  The Importance of Obtaining a Degree for Your Life
  As we all know that the competition in the employment market is becoming more and more in-tense. Therefore, to some extent, a college degree may be a passport to a prosperous future. If one wants to find a decent job in the future, to obtain a degree must be his or her first choice.
  As for me, to get a degree is not an easy thing. But I believe that once I make up my mind to do it , nothing is impossible, On one hand, I should overcome the difficulties that I may come across when I am learning something new within my course. I will try my best to get rid
of my bad study habits. On the other hand, when I come across hardships, I should be more confident in my-self. And what's more, I should avoid wasting time doing the meaningless things, such as playing computer, going shopping, etc.
  As the saying goes, "Where there is a will , there is a way." I am sure I can get a degree. Successfully through my diligence and intelligence when I finish my course in the near future.
  I Like Sports Stars Better
2021成人考试分数查询  When it comes to the famous stars, people have their personal preferences for them. Some people like movie stars, who have fantastic acting skills, while others love sports stars, who possess outstanding athletic skills.
  I admire those sports stars not only for their excellent skills but also for their spirits. In fields, they struggle to show their best performance. In daily life, they spare no effort to help people in need. They display the values-like honesty, kindness and strong will in both fields and daily life.
  Sports stars are my role models. When I meet difficulty in my study, their images will pop up in my mind. Their spirits encourage me to work hard to achieve my goal.
  Olympic Torch Bearer
  Olympic torch relay can represents the Olympic Spirit of participation, persistence and courage. It is a very important part in the course of the Olympic Games. To me, Olympic torch bearers should have such qualifications: Firstly, they are craze about the sports because only those who cherish great enthusiasm about sports can be devoted to the task of Olympic torch relay. Secondly, they should be persistent in coping with any difficulties no matter how hard or no matter that kind. Thirdly, they should have a strong sense of responsibility.
  As far as I am concerned, to be an Olympic torch bearer has been my long dream. On one hand, I am a person of optimistic, aspiring and confident; on the other hand, I have a strong sense of love, responsibility, and courage. Furthermore, I love sports. So I believe that through such an opportunity of being an Olympic torch bearer in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the special experience of participation would furnish me with the Olympic spirit of n
ever-giving up to get over all obstacles in my life.
  Choosing Careers
  Talking of choosing careers for children, there are two different opinions. Some people believe parents should arrange future career for their children, because children may be too young to take a sensible decision on their own. Moreover, children need help or guide from adults.