also the most famous novel
On the Road which inaugurated his career as the spokesman for the Beat Generation is essentially an autobiographical account of Kerouac’s reckless wandering journeys across America with Neal.Cassady in the late 1940s.     
Jack Kerouac was also a writer with spiritual preoccupations. He allowed religion to be what it is, an integral part of everything he did, including writing.  Buddhism, the Asian religion Kerouac has believed, is another factor largely influenced his life. As a Buddhist, Jack saw life as a miracle that could be understood. Kerouac’s prose proves itself to be a very good example of his writings as spiritual commentary. Kerouac, while wandering the country in freight cars and the backs of pick-up trucks, saw himself as a modern day sage or bodhisatva, discovering the essence of "the void" and using his literature as a record of these discoveries. His works are a wonderful example of integrating Buddhism into the daily life and thought of a man living in a western culture. it is especially shown in two of his poems: “Desolation Blues” and “The Mexico City Blues”.